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Old August 20th, 2010, 16:09   #1
MrMoo's Avatar
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Location: Trenton, ON
Getting Started

Hello all,

I'm pretty much new to this forum, and pretty much new to Airsoft in general. I've been interested in it for ages, but, lived in the middle of nowhere, so, didn't have any opportunity to play. Now that I'm up in the Ottawa area, there seems to be some stuff going on, so, I figure I might try and get involved. I've been reading some of the FAQs and posts here (All very helpful) to get a better idea of what I'm getting in to, but, I still had some questions, and things I could use some assistance with.

First of all, being in Ontario, and around Ottawa, what would be a good place to pick up a gun? I've looked at a few different sites to order from, but I'm somewhat confused on what is/isn't allowed to be imported. I've read a lot of articles and posts about airsoft guns being sent back, seized by customs, etc, so I'm somewhat concerned. What are some safe places to order from?

Second of all, and I see a lot of these, is what to get. I saw on a KWA M4 S-System that looked pretty awesome, but the site didn't have a ton of selection. Red Wolf Airsoft seems to have a lot more, but, I'm unsure of whether than can ship things safely to Canada.

I'd be interested in finding an HK G3 (A3 or A4), or possibly an FN FAL. They're a little less common, and I like the look of them, but I haven't seen airsoft variants of them anywhere. Any suggestions?

Thanks for any help you might have.

Also, Metal Slug is awesome, so, I'll put this here. :infantry:
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Old August 20th, 2010, 16:15   #2
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First and one is allowed to advise on where to get stuff...aside from pointing you to the Age Verification system. Contact a rep, get verified, then go to classifieds/retailers. Aside from that, guys will get infractions.

Research more on buyairsoft. Personally wouldn't touch them with a 100' pole.

Word to the wise, after you get AV'd........BUY LOCALLY. See, feel, test what you buy first.

In regards to what types...The Classic Army G3's are good. The King Arm FAL's are awesome. Double check that you can actually get mid/low cap mags for them...some models of some things you can't...i.e. Classic Army FAL.
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Old August 20th, 2010, 16:16   #3
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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First off, how old are you?
It's not a derogatory question, but knowing your age will REALLY help us answer your questions!
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Old August 20th, 2010, 16:20   #4
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Right, sorry. I'm 22, and I got in touch with an Age Verifier. I was informed that the easiest way to get in touch with him was to meet him at an upcoming event. I just haven't had time (new job and all), so, I'm not verified yet.

If you can't recommend a place, that's fine. Is there a list of places I could buy locally around Ottawa?
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Old August 20th, 2010, 16:31   #5
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Originally Posted by MrMoo View Post
If you can't recommend a place, that's fine. Is there a list of places I could buy locally around Ottawa?
That's kind of the point, no info what so ever will be provided.

The best advice someone gave me way back when was to attend a game to meet the players in your locale, oogle at the guns (if you ask politely most will let you hold them and fire a few shots), get age verified and generally get more answers in 5 minutes than days of reading here.

Head over to the games sub-forum, PM the organisers of the games near you and ask if you can visit.
Annoyingly good with numbers

Stop American Censorship
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Old August 20th, 2010, 16:51   #6
Capt. T/O
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Another important point... personal importation of airsoft guns (such as from the US, HK, Japan, China, etc) will likely result in the said item being seized by Customs.
Most airsoft guns are, for the purposes of the importation, defined as a replica firearm, and cannot be imported by the lay person.
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Old August 20th, 2010, 17:57   #7
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Thank you for the information. I'll try to arrange a time to attend an event.
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Old August 20th, 2010, 18:39   #8
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Once you get verified, you'll have access to the buy/sell here, you can get some pretty good starter packages for the price of a new gun!
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