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Upgrade or get another?


Newbie Tank

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Old April 6th, 2010, 15:09   #1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Shawinigan, QC
Upgrade or get another?

Hey guys.

So, last year I got myself a G&G Mp5 to try the sport a little. Backyard shooting and having fun with friends, mostly. It was a lot of fun so this year I decided that it would be nice to try "real" games.

Before I go to a real game I'd like to have a decent gun, however. I did some reading about upgrades and stuff, I also made a list of parts that would fit in my budget. Basically I'm looking at changing the spring, get a new piston/cylinder/head/etc (all compression I guess) and also a tightbore barrel.

Then I realized that changing maybe 200$ worth of parts on a 300$ gun didn't make much sense So I have been wondering about buying another gun, completely. The L85 A2 from mach1 airsoft sounds really cool. Also I'll get AVed eventually (the AV guy in my region won't be available for 2 weeks, ugh. Yes, I'm not patient and I hate waiting...haha), but I have NO idea of what I could get once I get AVed so I'm pretty much clueless.

I'm still pretty much a noob about all this stuff, so I wanted to get some opinions first. Worth it, not worth it? I do have some money but if you guys tell me that my gun would be fine then I would obviously keep it. I just want to have something decent for when I decide to go to a "real" game.

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Old April 6th, 2010, 15:10   #2
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Location: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Many many threads already on here regarding this topic, please do some reasearch as you will find the answer your searching for.

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