well i'm new to the sport( introduced by my friend), now essentially I started looking for information on the sport and Google brought me to here

. so I started reading up on the laws and what not, and even though I know you don't condone people owning aisoft guns under 18 ,I wanted to own one to learn a bit so by the time I was 18 i'd know at least a little, so I went out and looked a bit on different sites and finally decided on a G&G AK. Now when I bought it i knew I was just going to upgrade it over time, so the first thing I thought i'd do was change out the imitation wood, so I went on YouTube and found an instructional video on how to do( I haven't actually bought the wood kit yet, it was more just to figure out how to do when the time came), so about one minute or so in, the the guy said to remove the "cleaning rod" and there'd be a screw under it, well I removed the "cleaning rod" and there was no screw, so after some more searching I found that the tab beside the sights could be twisted to remove the grip so I tried this, it loosened the top grip but it still wouldn't come out so essentially i'm asking, How do you remove G&G AK fore grips.
Thanks for your time