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Old June 5th, 2009, 16:26   #1
Join Date: May 2009
Realistic guns

I would like to ask for advice whitch firms makes most realistic looking guns /with good potential to upgrade - i want about 450 fps/ - but i dont like systema .
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Old June 5th, 2009, 16:35   #2
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I'm no gun enthusiast but from what I've seen, just about all manufacturers produce realistic looking guns with the only difference are the presence of trademarks.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
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Old June 5th, 2009, 16:42   #3
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You'd better narrow it down a bit... least to a model type (i.e. L96, M24, M4/M16, AK, MP5, G36, UMP, G3, SIG55x, 2011, 1911, 226/22x, M9, USP, L85, M249, etc...)

...then there's shotguns, grenade launchers, revolvers, etc...

....and the most realistic M4 is a WE/Inokatsu/etc.. Gas Blow Back.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 16:59   #4
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You can get any gun to any FPS you want with a simple spring change. The question is whether it's going to break at that speed.

You'd probably want to get a reinforced gearbox and such.

At 450 FPS you're not going to be able to game an automatic gun. You'd wither need a BA (Bolt Action) or AEG pinned to single shot only (MOSFET is an option).

All of the guns are realistic, if you mean external materials then TM makes plastic bodied guns but they're "the best around", other than that there are a slew of companies that make metal bodied guns but you need to be AV'ed in order to get metal bodies, the best you can do with no AV status is 99% metal guns except for the receiver.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 17:37   #5
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1, gun should be metal no FULL PLASTIC
2, i was thinking about VFC, G&P, G&G, CA or TopTech assault rifle
3, about gun type - im still not sure i love M4/M16, G36, SIG, SCAR, HK416, HK33 G41 or modifications of these guns really, dont like AK - i play like part of army/ mercenary not insurgents
4, most of these guns have mechabox II - i was on some forums and there are many people who really hate it - where is truth?
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Old June 5th, 2009, 17:49   #6
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450 will be too hot to play on most fields.

A V2 will struggle to keep up, you'll basically need a CNCed box, 250$ish in Canada.

As for most realistic... it really depends. Classic guns with an external air rig would probably be the most realistic, but so far I've had great success with CA and G&P.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 17:50   #7
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Originally Posted by paragan View Post
1, gun should be metal no FULL PLASTIC
2, i was thinking about VFC, G&P, G&G, CA or TopTech assault rifle
3, about gun type - im still not sure i love M4/M16, G36, SIG, SCAR, HK416, HK33 G41 or modifications of these guns really, dont like AK - i play like part of army/ mercenary not insurgents
4, most of these guns have mechabox II - i was on some forums and there are many people who really hate it - where is truth?
Lol an AK can be a mercenary set up and they are also used by multiple armies. :P
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Old June 5th, 2009, 17:53   #8
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Originally Posted by paragan View Post
3, about gun type - im still not sure i love M4/M16, G36, SIG, SCAR, HK416, HK33 G41 or modifications of these guns really, dont like AK - i play like part of army/ mercenary not insurgents
You know, more armies in the world use the AK and varients than M16s right?

Anyways, for a full metal CA gun, you're looking around $650 brand new. And you'll only find them in the classifieds. G&P and VFC guns are likewise, but more expensive.

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Old June 5th, 2009, 18:08   #9
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1,about armies - i mean west like - i know russia, middle east, india special forces .........
2, about fps depends on playground - limits 350fps building 450 fps forest for normal rifles /not snipers/ thats it where i play
3, about guns - most of airsoft guns have 3-5 years old design no? - how you know whitch one to choose?
4, CNCed box- but where to obtain it - example?
5, im searching for something accurate

PS: Thx god for newbie talk - on most forums newbies get advice to READ WHOLE FORUM

Last edited by paragan; June 5th, 2009 at 18:25.. Reason: mor q
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Old June 5th, 2009, 22:07   #10
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Accuracy is determined primarily by the bore and length of the barrel, and the quality of the hop-up unit. Guns with longer barrels, such as an M16, M14, and G36, are *generally* more accurate than guns with shorter barrels like MP5's.

However, a tightbore will go a long way to fix that.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old June 5th, 2009, 23:17   #11
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... You know filling in your location might help a lot.

Most of the gun designs are from pre 2000 so actually more than "3-5 years old".

You'll want a reinforced box just because CNC'ed boxes will probably be hard to find/expensive. Although I believe AirsoftParts has a CNC'ed box in stock for ~$200.

Mechbox versions are really just the shape of the mechbox. eg. M16 and M16 variants mechbox will always be V2, likewise a V3 will always be for AK and AK variants. There are improvements over each version. Such as the V6 being reported to rarely fail/break. Choosing one really only involves picking a gun you like (M16, MP5, AK). Then read the reviews about them. "Arnies Airsoft" is a good place to get reviews.

If you want a gun to play outdoors and indoors a PTW might be the one for you just because of the quickness of doing a cylinder change to switch up the speed, you'll be able to go from 500 FPS to 290 FPS in a snap (with the correct coloured cylinders).

Otherwise I believe ARES/STAR, and ICS make guns that have easy takedown to do spring swaps.

Also don't forget about Chinas Type 56.

As for accuracy, don't worry about that since all you need to do is put some aftermarket parts (tightbore (6.03), hopup rubber+unit, etc.) into it to make it as accurate as you want. But keep in mind that the dynamics are still akin to a musket or shotgun rather than a rifle. If you're using this to shoot pop cans then might as well get a pellet gun.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 23:27   #12
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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You won't need a Aluminium mechbox shell, but you will need a reinforced one probably with a sorbo. As far as I know, you could be in any english speaking country. So the FPS thing is completely irrelevant. Go with CA, G&P, KA, new versions of the JG guns (namely the new 416)
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old June 5th, 2009, 23:31   #13
deep in the bush
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Most realistic I ever saw

A real FN converted to AS use. It was heavy and beautiful.
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AV for Barrie, Orillia, Innisfil, Bradford Region - pm me if you need AV'd

I'm the Barrie Bastard.

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Old June 5th, 2009, 23:33   #14
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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what about a genuine mahogany wood M14? =D
They don't exist, but would look awefully sexy... Well, that+ a fluted barrel and silver furniture.
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old June 6th, 2009, 00:53   #15
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Accuracy is determined primarily by the bore and length of the barrel...
That's debatable.

I'd say what affects accuracy most would be first the quality of your barrel and ammunition, then the stability of your hop up, and then the consistency of your muzzle velocity.
Google "is a longer barrel more accurate?" and you'll come up with a good number of results, most of which would indicate no.

As for realistic guns, I know you said no AKs, but doesn't Real Sword make their AEGs from de-milled Norinco recievers? Can't get more real than that.
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