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400fps (w/0.20g) sniper rifle shooting 0.36g Bastards? Hell ya!!!!


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Old April 15th, 2009, 08:49   #1
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400fps (w/0.20g) sniper rifle shooting 0.36g Bastards? Hell ya!!!!

Just posting this up because I've found a sweet spot with my CA M24 after I downgraded it and swapped out some parts. This is a repeat of my last post on this review thread:

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Well, guess what? I washed my 0.30g and my 0.36g BBs (warm water, dishsoap, rinsed and left to dry), installed a Guarder Clear rubber in my M24, found my fps to sit right around 400fps (which was perfect due to a game I had on Saturday, largely close quarters stuff, sniper rifle limit was 400fps w/0.20g), and found with full hop up prior to game, I could easily get my 0.36g out to 200ft and even able to plop many of them into a ~18" hole into the big white barrel things I was shooting at. So nutshell, we're talking a 0.36g BB travelling around 300fps and giving me really good range and consistancy, even in mild gusting winds.

I'lll have to post this up in a separate thread just to bring it to other's attention, high fps doesn't necessarily mean extra range. Am going to likely keep my M24 set up this way because I loved the way it shoot last game (was a tack driver!) Best part about having it set to 400fps is I can shoot guys at closer ranges, like 60ft, as long as I can plant the round on webbing or a pouch, which is easy. Oh ya, I have my scope set high, so point of impact is around 120-130ft, but inside of that the rounds hit high. Remember shooting a guy the other night about 100ft away, I aimed for his vest around the left nipple (he was partially facing away) and my BB hit him in the upper arm/shoulder, I saw his fleece get tugged up there.

So overall before and during this game, I must have shot an easy 150 rounds (am sure quite a few guys didn't call the hit, no way I was missing at 100-140ft), and even with a dirty tightbore, I was still able to clear my last shot in the staging area on the range, 2ft x 2ft steel plate about 180ft away (in the dark with a non-illuminated scope) same as I had done pre-game.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; April 15th, 2009 at 08:56..
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Old April 15th, 2009, 10:42   #2
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Very interesting , good findings.

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Old April 15th, 2009, 21:35   #3
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Hmm, I'm still in the various fps vs bb weight searching and testing. I found that some Tsd 0.28 at 420fps(0.20) is a really good setting. I still have to figure a way to mod my Aps2 EX hopup unit (PDI areo chamber) so the dual ajusting screw are easyer to ajust.

I totaly forgot to go see you after game for some 0.36 bb bastards. I'll order some later along with some 0.30. The Madbull 0.40 are so erratic. I don't know what is going on. almost no hopup effect at 500 fps+ with full hopup. BB going down, left and right...
I'll be back!

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Old April 15th, 2009, 22:11   #4
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I have both screws removed from my Aero Chamber, Guarder rubber as I said. Here's a question: Have you washed the oil off the BBs yet? I've seen huge differences in performance/hop up adjustment every time I've washed the ammo I was using.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 04:13   #5
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I've been shooting 380 with my VSR for a few months with the exact same results. Isn't it frustrating how chinese manufacturers are making new guys think FPS means range?
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Old April 16th, 2009, 08:28   #6
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I've been shooting 380 with my VSR for a few months with the exact same results. Isn't it frustrating how chinese manufacturers are making new guys think FPS means range?
High fps does not always mean more range, but with the right combinaison, it does.

But like stalker said, with proper tuning, high fps is not necessary.

It's only a bonus when engaging moving target at a distance, where the BB time of flight being short help acuracy.

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Old April 16th, 2009, 08:48   #7
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I woud like to know if you actually washing your ammo when you are using your mp5 ?

I think that it make sense to wash the ammo, shure it clear the oil and dirt of it but as i understand it, that makes the hopup work more efficiency on the Bb's.

I'm planning to test it with my AEG (350 fps w .20) soon i alerady washed half a bag of BB
(.23 madbull ) I will test it first with «dirty» BB's and with some clean BB's.

I'll post my resluts soon.
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Old April 16th, 2009, 09:56   #8
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Actually an AEG needs slightly lubed BBs due to the nature of it, they won't feed after a while. Try it out through (not recommended at a game) and let us know. But you'll only see any improvement when you go to heavier BBs, 0.25g is too light, so 0.23g I wouldn't even consider using outside. Use at least 0.28g BBs, or if a dedicated AEG counter sniper rifle, 0.30g.

I only ever wash my "Match Grade" ammo for use in my rifles, I never wash them for my GBBs or AEGs.
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Old April 17th, 2009, 14:46   #9
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Something about FPS; range depends more on the barrel and hop-up than the fps. One of my friends with a stock CA M4CQB-R (about 280-290 fps) with a good barrel and hop-up shoots for about 50 meters (plus he realize hits )
Many time I see people with "chinese wonders", upgraded to 450-460 fps - and accurate for only 20-25 meters...

For the BB; the heavier bb is more good for the stability outdoors; for sniper jobs, I use a CA M24, usually with Maruzen APS Super Grand Master 0.29g BB, and I'm very satisfied with it, Madbull 0.40 BB (green color) is also very good (but a bit heavy )

I highly recommend H-Hop Up Spacer too.

Best regards;

Viper AS Team; Hungary
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Old April 18th, 2009, 21:03   #10
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Thanks for your input, from another country! Hehe, yes, heavier BBs to a point always means better accuracy at long ranges, and my point, as part of my ballistics testing this year, has been seeing what various velocities do with different weights of ammo. Funny that a rubber change and washing gives me a huge performance increase at 30fps lower, and even haven't had this kind of performance when my rifle was shooting 0.30g BBs when set up at 490fps using 0.20g BBs.

Higher fps only deals with getting the round on target faster,. and improved wind resistance, after that I've seen little benefit in high velocity.
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Old April 19th, 2009, 16:36   #11
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reading this thread made me wonder,

I recently started using .23 with my AEG's, so did my friends and we are getting pretty good results using GUARDER Black with H-hop. running around 395-405fps.

The guns are M4 series

Do ppl find it better to use .25 and .28 with aegs?

input appreciated
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Old April 19th, 2009, 16:47   #12
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Originally Posted by BORDENSNIPER View Post
reading this thread made me wonder,

I recently started using .23 with my AEG's, so did my friends and we are getting pretty good results using GUARDER Black with H-hop. running around 395-405fps.

The guns are M4 series

Do ppl find it better to use .25 and .28 with aegs?

input appreciated
.28s for outdoor if the gun is 350-400fps
.25s for everything else (outdoor if the gun is 350 or less)

that is what i follow and i got great groupings and accuracy. goo bush penetration as well. honestly, i dont have a .20g BB to my name. the lowest weight i have is .25, and that is just for my MP5 indoor. even for outdoor, ill be using .28s in that. my M14 will be exclusively .28s. my Kar98k is .3 minimum. perhaps .36s as it shoots over 450fps (im told) on a hot day.
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Old April 20th, 2009, 01:07   #13
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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You guys are right on the money, range is all about the quality of your parts, not the strength of the spring
Although I agree higher fps really helps sometimes, luckily my targets are usually moving towards me or standing still when I shoot...
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