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Sniper / designated marksmen sidearm



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Old April 23rd, 2012, 21:00   #1
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Sniper / designated marksmen sidearm

I'm new here and I live in the states. Yes I know this is airsoft Canada but you guys seemed a little more knowledgable and mature. I am currently using an a and k svd dragunov rifle with upgraded barrel spring hop piston ect. And since I normally skirmish over at my friends property (half field, half wooded). I act as a designated marksmen for my team so I am in the woods a lot and I take the longer shots. However since the slow fire rate of the svd (spring) and the long barrel its hard to maneuver in tight situations so I am looking for a small "holsterable" aeg to use in close quarters something along the lines of mp5k or anything you might think of. My budget is about $150 and I would like full metal.

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Old April 23rd, 2012, 21:11   #2
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Prices up here are almost 2-3x more expensive than you down south so giving you advice on that will be.. less accurate.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 21:20   #3
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Originally Posted by Tom10897 View Post
I'm new here and I live in the states. Yes I know this is airsoft Canada but you guys seemed a little more knowledgable and mature. I am currently using an a and k svd dragunov rifle with upgraded barrel spring hop piston ect. And since I normally skirmish over at my friends property (half field, half wooded). I act as a designated marksmen for my team so I am in the woods a lot and I take the longer shots. However since the slow fire rate of the svd (spring) and the long barrel its hard to maneuver in tight situations so I am looking for a small "holsterable" aeg to use in close quarters something along the lines of mp5k or anything you might think of. My budget is about $150 and I would like full metal.

It's all about the weight.

Your SVD is a fairly heavy and bulky/long weapon to begin with - even though the Mp5K is a relatively lightweight and compact machine pistol design, it's still more weight and bulk to deal with.

Can you get GBB pistols in the US? I'd advise running a GBB M9 (or whatever your flavor of pistol sidearm may be) with 2-3 mags, and become proficient at mag reloads.

I'm going to be running an M14 DMR this season, when i'm not running my M4. Initially, i had the same sort of thought process as you, as far as a secondary backup weapon goes - go big, or go home. I'd even rigged up a custom hard-shell holster for my MP5A5, until i realized that no matter how much firepower i had on the field, if i can't move fast or efficiently enough with the additional weight, i'm 'dead' anyway. My M9 sidearm will suffice as my secondary.

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Old April 23rd, 2012, 21:25   #4
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Originally Posted by HackD View Post

Your SVD is a fairly heavy and bulky/long weapon to begin with - even though the Mp5K is a relatively lightweight and compact machine pistol design, it's still more weight and bulk to deal with.
I have an A&K SVD and I used to have a TM Mp5k, and I'll bet you the Mp5k is heavier (not sure of other brands of Mp5k, though).

A nice Cyma AKS-74u would be style appropriate for the SVD, however, I'm not sure how much they are in the States.

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Old April 23rd, 2012, 21:25   #5
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I saw a guy this week with an electric g18 with full auto. Seems a pretty good compromise to me.
That, and it looks super fucking badassed.
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 21:41   #6
Rusty Lugnuts
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First I have never played as a sniper, so I could be way off base here. I would think you need the sidearm when your being over run at a range too close for your rifle. In that scenario I would want full auto and a large mag capacity. It's not an AEG but otherwise a Mac 11 fits the bill. 48 round mag and likely in your price range
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 22:04   #7
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I have the M11A1 (NS2) and the M93R. The M-11 has a lot of polymer but is fairly sturdy. I dunno if I would run it without a sling or some kind of holster.

The M93R fits in my full size auto holster I use for my P226, P229 and M9 by the way, with 24, 32 and 48 round mags available. It also has semi, 3 round burst and full auto. A bit off your price range and a gas gun, but I think that's what would work for you.
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Last edited by obsolete; April 23rd, 2012 at 22:06..
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 22:20   #8
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I was in evike a few days ago and their full metal cyma mp5k was on for 150$ and right now and with their coupon codes everything is 18% off and they ship for free
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 22:30   #9
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I use a TM MK23 as a sidearm when I snipe. I very rarely use it. When I do, I did something wrong and I'm in trouble.

That being said, if you can't rely on your teamate for close protection, then you need to manuver to get your rifle to work on the ennemy.

I run a CA M24 and I can manage most engagements without the need of a pistol. I prefer to move and survive, than to resort to a pistol faced to automatic fire.

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Old April 23rd, 2012, 22:46   #10
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MP5A5 is a compact full feature AEG that goes well with a rifle, easiest to use with a shorty mag for compactness, and a few full mags hidden away. G19 and Mk23 are my favourite more compact arms, and have gotten me out of some pretty thick situations, especially when loaded with 0.30g or 0.36g rounds, punch through brush easy and long range (100ft+).
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Old April 24th, 2012, 01:37   #11
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If you're looking for a backup weapon in compact form then machine pistols are the answer. The G18 and M93R both come to mind, as they are pistol-sized weapons with the capabilities of an SMG. Realistically you're only going to be using it close in anyways, so who cares if you can't get 50m headshots with it. Both guns have normal and extended mags, giving you the option of a smaller weapon or more firepower. The MP5K is also worth looking at, but is much bigger than either the G18 or M93R.
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Old April 24th, 2012, 01:57   #12
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PDW Short barrel? MP7? I've seen a drop leg for an MP7 before. A nicely tuned 4.3 hicappa can reach out an touch someone really well.
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Old April 24th, 2012, 10:40   #13
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Originally Posted by j_march View Post
I was in evike a few days ago and their full metal cyma mp5k was on for 150$ and right now and with their coupon codes everything is 18% off and they ship for free
20% off with coupon code evikenation, just ordered a complete WE hicapa upper and an extended inner barrel and suppressor combo from them
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Old April 24th, 2012, 10:51   #14
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kwa mp7 or mp9 wouldn't be a bad choice if you need a full auto backup. The weight probably wouldn't be much more than any other gas pistol, plus maybe 2 extra mags would give you quite a bit of close in firepower.

If you've got a partner to cover you, let him carry the aeg to protect you with full auto, and you just carry a pistol.
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Old April 24th, 2012, 11:06   #15
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All you need is a nicely tuned pistol for a sniper / DM sidearm. While I wouldn't necessarily go into a game with a pistol against AEGs, whenever I've ever had to draw my pistol in any game, it's always been used with excellent results. You just need a reliable, accurate pistol.

If you want a little more "oomph", then a machine pistol of some kind would work. There are some good recommendations above, but from my perspective, I would recommend the M11 over all others due to its small size and low weight.

The MP5 Stalker recommended works well. He's used it effectively for years and it's a fiable choice. The KSC / KWA / Umarex MP7 and MP9 are nice too and really fun gas guns to shoot, but they're actually quite heavy despite being mostly plastic. There is a drop leg holster available for the MP7 (not sure about MP9), but I think in a sniper role where you crawl and sneak around, this bulky, heavy thing on your thigh would be detrimental to your movement.

The reason I would choose the KWA M11A1 is its compact and lightweight frame. It can fit into most generic large-frame pistol holsters, has short mags available (long mag + holster = pain in the ass), and will provide a lot of firepower if required. I have a TF11 (low quality, but effective) and I've used it as a sidearm very effectively, although in my situation it was CQB, the only thing the fixed hopup TF11 is good for.
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