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Mk43...A&K vs. Ares vs. Others


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Old February 14th, 2011, 12:40   #1
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Mk43...A&K vs. Ares vs. Others

I've been out of the loop for a while...and like a bit of practical feedback on the Mk43's out there.

Don't think I'll drop on an more looking at the others out there. A&K, Ares, dunno who else makes one.

I've seen/read the "sales/features" reviews out there....looking for more detail.

1. Pro/con field experience
2. Love/hate features
3. Would you choose one make over another? Why?

Touching up wiring and internals aren't an issue...finding some odd-ball part for replacement is.

Thanks guys,

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Old February 14th, 2011, 12:48   #2
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Ares = Star

Star LMG = Good for the wall.
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Old February 14th, 2011, 12:51   #3
Suburban Gun Runner
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Amos will disagree with me but I love my A&K LMG. The build quality is pretty good, the only issue I have is the hop up on mine. A&K and Echo1 are the same but the Echo1 has more QC to it. I think Silverthorne has one as well, he might venture an opinion on it as well.
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Old February 14th, 2011, 23:22   #4
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A&K all the way. the only thing that sometime ain't that good is the hop up block but it seem to get more rare with time.
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Old February 15th, 2011, 00:13   #5
formerly steyr
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My comments on ARES M60E4:
Lots of plastic externals, and the hopup unit is absolutely retarded. Be very mindful of how the bucking comes out, because I still have no idea how it goes back in. I just stood it on its end and it worked alright.
Motor comes wired in to the mechbox, kind of annoying.
Stock cylinder head is shit, and is proprietary. If you can find one, ARES makes an aluminum one with double o-rings.
Recommend doing general gearbox maintenance before using, shimming and lubing, and fixing compression.
If you can get it apart, definitely rewire the box mag.
After all that, I started to like the gun, but then I sold it to a team mate who would use it more than me. Good quick motor, was shooting just under 20rps @ 410fps on a 9.6V 2000mah Firefox, after it was shimmed, lubed and rewired.
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Old February 15th, 2011, 20:50   #6
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I've had my Ares M60E4 for about 2 years now.
mine was pretty crappy in its stock form, it keep shredding pistons every 300- 600 rounds or so due to a bad angle of engagement. This was easily fixed by adding 2 rubber spacers in between the piston and piston head.

at first i thought the main body was plastic, but its not.... after some wear and tear i can tell you that it is metal (probably aluminum)

other things I did to the gun include:
- re-wire / switch to deans plugs for both the mag and mechbox
- Ares upgrade spring guide and cylinder head
- Modify piston and piston head
- Modify S130 spring

I use a 7.4V 5100mAh 2S 25C Li-po like the one in the link below. you could probably fit something even bigger into the gun if need be.

after about 45-50,000 rounds the modify piston finally shredded

1. Pro/con field experience
I've probably used it at 15+ full day games over the past couple of years and after the modifications the gun was pretty awesome.
- its pretty light, probably the lightest M60 out there. I can run around and game it for an entire day outdoors in the summer. and that's with an Elcan and 1kg of bbs in the mag

- Locktite the 2x screws that hold the mechbox to the body because after prolonged use it will shake itself apart haha.

2. Love/hate features
- quick change / adjustable spring guide can increase FPS +40
- the motor in the mag is wired directly to the mechbox so there no need for a pressure switch / sound activated switch
- its light
- you can fit 4000bbs in the mag.

- the hop up bucking goes in vertically so you can not use a concave spacer
- the bullet feed tray is made of cheap plastic and will eventually break, mine broke in 3 different pieces, so i just completely removed it. ( I don't think they sell replacements)

3. Would you choose one make over another? Why?
Maby go for a M240B since its newer

Last edited by SlowEddy; February 15th, 2011 at 20:52..
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Old February 15th, 2011, 20:59   #7
aka coachster
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why not add sorbo pads to the piston and cylinder heads and make the spacer multi purpose instead of just a spacer?
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Old February 15th, 2011, 21:17   #8
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Originally Posted by coachster View Post
why not add sorbo pads to the piston and cylinder heads and make the spacer multi purpose instead of just a spacer?
That should work too, just be sure to get the cut-it-your-self V6/V7 Sorbo pads to match the Ares cylinder head

I didn't use Sorbo cuz I'm a cheap ass and used the rubber out of some old stock TM cylinder heads I had lying around.

Last edited by SlowEddy; February 15th, 2011 at 21:20..
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Old February 15th, 2011, 21:20   #9
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by SlowEddy View Post
That should work too, just be sure to get the cut-it-your-self V6/V7 Sorbo pads to match the Ares cylinder head

I didn't use Sorbo cuz I'm a cheap ass and used the rubber out of some old stock TM cylinder heads I had lying around.
haha. understood.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 20:07   #10
formerly steyr
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Originally Posted by SlowEddy View Post
- the hop up bucking goes in vertically so you can not use a concave spacer
Shit, so I DID have it right. Alright, will pass it on to the new owner.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 18:53   #11
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I just gotta say, I've heard bad things about EVERY brand of M60, including the real steel ones.
I'm sorry, I think it looks badass, but history has decided to plague every incarnation of this gun with issues lol

That being said, for the love of god don't buy TOP.
I've heard the VFC is pretty good, from someone with a lead trigger finger.
Haven't heard anything about inokatsu M60s but I know someone in alberta has one. If it's anything like their M240, it'll look and feel ace, but won't shoot worth crap.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 19:02   #12
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I love my ares. That being said. Piston, replace it ASAP out of the box. I had it strip in not even 1 full game. Pro/con is the plastic body and no trades, kinda meh but not a terribly important issue for me. Metal mech box sems solid and the quick swap spring is always a plus. FPS is basic out of the box so upgraded spring is advisable as well. I'd rate the Ares MK43 Mod 0 at probably a 7.5/10
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Old February 17th, 2011, 19:07   #13
Bravo One-Six
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Inokatsu FTW.

Had it for years, and it shoots just like the day I uncrated it and put it together. I'd comfortably say over 100k rounds have been through it and below is a summary of the problems I've had with it:

1) Sensitive safety lever
2) Occasional screw loosening
3) Carry handle bent slightly after rough use

It's been used in events where we literally poured ammunition into the box mag as we fired, to public living history displays. Not once have I been disappointed in it. This comes from someone who's been using airsoft since before this board existed.

When combined with almost all metal parts, a real weight, ~400fps out of the box and a mechbox that has not failed once make it the best M60 I've ever seen. Period.

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Old February 17th, 2011, 21:40   #14
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Atleast your getting your money's worth
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Old February 18th, 2011, 00:21   #15
Bravo One-Six
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Only another 3 years until it balances out.

It was actually 1600 US which is pretty respectable for something like this.

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