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Cansoft version ICS M4 or SRC Gen 3 M4 which one would u buy?


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Old December 29th, 2009, 22:43   #1
Jagd's Avatar
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Cansoft version ICS M4 or SRC Gen 3 M4 which one would u buy?

I heard good things about both: the ICS M4 because of the split receiver, making it really easy to work with the internals and I also heard good things about the SRC Gen3 with all the upgraded internals right of the box and and all the metal parts with good lower quality.

Which one would you buy and why.

Thanks for your help guys/girls.
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Old December 29th, 2009, 23:12   #2
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I have been to Ken's place and he had an couple of ICS guns on site. Side by side there was an extremely noticeable difference in external build quality and body set up. over all the SRC felt much more sturdy the upper and lower receivers meshed perfectly with no gaps or noises when moved. The two ICS guns had a little more play in this area due to the the joint between the two non metal components (the upper reviver is nylon fiber I believe). Both guns are realy sturdy But having the metal upper makes a world of difference if you have a slip and fall incident and adds weight and a stronger feel to the gun. The ICS has an extremely easy to field strip and do spring changes because of the 2 part gear box (a single pin holds the tow parts together). This makes it ideal if you want to swap out the spring or full upper gear box making switching form indoor to outdoor fps a breeze. To take down the SRC you will have to almost fully disassemble the gun (remove the two body pins with hex key retainer screws pins and the stock i believe feel free to correct) ICS boasts the strongest lower receives however the SRC receivers were as good if not better than the ICS receivers and the matte sand blasted finish looks incredible.

It depends entirely on what you intend to do with the gun. If you intend to use it as an indoor and outdoor gun, and don't mind sacrificing a little bit of wight and body strength go ICS. If you don't want to open up your gun often or at all or mind screwing around a little bit to get at your gearbox than SRC is BY FARRR the best way to go.

Just my two cents

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Old December 29th, 2009, 23:19   #3
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get aved and buy the full metal ics ;p but seriously if you wan't a lighter setup go for the clear one ics makes realy good stuff and you can have both an outdor and indoor gun

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old December 30th, 2009, 00:01   #4
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Thanks for you reply guys, as far as full metal I could careless, Afterall supposedly one of the best AEGs are TM and they are non-metal, I want something durable. I have hold the M4 CQB SRC Gen3 and yes it is really something.

The thing though is that the stock spring is too storng for indoor play and I have to change it, so it will be easier with the ICS than the SRC for doing a quick change like that but on the other hand I will only play inddor during the winter and as soon as spring starts I am going outside, so I will not be alternating indoor and outdoor but doing the change only twice per year. So it's not really a big deal if I have to strip the gun entirely twice a year.

Also there is the price factor, the M4 CQB ICS with Crane stock is now 370$ and the SRC 460$ without a battery or charger and you have already a charger with the ICS.

Yes the finish of the SRC is amazing and the ICS a bit shiny a bit more plastic feel. The SRC feels more like the real deal but I am sure with some Krylon I could also get the same finish on the ICS. But I have also heard the Ver2 Mechbox of the ICS is almost another good thing for ICS.

So the big question is: If I am good with my hands (manual type of person), is it a major pain in the ... replacing the M120 spring of the SRC for an M90 for the winter time? Will I need a good doctor to do it? Or for someone manual it is not a big deal to do? Because if it is fairly straight forward and not too much of an hassle maybe it will be better to get the SRC?

BTW: I got Aved tonight I am waiting for my status to be updated. It should come in the following days.

Last edited by Jagd; December 30th, 2009 at 00:05..
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Old December 30th, 2009, 00:15   #5
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A respectable member of ASC has done a review on the Cansoft ICS M4 series and in short....they're shit. Don't be disappointed, get a better gun.

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Old December 30th, 2009, 00:26   #6
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Ok so SRC is the way to go then. I am seeing SRC Gen 3 selling at around 350$ US on non-canadian online retailer. The Cansoft versions are selling at 460$. So I think that right now it is prolly one of the best deal for Canadian airsofter who wants a very good gun and not paying too much for an all Black version that I could careless, anyway with the rough matt finish of the SRC, at 3 feet it looks like an all black gun.
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Old December 30th, 2009, 00:29   #7
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Or you could get age verified and get a better gun for the same price.

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Old December 30th, 2009, 00:51   #8
Diabolic Tyrant
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Or you could get age verified and get a better gun for the same price.
+10000 If your AVd and look in the classifieds with that $460 +shipping your going to put in that cansoft gun you would be very surprised at what you can get.
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Old December 30th, 2009, 00:55   #9
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Originally Posted by Diabolic Tyrant View Post
+10000 If your AVd and look in the classifieds with that $460 +shipping your going to put in that cansoft gun you would be very surprised at what you can get.
Well maybe yes but buying from an individual who lives at the other end of the country, that I am not sure if I can trust him...I don't know... I will see. I am suppose to have my status updated by the end of the week, the guy is sending that tonight, so I don't know when ASC are updating their database.

Anyway that is not why I am asking in my OP. I want to know for those who held or play with the 2 M4s which one they prefer or think is the best.

Last edited by Jagd; December 30th, 2009 at 01:36..
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Old December 30th, 2009, 01:35   #10
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Originally Posted by Jagdalex View Post
Well maybe yes but buying from an individual who lives at the other end of the country, that I am not sure if I can trust him...I don't know... I will see. I am suppose to have my status updated by the end of the week, the guy is sending that tonight, so I don't know when ASC are updating their database.

Anyway that is not why I am asking in my OP. I want to know for those who held or play with the 2 M4s which one they prefer or think it's the best.
you can check their feedback.
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Old December 30th, 2009, 13:07   #11
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Theres also the AV retailer section. If your willing to spend that much. Just save up on a TM or a CA.
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Old December 30th, 2009, 19:13   #12
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might want to look at KWA M4 also. Very reliable out of the box with no real need for upgrades except maybe a TB barrel. Has way more positive history and feedback then SRC although SRC is definately one of my choices. You'll find that the KWA gearbox is truely reinforced where it needs to be and the gears are even thicker then systema gears. From the research I've done they seem to be the best externally and internally for the price. Another thing I noticed is that they re-engineer their various models based on input from the players. Here's a link showing how many player suggested improvements they made between 2008 and 2009
Just a side note... the 2GX gear box is one of the few that doesn't need shimming right out of the box. Also don't believe all the bad mouthing you might hear about the 2 peice plastic hop up. The bad mouthing is from those that don't own a KWA and don't know how good it is. The materials and design was chosen for is tight air seal and accuracy it gave.
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Old December 30th, 2009, 19:19   #13
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A 3rd choice now... I talked to a gun doc yesterday and he told me that the best M4 platform is the ICS with the split gear box, (in the price range that I was looking for of course, around 400$ CAD) he said that the V2 gearbox one day or another broke and that the way the ICS is made with the split receiver almost negate that weakness, he said he never saw a broken gearbox on an M4 ICS.

I have heard that KWA and SRC are very similar in terms of quality... But there is a post about a guy with a broken KWA M4 frame so...there is always exception anyway... there is no perfect gun.

Last edited by Jagd; December 30th, 2009 at 19:21..
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Old December 30th, 2009, 19:19   #14
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Theres too many unverified people giving advice on buying guns to verified people somethings wrong here!

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old December 30th, 2009, 19:24   #15
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
Theres too many unverified people giving advice on buying guns to verified people somethings wrong here!
Dude plz relax with the AV thing most people who are not AV and are serious are in the process of getting AVed. It's not beause your are not AVed that you cannot do your own research and are totaly clueless.
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