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"Noobs" hosting games



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Old October 4th, 2009, 18:52   #1
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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"Noobs" hosting games

Recently there has been an influx of "noobs" hosting games in the GTA. By noobs I mean people with little time here on the forums, haven't had time to establish a reputation and only a handful of people have met before. Am I the only one that sees this as a potential for something to go wrong?

I always thought that for someone to be a game host they must have an established reputation and a solid understanding of the locally accepted rules for games. Sure someone could say that have that understanding after 1 game, but is that person trustworthy? Who knows?

Personally I would not attend a game hosted by a person who's still wet behind the ears and know little about the person other than a post they made a month ago introducing themselves to the board and asking what AEG they should get as their first.

What are you thoughts on this topic?
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 18:55   #2
Suburban Gun Runner
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Well how did that person conduct themselves at that one game they attended? Just because someone is new doesn't automatically mean that they can't come up with a good idea for a scenario and safely implement it. Just curious what requirments would you like to see before a person can host a game?
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Old October 4th, 2009, 18:58   #3
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Seeing how hectic things can get with properly organized games. I'd have to say no, absolutely not. Being able to handle situations gone wrong properly is simply key to keep things running smoothly. Just to keep both parties of the situation happy can be seriously tedious and can also pretty much be the sole factor whether a game will fall apart or not. People with no experience would most likely handle such things really, really bad >>. I'm not even sure I want to think of what could happen.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:02   #4
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Originally Posted by notom View Post
Well how did that person conduct themselves at that one game they attended? Just because someone is new doesn't automatically mean that they can't come up with a good idea for a scenario and safely implement it. Just curious what requirments would you like to see before a person can host a game?
Like Ive said Ive always though of a game host to be someone who is reliable and trustworthy. How do we know someone is reliable and trustworthy without having a reputation within the community?
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:04   #5
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
Like Ive said Ive always though of a game host to be someone who is reliable and trustworthy. How do we know someone is reliable and trustworthy without having a reputation within the community?
I would agree with RockNRoll here. Like that guy who posted a thread for a game at FR a little while ago. He was new to the forums, and unverified. He said underagers were allowed, and he was charging like $30, and he said "Cost: $30 to be given to me, the host". Even though at FR, the money is less than that ($25 I think) and is given straight to the guys that work there.

I'm pretty sure he turned out to be like 16 or 17 lol.
And he copied his rules and info straight from Dr.Jimmy's tuesday night FR games threads.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:05   #6
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For me it would depend. I mean if it was someone with no experience whatsoever save for a single game I'd be very wary.

If it was the same person who attended one game and got to know people and introduced themselves to the community, I could see it (but I still wouldn't go).

If it was the same person but they also had paintball game and hosting experience (woodsball not speedball) then yeah definitely.

However it seems like you're referring to someone who just has one game under their belt and maybe a few paintball games (like previous drop in paintball games), in that case yeah something should be done about that but it shouldn't be a big deal like you can't do this stop now. Maybe lend them a guiding hand and show them the ropes (or don't let them host games and make them a co-host so that they learn the tricks of the trade then when they become competent enough let them go out on their own).
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:09   #7
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My thoughts about this are the same with Rock, ujiro and Lasency (your name is hard to say)

By definition to me a Noob Host is the following:
(They can have one or all of the characteristics)

- Not strict with rules
- No control of the game whatsoever
- Just came to play and have fun instead of hosting a good game
- Has no one to vouch for their hosting experience
- Sets rules and FPS limits that are not on par with the previous games done in the same venue
- Does not fully listen to experienced members
- Does not know how to setup a player list of attendance (Meaning +1's are unknowns)

I have a very big problem with +1's and unknowns coming to games I hosted in the past. Some people would just show up without posting on the forum and bring their friends along who are not in the right attire and do not fully understand the rules of Airsoft games and most of the time they don't really care to hear the rules, they just want to shoot.

What can I do to host then?

Get to know the community better and go to all the different games in your area before hosting.
Especially the GTA players as this place is noob city with all the airsoft shops opening up in our area makes it easier to have more new players who may be good and nice but also leaves it open for bad ones.

My Personal take on hosting
I am relatively new here as well only a year under my belt, but before I hosted games at particular venues I always asked for advice and followed every rule to the best of my ability, and I would make sure I knew people that could vouch for me. I admit it was bumpy at first but I got to know some good people in the community before trying to host games. On a sidenote thanks to the Ghost guys (Endy/Safx) and Brian M. and good old Ancorp and Pus and father Tyson for showing me the ropes.

Once you get the feel of how Airsoft games go, then you should host. Reason I am saying this is not because automatically noob host are bad, I say this so you get to know what went well and what went wrong in a Airsoft game. Once you do that then you will be able to host a game with very little problems and no drama.

There are Newbie host and then there are noob host

Newbie host are people like me, got to know some good people in the community asked for help and advice and have people to vouch for me. Fully understand the rules in place and enforce them

Noob host are one gamers with very little Airsoft game hosting experience, tend to be unverified, and do not fully understand the rules nor know how to enforce them, and also do not understand why certain rules are in place

Noob Host should NOT host because if something terribly goes wrong not only do you mess things up for the people playing but for any future Airsofters that may want to use the particular venue
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Last edited by cbcsteve; October 4th, 2009 at 19:18..
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:18   #8
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I'm guessing this is about the game i'm hosting i can assure you i will take all measures for safety for my game and inforce them.

If you think that i'm incapable of hosting then do not show up for this game and ask around to people who will go if the game if it was fine before you pass judgement

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public

Last edited by KoolAidMan; October 4th, 2009 at 19:23..
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:19   #9
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down here in lower mainland, we have a very nicely structured method of choosing our field marshals. Only chosen and the experienced can become one.

However a few months ago, we had this guy who became a field marshal(I've never seen him at any games before). I didn't really care at first until he refused to not call his hits FOUR times.

It was a pistol round and I Mk23ed him 4 Shots to the leg 30 feet(Yes, 30 feet). I had him flanked and I clearly saw the BBs hit him(I can't miss at 30 feet and not see the BB bounce). I kept shooting at him until I just gave up and screamed at him, then he called it.

A few weeks later another player told me that he was saying shit like "Dont light me up from this close, I have the right to ban you from games!"

Totally power trippin

just my 2 cents.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:20   #10
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
I'm guessing this is about the game i'm hosting i can assure you i will take all measures for safety will be taken for my game and inforce them.

If you think that i'm incapable of hosting then do not show up for this game and ask around to people who will go if the game if it was fine before you pass judgement
there are 2. yours is one of them.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:26   #11
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Originally Posted by cbcsteve View Post
By definition to me a Noob Host is the following:
(They can have one or all of the characteristics)

- Not strict with rules
- No control of the game whatsoever
- Just came to play and have fun instead of hosting a good game
- Has no one to vouch for their hosting experience
- Sets rules and FPS limits that are not on par with the previous games done in the same venue
- Does not fully listen to experienced members
- Does not know how to setup a player list of attendance (Meaning +1's are unknowns)
I have noticed that it also pulls noobs out of the woodwork who no one knows or seen be at the field. apparently a noob host gives noob players a sense of security that they can finally crawl out of their hole and play a game, instead of starting at a game with lots of vets and experienced players who will spend the time to answer questions and help a new player out.

It seems that they are scared to play some of the bigger games with well known figures in this community.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:26   #12
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
I'm guessing this is about the game i'm hosting i can assure you i will take all measures for safety for my game and inforce them.

If you think that i'm incapable of hosting then do not show up for this game and ask around to people who will go if the game if it was fine before you pass judgement
No its not just about you, the worst is the one that Ujiro posted about below. But there were also other games as well that have New guys hosting some have proven successful while others not so much if you take a look at the After Action report thread you'll find one about the crazy drama that once happened on the FR outdoor field

Originally Posted by ujiro View Post
I would agree with RockNRoll here. Like that guy who posted a thread for a game at FR a little while ago. He was new to the forums, and unverified. He said underagers were allowed, and he was charging like $30, and he said "Cost: $30 to be given to me, the host". Even though at FR, the money is less than that ($25 I think) and is given straight to the guys that work there.

I'm pretty sure he turned out to be like 16 or 17 lol.
And he copied his rules and info straight from Dr.Jimmy's tuesday night FR games threads.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:32   #13
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Originally Posted by cbcsteve View Post
No its not just about you, the worst is the one that Ujiro posted about below. But there were also other games as well that have New guys hosting some have proven successful while others not so much if you take a look at the After Action report thread you'll find one about the crazy drama that once happened on the FR outdoor field
I know the game you are talking about. I didn't go to it.
Host and his friends were shooting off rounds in the SAFE AREA where people had their goggles off. In fact, they were shooting towards the bathrooms, where people were inside/walking towards.

That is why noob hosts are fail. No accountability really, and nobody knows for sure whether it is going to turn out well.
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:33   #14
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I'm doing alot of planing for the game, tomorow I'm going to walk down to the field to do a safety check on that trapdoor and some other areas as well as planing for the games .

I'm also taking advice from other hosts to help make things runs smoothly.

Do you think i'm going the right way with this?

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old October 4th, 2009, 19:38   #15
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
I'm doing alot of planing for the game, tomorow I'm going to walk down to the field to do a safety check on that trapdoor and some other areas as well as planing for the games .

I'm also taking advice from other hosts to help make things runs smoothly.

Do you think i'm going the right way with this?
i think the first thing you should is get age verified
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