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Upgrade help G&G MP5 SD5


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Old September 9th, 2009, 15:37   #1
Join Date: Jul 2009
Upgrade help G&G MP5 SD5

SO I purchased a G&G MP5 SD5 and am looking to upgrade it with a better spring, like the modify S120 of

After doing some research I found out that I would have to upgrade the piston head, as the one that comes stock isn't that great (found by reading the review that a member did on this site) sorry don't remember the name.

And here is my question would the stock gears be able to withstand the s120 or would they strip to quickly.

Also what other parts would I need to upgrade, I was planning on getting better bushings (modify 6mm stainless steel) a new spring guide(modify bearing spring guide) along with the piston head(modify polycarbonate bearing) I read that the stock piston was polycarbonate so I was planning on keeping that but is it? I am also getting a madbull tightbore all off airsoft parts.
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Old September 9th, 2009, 15:47   #2
Con Murder
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That all sounds nice, but the spring guide is good and so are the bushings. I wouldn't put such a high spring in it though. If you really want to do the spring that high then yes the gears will strip to soon. You see the extra tension they give is the problem. They repeatedly slam against the nozzle, that tension wears everything out.
Really think about it man, have you seen a properly set up gun shooting 370-380? My brothers m4 shoots 410 and my sig has the same range and tighter groupings.
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Old September 9th, 2009, 16:09   #3
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Yea, I thought a 120 would be a bit to high, ill probably go for a 110 as opposed to the 120. What i am trying to get is range because I play woodland games thus the 120 would give the extra fps and range I need. I'll probably get the 110 then I woudn't need to to upgrade the gears, i'll only get a new piston head and tightbore to replace the stock one.
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Old September 9th, 2009, 16:11   #4
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Originally Posted by Bruce1 View Post
SO I purchased a G&G MP5 SD5 and am looking to upgrade it with a better spring, like the modify S120 of

After doing some research I found out that I would have to upgrade the piston head, as the one that comes stock isn't that great (found by reading the review that a member did on this site) sorry don't remember the name.

And here is my question would the stock gears be able to withstand the s120 or would they strip to quickly.

Also what other parts would I need to upgrade, I was planning on getting better bushings (modify 6mm stainless steel) a new spring guide(modify bearing spring guide) along with the piston head(modify polycarbonate bearing) I read that the stock piston was polycarbonate so I was planning on keeping that but is it? I am also getting a madbull tightbore all off airsoft parts.
I'm assuming this is your first gun?

Many first time airsofters (myself included) get their first gun, and make the mistake of assuming that they can (and should) upgrade it, usually before their first game even.

In my oppinion, this is a mistake. As a new player, even simple upgrades can sometimes go horribly wrong. If i were you, i would play with the gun stock first. Spend your money on gear, batteries and mags, then maybe upgrade down the road, once you have played with the gun enough to know what you want to change about it.

Just my two cents.
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Old September 9th, 2009, 16:23   #5
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Well, I know for a fact that I do want a tightbore, just because right now, stock, the accuracy is pretty horrible with .2s and at least a batter piston head to increase compression, because as I said, in the review I read the reviewer said that you should upgrade that due to poor compression and once you do it should raise the fps by 20-40
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Old September 9th, 2009, 16:24   #6
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It's not the material that makes the piston head good or bad, it's the design.

G&G's design sucks. Get a modify polycarb piston head.

You shouldn't need up upgrade the bushings, G&G come stock with brass bushings that should last a while. and get the S110 spring not the 120.

I'd suggest the modify rotary spring guide though, the stock G&G one just has a huge chunk of plastic in place of the bushings.

Originally Posted by Bruce1 View Post
Well, I know for a fact that I do want a tightbore, just because right now, stock, the accuracy is pretty horrible with .2s and at least a batter piston head to increase compression, because as I said, in the review I read the reviewer said that you should upgrade that due to poor compression and once you do it should raise the fps by 20-40
I'm the reveiwer lol. Want an upgrade?

Stop using .2's switch to BB bastard .25 of .28 BB's, you'll notice a HUGE improvement.
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Old September 9th, 2009, 16:30   #7
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Ok, thanks, I think i'll do that.

Sorry I didn't remember your name, and who can I purchase the bb's from, are they sold from retailers from this site or can you purchase them off other sites?
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Old September 9th, 2009, 16:33   #8
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Never mind, I did my research and found the site but there all out of stock :P
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Old September 9th, 2009, 19:45   #9
Shooting Addict
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Has anyone had trouble with the mag mis feeding on full auto? My SD5 always seems to misfire 1 out of 5 shoots any advice?
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Old September 9th, 2009, 21:15   #10
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Nope, the only time mine ever misfired was when there was a .12 loaded in the mag.
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