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Air Force Combat Controller Loadout?



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Old November 9th, 2008, 23:10   #1
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Air Force Combat Controller Loadout?

Hey, I searched for a topic about Combat Controllers but I couldn't find anything in this section.

Anyways, point is that I'd like to get a Combat Controller loadout, does anyone have any suggestions on equipment, uniform etc? I don't have too much to work on seeing as how most of the info I have is really limited and comes mostly from Wikipedia and the other top 5 or 6 sites when I do a google search. This is pretty much all I know:

YouTube - USAF: Special Ops Combat Control

If you guys are wondering why it's because I'm just really into flying and planes and subsequently that translates into a love for the Air Force and thusly Combat Controllers and Para Rescue (PJ's).

Also this doesn't really deserve it's own separate topic so I think I'll ask it here. (Even though it should really go into the Canadian Themed section). If this should have it's separate topic please tell me and I'll edit my post accordingly and make a new thread in the Canadian section.

I'm looking to buy a "SAR Tech jumpsuit", does anyone know where to find one, the only ones that I can seem to find are the OD or Air Force Blue ones. I'd just love to get my hands on a SAR Tech jump suit.
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Old November 9th, 2008, 23:17   #2
If you're going for a Combat Controller look. Get ACUs(Combat Controllers an TACP/JTAC are attached to Army units so they wear the same uniform as them) or BDU/DCU and a ballcap or helmet. An a low profile rig. Basically just copy that guys kit. Looks like he might be using a 1 piece TT MAV with shoulder harness. with a mag shingle pouch, a few pistol mag pouches, compass/strobe pouch, MBITR radio pouch and utility pouch or IFAK. Looks like he's using a medium ALICE pack as a ruck.

A ATS low profile M4 moduler chest rig would also be a good choice, an it has a built in 4 mag shingle into it.

Last edited by -Skeletor-; November 9th, 2008 at 23:22..
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Old November 9th, 2008, 23:52   #3
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Also I thought I seen a Sar tech jumpsuit on Army Issue.
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Old November 9th, 2008, 23:55   #4
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Cool. That was a fast reply.

I was actually looking for things similar to that guys loadout (since he was a CCT) I just didn't know the names for the equipment he had. Also I may get a baseball hat embroidered with CCT or Combat Controller on it or something next time I pass by one of those "custom hat" booths at the mall.

If anyone else has lists of equipment I should be looking for, don't hesitate to post I'll consider everything (except things that are obviously wrong/trolling eg. "Get a SAR Tech jump suit cause it will totally make you look like a CCT and everyone will think you're the coolest at games".

Also I was looking for dropleg holsters. Do CCT's use these? If so does anyone know a company that makes them with a good quality/price ratio in the $50-75 range (I'm looking at the safariland ones but dropping like $150 on a holster is way out of my budget).

This is turning out to be a reality by next year, so all of you guys watch out for a CCT coming to a game near you in the Summer (depending on where I get my co-op placement)
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Old November 10th, 2008, 00:34   #5
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By the way, Sig Sauer does make disposable dishware.

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Old November 10th, 2008, 01:20   #6
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From the USAF CCT , STS and PJ photos I have seen the majority of gear is pretty much the same as the SF counterparts , for personal bought stuff. Unless it has changed (which it very well could have) the PJ's and possilby CCT's were issued the Eagle Airsave vest. It is non-modular but a pretty cool piece of gear.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 02:51   #7
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Woodland BDUs, ABUs, or ACUs.

Either ACU or Coyote Tan. MICH helmet with cover (either woodland or ACU).

However, it's going to be impossible to do a CCT/TACP kit without a radio (and im not talking about the uhf/frs/gmrs radios used in airsoft).

Last edited by redhawk_six; November 10th, 2008 at 02:55..
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Old November 10th, 2008, 03:04   #8
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I can't tell you much so for the drop leg holster is what I can tell you about.

Get the blackhawk drop leg holster but believe me, you should just get only the real CQC Level II blackhawk holster and for the drop leg plate form, you sure can get a replica one. It would save you a lots of bucks from that.

Check on ebay and search for ecorp ! they sell the blackhawk holster really cheap and good shipping rate but what that suck is because it took like 2 to 3 week to get to my door. That's all I can tell you.

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Old November 10th, 2008, 03:37   #9
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Generally, HSLD guys go for the Safariland 6004 over the Serpa on account of the catastrophic jams that can occur in the release mechanism.

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Old November 10th, 2008, 09:31   #10
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OK Thanks guys. I know that Combat Controllers are basically SF but I was just wondering if theres any gear that's specific to them, (obviously the ATC radio that they use). I plan on this being a functional and economical loadout so I don't think that I'm going to buy a real radio or anything (are those even available outside the circle of ATC's?) I'm probably going to end up with something that looks similar or just not get one all together.

List of stuff to get:

- ABU's (Airman Battle Uniform, the Air Force equivalent to ACU's or MARPAT)
- TT MAV (one piece)
- Mag shingle pouch
- pistol mag pouch
- compass pouch
- radio pouch
- Utility pouch
- ATS chest rig
- Eagle Airsave vest
- MICH helmet
- Safariland 6004

Wow this is going to end up being quite pricey, maybe I'll slowly get these items a few at a time over the next few paycheques. (Hey, I have to eat too, and pay for school)

Also do you guys think I'd be successful coupling a set of ballistics with one of ILLusions airsoft masks? Or would it look too weird? I think I'll still do it though cause you're never gonna find that kind of cheek weld on a mask.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 10:19   #11
ACUs might be the better uniform instead of ABU to go with.All the TACP dudes I saw in Afghanistan wore ACU just like their Army counterparts. Also looking at your list there, man just pick one rig, you don't need to go out an buy 3. If you are going for a CCT in a SF team; they'd be wearing the same thing as the rest of the guys in the team. From what I know from a buddy(in US SF in A'Stan now) they're wearing BDUs an DCUs; uniform depends on the terrain).

Dropleg holsters, some guys wear 'em, but a lot of guys just put their pistol into a mag pouch on their rig to avoid chaffing, etc.

Didn't see any guys wearing any kind of non-modular vest out there. Most guys just attach the pouches right onto their body armour or had some kind of modular rig like a MOLLE chest rig.

Also, just go with a plain coyote tan hat like the HSGI one or a TT one an just add on a flag patch or something. Don't get CCT embroided on. You ain't a real CCT and it really isn't a must have for the look. But I'am kind of a stickler for not wearing what you haven't earned. If you are going with a MICH, I wouldn't bother with a cover. Either get a tan one, or spray paint one tan.

Last edited by -Skeletor-; November 10th, 2008 at 10:32..
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Old November 10th, 2008, 11:10   #12
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
Don't get CCT embroided on. You ain't a real CCT and it really isn't a must have for the look. But I'am kind of a stickler for not wearing what you haven't earned.
I'm in absolute agreement with this statement but it seems that the common counter in airsoft that anyting like this is done one of respect and therefore is OK.

A CCT isn't going to head out with a embroidered cap, special insignia etc that is screaming "I'm the important guy in this group, please shoot/capture me first".
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Old November 10th, 2008, 11:22   #13
Originally Posted by Danke View Post

A CCT isn't going to head out with a embroidered cap, special insignia etc that is screaming "I'm the important guy in this group, please shoot/capture me first".

The ball cap is just a thing to wear around the camp. When they head out it's helmet. As for not wanting to look important. the CCT an TACP patches they wear, not a big thing since you can't see them unless you are close up. The radios an other special kit they got.. well kinda a give away. I always loved going out on patrol carrying the radio for that reason... the antenna poking out of the backpack screams shoot me first
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Old November 10th, 2008, 16:12   #14
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
Also, just go with a plain coyote tan hat like the HSGI one or a TT one an just add on a flag patch or something. Don't get CCT embroided on. You ain't a real CCT and it really isn't a must have for the look. But I'am kind of a stickler for not wearing what you haven't earned.
Fair enough, I thought I might get some trouble for doing that. Just like wearing a lifeguard shirt when you aren't a life guard or police uniform when you're obviously not police. I'll still consider it though, but I'll probably not do it since in my mind I'm probably emulating them enough without the CCT ballcap.

Also I probably should have said that I was going to compare the equipment, not get everything on that list. Obviously I'm not going to get 3 chest rigs, I was just going to do a comparison and see which one is the right fit for me.
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Old November 10th, 2008, 16:23   #15
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Originally Posted by -MikeL- View Post
The ball cap is just a thing to wear around the camp. When they head out it's helmet. As for not wanting to look important. the CCT an TACP patches they wear, not a big thing since you can't see them unless you are close up. The radios an other special kit they got.. well kinda a give away. I always loved going out on patrol carrying the radio for that reason... the antenna poking out of the backpack screams shoot me first
I loved the radio as that was the one place bugs couldn't bite you. That was in the days of shoot the guy next to the radio though.
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