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Laylax hopup vs stock v-hopup


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Old February 25th, 2008, 22:19   #1
gvanzeggelaar's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Laylax hopup vs stock v-hopup

I have a BAR-10 and am wondering if i should swap out the stock v hopup for a laylax one or if i should just leave it in. I know the laylax one is not a v-hopup and am wondering if putting this in would be a 'downgrade.' another possibilty would be to find a stock tm v-hopup.
Appreciate and help. Ty in advance.
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Old February 25th, 2008, 23:23   #2
GBB Whisperer
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I was under the impression that the Laylax hop up for the VSR-10 was for the standard VSR-10s, and not the GSpec. The GSpec has the same barrel cut as the BAR-10, which is different from other VSR-10s.

The difference being that standard VSR-10s share the same barrel mounts as new TM pistols, where the hop up bucking's window is open - whereas the BAR-10 and G-Spec have a closed cut bucking window.
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Old March 2nd, 2008, 23:09   #3
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I don't think the cut in the barrel really creates any appreciable difference. I've upgraded a few HFC USR-11's (Open barrel) with the same parts that I've used in G-Spec's (closed barrel) and never had any problems. The HFC's open ended barrel worried me a bit since the cut is so rough but even so the hop up chambers seem identical. In fact I have a Nine Ball chamber packing that has migrated from my Hi-Capa to my VSR-10 G-Spec to my M1911 and it's performed consistently in all three guns.
If it's the Laylax hop up chamber we're talking about, that chamber is intended to be used with AEG barrels and AEG hop rubbers. You'll need to change the barrel, hop rubber and bucking if you want to use that chamber.
Perhaps post a link to the part in question to eliminate any potential confusion.
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