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KSC Glock 19


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Old August 19th, 2009, 12:08   #1
pɹıq spɹɐʍʞɔɐq
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KSC Glock 19

I just bought a used KSC Glock 19 in the classified, this is the first time I buy a used gun, and it does not work well for me. Maybe it is just me being a noob with handguns. Let me explain the problems I have and maybe someone can help.

1- The first problem is I have to cock the gun for every shot, it doesn't seem to work in semi-auto mode. Is there a setting for this?

2- The second problem is that sometimes after I shoot, the gas just empties completely like the valve is stuck.

3- The magazine seems loose, if I shake the gun it will fall down without me pressing the release button.

Can someone help or give me advise, was I sold a bad gun, or I just don't understand how it is suppose to work.

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Old August 19th, 2009, 12:10   #2
Suburban Gun Runner
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I have a similar probelm with mine man. Fromwhat I was told the hammer is worn out and needs to be replaced. Thats why the gas just empties out. As for the mag falling out it could be you need a new spring. The parts to fix this are not that expensive howebver finding a gas gun doc may be.
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Old August 19th, 2009, 12:29   #3
Captain Sunshine
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for the mag falling out, it may not be the spring but its possible that the mag catch has worn down. Replacements are available, and its not too difficult to replace on your own
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Old August 19th, 2009, 12:30   #4
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Sounds like an easy fix based on your third problem, your magazine falling out is most likely due to a worn down magazine catch, you can find a steel replacement here.

Also the misalignment of your magazine causes an improper seal around the mag nozzle and gas chamber cylinder allowing gas to escape causing low to no blow back. The hammer can't be primed so it stays in the forward position venting all your gas.

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Old August 19th, 2009, 16:25   #5
pɹıq spɹɐʍʞɔɐq
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I took it apart, and I can cock it manually without any problem, but once assembled, it cock once every 4-5 times, I think something is seriously wrong with this gun!
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Old August 22nd, 2009, 14:07   #6
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I am having the EXACT same problems with a brand new KSC Glock 19, except that my magazine is not loose.

It does seem trigger-related. It will fire fine and operate the action for 2 or 3 shots, and then the trigger goes "mushy" and doesn't function at all. I then re-rack the slide and the trigger resets. On the next shot, it will sometimes fire fine again for another 2-3 rounds. Other times, the trigger will get stuck back and the gun will fire fully-automatic for 2-4 rounds and proceed to vent the remaining gas from the magazine out the barrel of the gun.

Like I said, the gun and magazine are brand new. I tried oiling the trigger connector (where it meets other metal), and the rest of the gun is properly oiled with a silicone oil (slide rails, blowback chamber, and the gas release hole [whatever it's called] on the magazine).

Any ideas...? If I had to guess, I'd say it's not fully cycling the action, but I'm still pretty new to airsoft. I have experience will real guns, but these are obviously quite different, despite the similarities to the real steal on the KSC G19.

Should I be using something other than green gas maybe? I'm in Florida, USA, if climate or whatever might matter.

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Old August 22nd, 2009, 14:10   #7
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Originally Posted by jingai View Post
I am having the EXACT same problems with a brand new KSC Glock 19, except that my magazine is not loose.

It does seem trigger-related. It will fire fine and operate the action for 2 or 3 shots, and then the trigger goes "mushy" and doesn't function at all. I then re-rack the slide and the trigger resets. On the next shot, it will sometimes fire fine again for another 2-3 rounds. Other times, the trigger will get stuck back and the gun will fire fully-automatic for 2-4 rounds and proceed to vent the remaining gas from the magazine out the barrel of the gun.

Like I said, the gun and magazine are brand new. I tried oiling the trigger connector (where it meets other metal), and the rest of the gun is properly oiled with a silicone oil (slide rails, blowback chamber, and the gas release hole [whatever it's called] on the magazine).

Any ideas...? If I had to guess, I'd say it's not fully cycling the action, but I'm still pretty new to airsoft. I have experience will real guns, but these are obviously quite different, despite the similarities to the real steal on the KSC G19.

Should I be using something other than green gas maybe? I'm in Florida, USA, if climate or whatever might matter.

why not return the gun and ask for a new one?
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Old August 22nd, 2009, 15:35   #8
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Originally Posted by heikis View Post
why not return the gun and ask for a new one?
Because I ordered it from Hong Kong. Shipping was $30 one way, so it'd be $60 minimum to return it, assuming they don't have a restocking fee.

However, I think I've figured out what the issue is, or at least what exacerbates it: I have a Streamlight TLR-2 rail-mounted light/laser that weighs around 4oz. With it attached, the gun FTF every 2-3 rounds, as previously noted.

Without the TLR-2 attached, it runs ALMOST flawlessly. I say almost because it does still on rare occasion go into full-auto mode, which is annoying because I was wanting to use this to practice in tactical matches where every shot (and UD) counts. But at least it doesn't discharge all of the gas from the magazine..

I'm guessing the weight of the TLR-2 flexes the frame too much during action, probably causing the slide to not go back fully, which in turn causes the hammer to not fully cock back. Ironically, this actually is a problem on the real-steal 40 caliber Glocks with heavier rail-mounted accessories, too.

I'm guessing the only remedy would be to increase the power of the gun to overcome the flexation. To that end, do you folks have recommendations beyond a high-flow valve and tight-bore barrel?

Also, since I'm more used to the real thing, how much oil is a "liberal amount?" On the RS, you generally go VERY light on the oil (like literally a couple drops on a Q-tip for the whole application). I've applied what I think is liberal, but it may not be enough for an airsoft gun.

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Old August 22nd, 2009, 19:03   #9
pɹıq spɹɐʍʞɔɐq
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For myself I actually asked the guy who sold it to me to take it back, I am still waiting for an answer.
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Old August 22nd, 2009, 19:47   #10
Death March
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The TLR-2 has nothing to do with it,I'v had one on one of my G-19's for well over a year going on two.If you think it's something along thoes lines.Check the screw at the front of the frame in front on the trigger on the inside,maybe it's lose?? I'm having a problem almost the same as your,but it's on a well abused G-23F that I just bought off here. From what I can tell it's the nozzel,hamer spring and the mag catch are shot on this one.Buy the way if any one has said parts PM me lol. Hope that helps ya out some,Cheers!
Death Before Dishonor" Bleeding Black Label"
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Old August 22nd, 2009, 20:19   #11
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Originally Posted by Death March View Post
The TLR-2 has nothing to do with it,I'v had one on one of my G-19's for well over a year going on two.
Well, I'm not trying to say you're wrong, but it still could be something that it just slightly out of spec on my gun that is made worse by the weight of the TLR-2. I'm really serious when I say it's 99.9% fine without (as in, I just went through 200 rounds and it only went into full-auto mode twice, and zero FTF) and literally fails every 2-3 rounds with it on (put 80 rounds through so far with it attached, though that's counting the rounds i had to eject due to FTF)... so it's definitely something to do with the TLR-2, but it may just be a machining tolerance issue rather than an issue with the design of this gun in general.

If you think it's something along thoes lines.Check the screw at the front of the frame in front on the trigger on the inside,maybe it's lose??
I'll check that. It's late at the moment and I don't want to wake the neighbors, but I'll check tomorrow.

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Old August 23rd, 2009, 01:44   #12
Death March
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Thoes lowers are pretty hard to flex,You would kind of notice that flexing. If the lower was to flex that much your slide would not cycle all the way,it would stop halfway or something odd like that. With the TLR-2 on it,try rack'n the slide and see if it retuns to battery? These kind of issues seem to be more to do with the firing mech. in the Hammer are,I'm thinking the seer maybe? Can't remember the pert number off hand.
Death Before Dishonor" Bleeding Black Label"
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Old August 26th, 2009, 15:41   #13
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Originally Posted by Death March View Post
Check the screw at the front of the frame in front on the trigger on the inside,maybe it's lose??
I finally got some free time to play with it again.. but I don't see this screw to which you're referring? On my G19, there are no screws on the frame at all, just two pins, similar to the real thing.

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Old August 26th, 2009, 15:46   #14
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Originally Posted by jingai View Post
I finally got some free time to play with it again.. but I don't see this screw to which you're referring? On my G19, there are no screws on the frame at all, just two pins, similar to the real thing.

part 50
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Old August 26th, 2009, 15:47   #15
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the screw he was talking about is part number 50 on the inside of the frame.
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