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Brand new factory matched AK hicaps not feeding?


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Old January 19th, 2007, 22:20   #1
AK Guru
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Brand new factory matched AK hicaps not feeding?

The 2 hicaps that came with my ICS AK-74M don't seem to want to feed, brand new, originals, both identical problems. I fill them to the top, wind up the hicaps for about 90 seconds, the BBs are nice and tight (if I hit the release a shower of em flies out). Insert it into the gun - dryfires in either semi or full auto, does not feed a single BB. Sometimes it does not even release the BBs from the mag, i.e. when you pull it out, you dont get the usual 3-4 BBs falling out the mag-well.

Flip it upside down, semi auto works alright more or less, full auto fires maybe every 2nd or 3rd shot, i.e not feeding fast enough. After a short burst, the hicap unwinds inside.

After some searching what I came up with was - more winding (I think the amount I did should at least give me a couple shots with the gun not upside down!), and perhaps some lube (don't have any right now). Why would factory included hicaps have such a problem, and both of them too!?

Any help - tips - comments greatly appreciated!

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Old January 19th, 2007, 22:27   #2
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If you're not getting the usual 3-4BB drop after, then it is not being pushed in far enough. Give it a firm shove (or slam) until you get the sound of the BBs shooting into the hop-up.

Unwinding or not feeding upside down, that is just what high caps do. If you think about how they work, it makes sense.
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Old January 19th, 2007, 22:37   #3
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Cool, thanks for the quick reply, I will give it a try right now.

I never said they wont feed upside down, they DO feed upside down, somewhat. Better than the right side up nonetheless

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Old January 19th, 2007, 22:43   #4
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Originally Posted by ancorp View Post
Cool, thanks for the quick reply, I will give it a try right now.

I never said they wont feed upside down, they DO feed upside down, somewhat. Better than the right side up nonetheless

Upside down, they just roll through and drop right in... but the track that the BBs are on in the highcap will not replenish itself, because by design, the highcap can't feed.

It doesn't feed more than gravity allows when upside down, simply because the BBs are not at the bottom of the mag. When there are no BBs at the bottom of the mag, there is nothing to stop the spring from totally unwinding. Normally it would spin and BBs would be pulled up between the teeth (almost). When there are no BBs, it simply spins freely. Exactly like if you were to try to wind a highcap with no BBs in it.

If that makes any sense to you... good. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter, so don't worry about this post.
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Old January 19th, 2007, 22:48   #5
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Seems like a reasonable explanation, thanks.
Well I just tired again, now the BBs feed out, i.e., 3 BBs drop every time I take out the mag, but I can only get a couple (sometimes just 1) BB to feed on semi auto, than it dryfires non stop again. Thats semi auto only, on full auto it doesn't seem to feed at all.

EDIT: I wound the hicap till it clicks.

Any other tips?

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Old January 19th, 2007, 23:28   #6
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Put 2 drops of silicon oil into the mag then load it. When done put clip in
and fire a nice short burst on full auto. or take 5-7 shots in semi then go full

This happens on my G&P mags and well after doing that they feed fine.. Ah crap
now that this came up I gotta fix one.
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Old January 19th, 2007, 23:35   #7
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Why would I load a mag, but insert a clip?

Thanks for the tip, this was what I was expecting to hear.

All I need to do is track down some silicone somewhere in the GTA, preferably besides a sex shop, but hey, anything goes

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Old January 20th, 2007, 02:30   #8
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You don't want the sex shop oil for guns, they can have some really weird additives, trust me...

ASCA carries it and are in the GTA!
Lucky shmuck, wish I had a local store to run to for stuff...

Also never buy G&P G36 midcaps like Hazard has, I got the STAR ones and they are a dream. Absolutely no misfeeding, jams, or any other problems and they hold 140rnds instead of 100rnds.

Though if their not feeding at all its probably not a lube issue but the bit that releases the BB catch and allows the BB's to enter the gun isn't pressing on the catch on the top of the mag enough. Thats a really weird problem for factory matched mags. As the Kid said try slamming the mags in harder.

Last edited by LUTNIT; January 20th, 2007 at 02:34..
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Old January 20th, 2007, 11:18   #9
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
You don't want the sex shop oil for guns, they can have some really weird additives, trust me...

ASCA carries it and are in the GTA!
Lucky shmuck, wish I had a local store to run to for stuff...

Also never buy G&P G36 midcaps like Hazard has, I got the STAR ones and they are a dream. Absolutely no misfeeding, jams, or any other problems and they hold 140rnds instead of 100rnds.

Though if their not feeding at all its probably not a lube issue but the bit that releases the BB catch and allows the BB's to enter the gun isn't pressing on the catch on the top of the mag enough. Thats a really weird problem for factory matched mags. As the Kid said try slamming the mags in harder.
Yea, I was actually hoping for a store thats closer, and more accessible Not to bash ASCArmoury of course.

If you look at my follow up posts, I got the BBs to feed every time, now I just need them to feed more than a couple BBs!

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Old January 20th, 2007, 13:47   #10
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I had the same problem after a few mags through my ICS '74. Lubing them up fixed it.

And if you don't want to go with ASCA, you can always get the lightest RC shock oil you can find at your local RC hobby store.
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Old January 20th, 2007, 15:39   #11
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Good to hear confirmation from someone with the same gun, thanks!
I was planning to go to ASCA today, since I was going to the area anyway. Called before I left but noone picked up (yea, I know, I should have called ahead).

Unless there is an RC shop near by somewhere in Vaughan, ASCA it is. I was hoping that perhaps some hardware store would have it, like Home Depot or CTire...

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Old January 21st, 2007, 21:47   #12
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Doubtful that a hardware store would have it. If you DO find some, make absolutely sure it is petroleum free, or you'll kill your mags
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