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DBoy Dragon Scale modular rail cover system



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Old February 13th, 2011, 05:12   #1
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Thumbs up DBoy Dragon Scale modular rail cover system

If - like me - you have an unusual length of RIS to cover you'll know that normal one-piece rail cover strips just don't look right. If your RIS is rather long or rather short you'll want to use a modular rail cover system so that it fits just right. The current options for modular systems are either to cut or join together a ladder system or buy one of the expensive true modular covers sets like the Magpul or LaRue segmented cover packs. But I went for a cheap DBoys system which is rather nice looking and works very well - the Dragon Scales rail covers.

In each pack you get 10 cover segments (9 standard links and one locking lever segment). This will cost you £6.99 in the UK - I got mine from Action Hobbies. Now these covers are - as the name suggests - interlocking, much like scales. But I would say that they have a more medieval look to them, like plate armour - which is rather nice and very hardcore.

Putting them together is a piece of cake (see accompanying video) and because they are modular you can make up a set to exaclt the right size for your RIS (in my case I used four packs to cover my long rail system on my Type 89). My one critisism at this point is that DBoys didn't design a nice neat end cap, just to finish off your compleded cover, it just ends in a standand link segment.

Other down sides are that these rails are specifically airsoft, they are NOT MilSpec nor reflect a RS design. Also, you do get what you pay for - they are made from pretty cheap plastic that will deform over time and use. But, they are perfectly acceptible for airsoft use. Finally, these rails are not LOW PROFILE, if you do require a modular low profile system than revert to cutting a Ladder system to the right length.

However, I was very happy with the look and feel of the cheap DBoys system and it looks great with my Type 89.

Here's a short video review of this product...

YouTube - Review of Dboys Dragon Scales rail covers

Hope this review is of some ineterst. All the best - Milgeek (Ranger)
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