It likely is metal. But if you are still worried, use a drill tip instead of a cutting tip and then break the orange plastic off in sections that way.
To be more specific, use the drill bit to make a hole all the way down to the threading, then a cutting bit for the Drexel and cut VERY SLOWLY until the plastic is thin enough where you are able to essentially 'shatter' the orange plastic into pieces and snap it off bit by bit.
I have done this with multiple guns, both with metal threading and plastic threading underneath and as long as you use a thin flat tip screwdriver or a thin chisel and clean up the threading underneath afterwards, it will be fine.
P.s: I have done this on a snow wolf m107, vfc Mp5, hk 417, echo m4 and m16, too many g&g's to count, glocks,1911's, asg mgl, my g&g p90, echo 1 ak47, jg g36, CA ump45, a&k mk46, and the list goes on. Just take your time, have patience, and keep a steady hand.
Hope this helps
current armament: mk43, ump.45, p90, barret, m14, g33, k98, m4 tac, m4 swat, mp5 navy, vsr10, p226, m9.