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Old December 12th, 2005, 13:32   #1
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Thread Closings

I think that we need to establish a system whereby when a mod closes a thread or thrashes it, they should post thier reasonings, so that others can know what to say and not say. This might aleviate some of the repetative posts about the same issues, and the resulting flamings. My case and point is this thread here - . This person was posting about what everyone else complains about. Maybe if others see these things - we might have a little less of the nonsense everyone complains about.
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old December 12th, 2005, 13:40   #2
WW2 Airsofter
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Most mods usually do post up there reasons for locking it, (from what i'v seen anyways) maby they just forgot for that one.

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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:12   #3
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No, I've seen a lot where they lock it and don't say why, and I do see what ATREYU is saying. There're a few mods that give a reason, but not all, and they don't always. *shrugs* I'm a mod on other forums and I understand it, it's just not always possible to put the reason, or it's blazingly obvious why it got locked (IE it turned into a shitslinging contest or whatever) Other times it's nice to get that last remark in, or they feel the conversation is over and it can be finsihed.
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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:18   #4
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Originally Posted by gandar
No, I've seen a lot where they lock it and don't say why, and I do see what ATREYU is saying. There're a few mods that give a reason, but not all, and they don't always. *shrugs* I'm a mod on other forums and I understand it, it's just not always possible to put the reason, or it's blazingly obvious why it got locked (IE it turned into a shitslinging contest or whatever) Other times it's nice to get that last remark in, or they feel the conversation is over and it can be finsihed.
Or they don't like the topic or the someone involved in the convo. Let me ask this since i was asked - when a thread is deleted, does that take a persons post count down, or is that something else a vindictive mod can mess with?
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:24   #5
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The posts in the trash don't count for your post count, so if a thread gets moved to the trash, you lose the count from those posts. Say you had 10 posts in a thread, it gets trashed, you lose those 10 posts from your post count.

But yes, I have seen some vindictive modding, but you have to remember, they're still human.
Ubique Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt

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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:33   #6
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Woah. My thread got deleted? That's weird.
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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:34   #7
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Post count means dick all.

Mods can do what they want and give a reason or not. They're decision.

There's a lot of crap that comes through here when new players ask to see pics of everyones guns, or ask what to do to make their gun shoot 400fps.
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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:38   #8
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Originally Posted by gandar
But yes, I have seen some vindictive modding, but you have to remember, they're still human.

Just wondering - how does someone who has a problem with a "vantictive mod" handle it? PM Hojo? Another Mod?

While I have never really had a problem with a Mod, I have seen a mod boderlining a few rules themself.

I agree they are human - but thats just it. They have final say and I guess we'll just have to live with it. I think a Mod poll would be awesome (whos hot, whos not)

And if a mod is just getting ready to PM me with a warning ... Please note: I didnt say anything bad towards a mod - nor troll - just sharing my thoughts
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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:45   #9
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Originally Posted by ert
Post count means dick all.

Mods can do what they want and give a reason or not. They're decision.

There's a lot of crap that comes through here when new players ask to see pics of everyones guns, or ask what to do to make their gun shoot 400fps.



Troz, I would say if you think a mod is being unfair, PM them, ask them why they did what they did, they can chose to explain it to you or not.

A cop pulls a man over who is speeding, however he is merely keeping pace with the rest of the traffic, when he protested to the cop, saying "But I was just going the same speed as everyone else!"
The cop asked, "Ever go fishing?"
The man replied, "Yes."
"Ever catch ALL the fish in the lake?"
Ubique Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt

Alternatively, I could just light you on fire. - Me
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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:48   #10
Freedom Fighter
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Originally Posted by ATREYU
Originally Posted by gandar
No, I've seen a lot where they lock it and don't say why, and I do see what ATREYU is saying. There're a few mods that give a reason, but not all, and they don't always. *shrugs* I'm a mod on other forums and I understand it, it's just not always possible to put the reason, or it's blazingly obvious why it got locked (IE it turned into a shitslinging contest or whatever) Other times it's nice to get that last remark in, or they feel the conversation is over and it can be finsihed.
Or they don't like the topic or the someone involved in the convo. Let me ask this since i was asked - when a thread is deleted, does that take a persons post count down, or is that something else a vindictive mod can mess with?
I highly doubt any of the mods would bother wasting their time e-hunting particular individuals. I sure don't. I trash lots, and I mean LOTS of threads. I don't mind seeing people asking questions, and I don't mind people chatting, but far too often threads not only get off topic, but nasty or just plain pointless and then I push my big red flush button.

Also, with regard to post count. First off, it should not matter. Secondly, when I remove a thread that has out lived it's usefulness (expired buy & sell ads for example) your post count remains intact. When a post goes into the public trash, you loose credit for all posts within that thread. Mods included. Another point I'd like to make, if it were up to me no one would have their post count visable.

If I did not trash as many threads as I have been, this place would become a disorganized, unreadable, confusing mess.
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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:51   #11
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I do agree with that.... this place would be a zoo..
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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:53   #12
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Also, some threadss get trashed for no reason as well. This thread: as an example, nothing was outlined why. Just gets sent to the trash bin for no reason.

Another issue is those that get a temp banning for whatever reason, why isn't that person notified about why and how long? I remember Droc getting a temp ban, it took a couple of us that still had access to get to the bottom of it, then he cleared it after on MSN Messenger. So if a person gets banned to learn what not to do or say on the forum, how does he/she learn what the banning was for? Or even that they did in fact get banned, and the server isn't down for repairs?
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Old December 12th, 2005, 14:54   #13
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
Originally Posted by ATREYU
Originally Posted by gandar
No, I've seen a lot where they lock it and don't say why, and I do see what ATREYU is saying. There're a few mods that give a reason, but not all, and they don't always. *shrugs* I'm a mod on other forums and I understand it, it's just not always possible to put the reason, or it's blazingly obvious why it got locked (IE it turned into a shitslinging contest or whatever) Other times it's nice to get that last remark in, or they feel the conversation is over and it can be finsihed.
Or they don't like the topic or the someone involved in the convo. Let me ask this since i was asked - when a thread is deleted, does that take a persons post count down, or is that something else a vindictive mod can mess with?
I highly doubt any of the mods would bother wasting their time e-hunting particular individuals. I sure don't. I trash lots, and I mean LOTS of threads. I don't mind seeing people asking questions, and I don't mind people chatting, but far too often threads not only get off topic, but nasty or just plain pointless and then I push my big red flush button.

Also, with regard to post count. First off, it should not matter. Secondly, when I remove a thread that has out lived it's usefulness (expired buy & sell ads for example) your post count remains intact. When a post goes into the public trash, you loose credit for all posts within that thread. Mods included. Another point I'd like to make, if it were up to me no one would have their post count visable.

If I did not trash as many threads as I have been, this place would become a disorganized, unreadable, confusing mess.
Granted - and I have noticed you DO clean up a lot. It needs to be done. My only issue is to see why some threads got closed is all. I'm not abdicating keeping them all open, but a reason for closing might deter other people from rehashing an old subject - knowingly or unknowingly. The mods do have a job to do, and they keep idiocy from being contagious.

**Edit - Alex this is not directed at you or any of the other mod's personally**
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old December 12th, 2005, 15:14   #14
Freedom Fighter
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Stalker, good question ... I can't be bothered to email everyone that gets banned.

The golden rule is that we (mods) already warn people in advance before they are banned. I'm not going to get into the whole Droc thing here but he is no angel and although I'd like a level playing field, established users get cut more slack. He knows that and if not should have a gander at the rules.

Why do established users get cut more slack? Because they have at least offered something good to the airsoft community as a whole. New people who show up and start lipping off right away get dumped almost immediately.

So, in part, usually someone has a general idea of why they may have been banned. Some rules are very obvious ... no porn, and no images or videos depicting death. While some rules can float into the grey area, these are clear cut no no's. Let me not forget death threats or threats of physical violence, those are also lame and frowned upon.

One example? I banned the same shit three times on Sunday alone. He kept creating new hotmail accounts and new ASC accounts. How much time do I need to waste on people who can't repect the rules of this site.

I used to make a comment when I flushed or locked threads but I felt like I was starting to look like one of those pricks that always needed to get the last word. I didn't like that.
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Old December 12th, 2005, 15:20   #15
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Good answer! Hehe, as I tell people, the only reason I'm kept around here is because I'm nice & useful to new players with questions. Otherwise I'd have probably been banned years ago. Hey, when Greylocks tells you that "You are a true saint online............" has to say something!

And regarding your last comment, I agree that it tends to have a last word bit about it, but at least the message becomes crystal clear. Just sometimes it seems closing threads without a reason mentioned has other results.

Oh ya, I KNOW Droc is no angel!!!! Then again, neither am I. A saint maybe, but no angel............
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