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Noob Milsim Gear


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Old September 5th, 2015, 20:03   #1
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Golden BC
Noob Milsim Gear

Hello! I am just starting airsoft and want to play milsim. (eg op iceback) and I was seeing what you guys would think about my starting loadout before I buy it! any suggestions are welcome!

G&G CM16 MOD 0
KJW KPO1 (P226)

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Old September 5th, 2015, 20:11   #2
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Take all of the money allocated towards gun accessories, and put it towards water carriage, more water carriage, a day pack, basic rain gear, a small first aid kit, electrolye tablets, and better boots than the ones you planned to buy.

If you really want to do "milsim", you're going to be doing a lot more hiking and lying down than you are door-kicking. You can't flashlight your way out of dehydration - aggravated hypothermia.

Edit: Forget the dump pouch too. Much better to get used to properly cycling your mags on a rig. Dump pouches are loud, clunky, snag on things, and throw the balance of your belt line off.
They're a fine solution for cqb or skirmish games, but they're a real drag after hour six and encourage laziness.

Last edited by Cliffradical; September 5th, 2015 at 20:16..
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Old September 5th, 2015, 20:49   #3
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Uhhhh slow your roll there.

I'm soooo sure its a great idea for a newb to jump strait into a milsim event. I'm sure your teammates will love having you on board.

How about getting some gear together and playing an gaining experince and figuring out what works for oyu or not...rahter then getting a bunch of shit together and being miserable.

That would be like me deciding im going to go to SAIL and buy a bunch of mountain climbing equipment and going to climb mount Everest. Doesn't sound safe or smart.

And as Cliff said... you are basically going on a hiking/camping trip with a gun to occasionally pew at people. You need to invest alot in QUALITY boots, bags, hydration, medical, rain/outer wear, and the like.

Also having a ton of fancy gizmos on your gun only makes it heavier. And after 18 hours of lifting and aiming it your arm is going to get tired.
Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
Originally Posted by Latvian291 View Post
This is one of the funniest things I've read.
Commandment 1 of LMGesus: Fuck getting kills. That's the job of your teammates, otherwise known as the cannon fodder. Your job is to be scary.
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Old September 5th, 2015, 21:15   #4
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I guess I am not a total nood for multiple reasons

I have played airsoft with rental guns before
I have played paintball for 3 plus years (some milsim like events)
and I have been doing real steal for about 5 years as well as hiking.

I also tried a couple vests and I do like the mag pouchs to be intergrated it makes everything nice and fast
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Old September 5th, 2015, 21:18   #5
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i already have the boots...very good boots
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Old September 5th, 2015, 21:19   #6
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AND the only reason i want i light is because a lot of ops require one
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Old September 5th, 2015, 22:41   #7
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Paintball doesn't translate very well into airsoft. I have done paintball for 21 years including 24 hour games..they are NOT the same thing as a true airsoft milsim. Get rid of that mentality right now.
Practice practice practice and more practice. Build a kit, play it out and see what works and what doesn't. I have played skirmish airsoft for 5 years now and know I do not have a milsim ready kit.

I would suggest you play some full day skirmishes and go from there.
I don't know. Not a pro so take it or leave it.
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Old September 5th, 2015, 22:48   #8
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I agree with Chaz. I played both paintball and airsoft. Both are completely different.

If you are on a budget. Forget the optics, and pistol. If you want to do Milsim, get a good vest, hydration, get a better rifle and better mags. Try to buy once if you can. You can always add a pistol later.

I run only iron sights, but do use a red dot for indoor games.
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Old September 5th, 2015, 23:04   #9
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Milsim is a mindset, not a kit list.

That being said, buying a whole bunch of repro shit will just get you killed faster when the big kids come out at night, repro gear tends to do lots of funny shit under NVGs.

Go by a surplus store and look for the stuff they sell for cheap, used issued gear from the US is usually half the price of new reproduction gear, works better, looks better, smells awesome.

All you need to "milsim" is the right colur bdu, a hat, shoes (hiking shoes, boots, etc), a small backpack with lunch and 6L of water, a light chest rig, 5 low caps, a gun and the right fucking attitude. You will run light, you will stay hydrated, eat well, and if you're super cool you might even kill a guy. EDIT; Eyepro is important. Outdoors most people use ballistic glasses. Buy real, buy once.

But most importantly, with the right fucking attitude, you'll be a key element to your team which your command will enjoy having around. Without it, people won't like you, and that's what really counts.

So heed our advice, or don't, I couldn't care less. It'll just be another dickhead at the milsim game dressed to the tits and gasping for breath after 2 hours. There are plenty of them.

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Last edited by ShelledPants; September 5th, 2015 at 23:07..
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Old September 5th, 2015, 23:37   #10
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so basically don't buy anything that i stated and just get the basics?
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Old September 5th, 2015, 23:51   #11
Red Dot
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Your the dude who wants to spend $1600 at Toronto Airsoft, I highly recommend NOT doing that.

Start small and build up. Next year I'll probably be ready to hit a 24 hour game, so that's 2+ years of playing, learning and acquiring the right gear to be an asset in that scenario.

Nothing wrong with pacing yourself and your wallet, if you bite off more than you can chew you won't enjoy yourself.
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Old September 5th, 2015, 23:56   #12
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I would rather have a quality VFC or G&P M4 with iron sights, than buy a cheap G&G so that I could dress it up with a fake Eotech and a cheap flashlight, and lousy feeding magazines just to build up the kit.

Get a good rifle now and add the upgrades later. That is what I meant by basics.
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Old September 5th, 2015, 23:59   #13
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For 1600 you can get a used ptw, 4 mags, cylinders, batteries, bdu, boots, and eyewear... i know because that was my budget this year...

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Old September 6th, 2015, 00:01   #14
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@reddot that's an order for 3 people.. not for just myself.... and @superhog I am putting my surefire fury 1000 from one of my firearms on the airsoft gun so I wouldn't say it was cheap. also I was going to get the G&G combat machine to practice with and train with then I was going to get a vfc down the road and make my G&G my backup....
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Old September 6th, 2015, 00:03   #15
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my budget is 800-1000. I have good boots what would you recommend me getting

Thanks for all the help, I really do appreciate it
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