Correct AoE on an Aero Cylinder head
Hey crew,
Does anyone have a good way to correct AoE with an "Aero" cylinder head? I have a Modify bore up compression set and the cyilnder head is an "Aero" design. (I'm using it on a 590mm inner barrel, so I'll need the extra air volume from what I've been told.) It's not the same as the "Silent" cylinder head with an o-ring along the outer rim of the cylinder head. The entire inner face has a thin rubber layer on it.
I'm not sure if adding a "Silent" style o-ring would be wise since it would prevent the "Aero" style piston head from mating properly against the back of the "Aero" cylinder head.
I won't be running anything more than an M140 spring so the stresses shouldn't be too bad from the impact and the piston head is aluminum.
Does anyone have any experience with this kind of set up or any educated suggestions?
The 2 options I see are either adding shims between the piston and piston head to correct AoE, or making a home made sorbo pad and fitting it to the Aero cylinder I'd do that I have no idea ATM.
Thanks to anyone who can help
Last edited by paulwes83; March 31st, 2015 at 10:13..