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Skeleton Sidearms products


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Old February 25th, 2015, 11:30   #1
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Skeleton Sidearms products

Does anyone have personal opinions on any of their pistols? seems to be the major retailer.I am interested in the 1911 Tactical
GNBB for paper target shooting at home. It has good reviews over past 2 years
on their site but not much of a history on the internet . Thanks!
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Old February 25th, 2015, 11:53   #2
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My personal opinion is that you're better off getting a KJW 1911 for that price range.
However, I think that the OEM for (some of?) the Skeleton 1911s are in fact KJW. I'm not familiar with the NBB version though, and can't do too much research here at work.
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Old February 25th, 2015, 11:54   #3
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No, just no. It's not even a good paperweight.
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Old February 25th, 2015, 12:15   #4
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Skeleton Sidearms are way overpriced rebrands of other products. They are definitely not KJW. Their NBBs are rubbish and their GBBs are even worse, stay far far away from that brand.
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Old February 25th, 2015, 12:26   #5
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
They are definitely not KJW.
I stand corrected, thanks.
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Old February 25th, 2015, 13:01   #6
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They're a great choice for people who don't have much money and don't want to have a working pistol for very long.

They suck up that small amount of cash you have and then break in a manner that cant' be repaired so you don't need to shoot it any more.

Buying one & over time "upgrading" it into a functioning pistol that can be used to shoot at things with is as unlikely as buying a used toaster oven at a garage sale and upgrading it into a functioning car with spare parts.
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Old February 25th, 2015, 13:19   #7
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That sums up my feelings on shitty gear pretty nicely.

I often have to dig myself out of the thought of "well, I can't afford something really nice now, so I'll just get by with this shitty thing for now, and save up for one that actually works". People should remember that if you spend all your money on something shitty, you need to start saving again from the very beginning - rather than just saving a little bit longer to get something that works.
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Old February 25th, 2015, 15:33   #8
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Skeletons Sidearms is just a Canadian rebrand of (mostly) terrible Chinese products.
They do have some rebrands of KJW 1911's and maybe one or two other KJW models, but that's the only decent Skeletons Sidearms products.
Because they're not SS products.

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Old February 25th, 2015, 17:53   #9
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Okay- I will stay away from this brand. What appealed to me for the 1911
Tactical was non-blowback, and ability to fire in SA as well as DA plus the 30
reviews claim good build and accuracy and a sight rail which is very necessary for me. Of course, those good reviews may not hold up after awhile of ownership.
My limited understanding of airsoft pistols (but I may be misinformed ):
Non blowback means a heavy D/A trigger which affects accuracy
Blowback degrades accuracy
Most pistols need mods and frequent maintenance
So is there anything easily available for target shooting in the $200 range,
accurate for my purpose with sight rail and is good to go out of the box?
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Old February 25th, 2015, 17:59   #10
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Oh, you're right, looking thoroughly through their awful site, there is a 1911 by KJW on there. But it's 50$ more expensive than other stores and it has ugly skeleton sidearms trades, who would ever want to buy that?
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Old February 25th, 2015, 18:11   #11
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Blowback, or GBB, is perfectly accurate, more realistic in terms of function and handling, makes for a great overall shooting experience, and especially if you're after a gun that is single action, you don want a double action trigger.
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Old February 25th, 2015, 18:41   #12
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Originally Posted by zapper View Post
Blowback degrades accuracy
By the time the slide is cycling backwards the round is already out of the barrel. Blowback does not decrease accuracy; lack of shooting technique and "jack bauer" style "teacup" hand grips decrease accuracy.

Learn some shooting basics and you'll be able to hit a chest sized target out to 20m with a blowback pistol no problem.

Originally Posted by zapper View Post
Most pistols need mods and frequent maintenance
If by "frequent maintenance" you mean "cleaning it" then yes, otherwise if your pistol requires more than that and have parts breaking all the time you've bought a cheap brand.

My "NO BS" advice: Save all your rupees and hit up the classifieds for some deals to get a kick-ass pistol. Or if you can't delay gratification, check out the KP-05 from KJW. Decent workhorse 1911 style gun, about your price range.
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Old February 25th, 2015, 18:42   #13
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The weight of a trigger pull isn't dependent on whether the slide moves or not. All your trigger pull does is release the spring-loaded hammer. Pulling the trigger won't wind up the hammer, or rack the slide for you, or anything else that requires any more energy than a NBB would.

Accuracy is far more dependent on the quality of your barrel and hop up, than on whether or not the slide is moving back and forth over the barrel. (Unless the gun is shitty, and the slide yanks the barrel around)

Very few pistols need mods out of the box. But they do require very basic maintenance - clean and lube the frame and slide so that the slide can move. Otherwise it's the same maintenance as a NBB. It only takes a minute to pop the slide off, run a tissue down the slide rails on the frame, and the side of the slide, and then smear a thin coating of lube down the frame.

Are you set on the feel of the 1911, AND a D/A trigger? If not, there's plenty of quality D/A pistols out there, and plenty of quality S/A 1911s. For the $200 price range, stick with a KJW though. If you want to save a bit more for a KWA or TM, then that's always recommended, but they're outside your price range. A WE is probably a step up from Skeleton Arms, but I wouldn't recommend them.

I can't think of any pistols that come with a sight rail though. I'm still at work, and can't see which pistol you mean, so I don't know if it's a railed slide (bad idea for a stock GBB), or a frame mounted rail that stays stationary over the slide. Either way, those are generally considered after market parts.

The SS pistol seems to be unique in it's offerings in the $200 price range, for having a NBB D/A 1911 with a railed slide or frame. I can't think of anything to compare it to.

Of course, my suggestion is to ditch the pistol optic, get good with controlling the miniscule recoil of a GBB, and get a pistol whose trigger action matches its common real world equivalent. But if the sight rail is absolutely necessary for you, you won't have much luck with other brands.
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Old February 25th, 2015, 22:05   #14
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absolute garbage. stay far far away.
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Old February 25th, 2015, 22:22   #15
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I just saw a field test video on the KJW KP05 by Replica Airguns which shows
great target accuracy for a paper puncher like me. I now feel this could be my
choice for a 1911 style and will shop around for pricing or keep an eye on the classifieds here.
Or maybe the KP06 hicapa?
Thanks for all your advice!

Last edited by zapper; February 25th, 2015 at 22:30..
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