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A low-cost GoPro, etc alternative.


Accessories Discussion

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Old September 26th, 2014, 13:24   #1
siggypoo's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Oshawa, Ontario.
A low-cost GoPro, etc alternative.

I've been a fan of WL Toys for many years, and have three helicopters from them, including one that carries a 720/1080P video camera.
Now, while I've not tried it for airsoft, it occurs to me that this camera, with a little bit of homecrafting, could be adapted to fit a picatinny rail or helmet for airsoft play. As well, being for RC, it's very light, and very compact. Pretty sturdy too, but if it were spanked during a game, at least you'd not be out so much coin.
One example, this eBay auction for a WL Toys camera, the same as mine, would surely work for those of us who can't afford much, or maybe can, but want multiple camera options.
See if this might be good for your own setup.
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Old September 26th, 2014, 13:27   #2
FirestormX's Avatar
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Location: Mississauga, Ontario
I haven't looked into it, but how is it in low light? I'd imagine that if it's meant to go on something that flies above the shadows, there's not a lot of cost being put into allowing it to function well in forests/CQB.
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Old September 26th, 2014, 14:27   #3
siggypoo's Avatar
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Location: Oshawa, Ontario.
A low-cost GoPro, etc alternative.

It's not something I'd considered. My flight happens a lot in my living room during the day; naturally lit and shaded. Flight outside is great, except that my V912 moves a lot in gusts. In calm air, under the shade of my trees, the vid seems fine.
Really, best I can suggest is to check out the links I posted, or check YouTube.
I understand RC flight is drastically different from airsoft, nonetheless, these cams are reasonably rugged; my chopper has crashed too many times, and occasionally dropped from altitude when juice died. While not GoPro-quality, as I suggested, it may be a reasonable alternative. I record in 720P, for increased vid length, and I don't have a 1080P capable TV. Poor, y'know, lol.

Last edited by siggypoo; September 26th, 2014 at 14:30..
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