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Not Again... Echo1 Timberwolf OuterBarrel Failure


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Old June 22nd, 2014, 19:58   #1
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Not Again... Echo1 Timberwolf OuterBarrel Failure

So my Outer-Barrel just broke on my Timberwolf, and now I am searching for a replacement. It would be TM compatible right? All I see is afordable Guarder Barrels, an A.P.S Barrel and a A.G Barrel? Guarders require modifications to fit right? Any Recommendations?

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Old June 23rd, 2014, 14:42   #2
cetane's Avatar
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Evike had we g17 barrels on for like $7. I got one that needed a bit of modding to fit my kjw g32 (threaded the end)
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Old August 5th, 2014, 00:10   #3
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2nd Time Barrel Breaking

The barrel broke again, and this time it was an HK3P steel outer barrel. What outer barrel should I get next? I now have an HK3P aluminum slide, so I am guessing I should get an aluminum barrel?

Last edited by Kungpow; August 5th, 2014 at 00:45..
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Old August 5th, 2014, 01:18   #4
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That's quite strange how the barrel broke in the exact same way as the first one. Do you know what is causing the barrel to break that way? It would probably be a good idea to track the root of the problem down first. Otherwise we will see a third broken barrel from you lol.
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Old August 6th, 2014, 15:56   #5
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Early versions of WE glock have the same problem, then WE changed the out barrel to have round edge between the chamber and the barrel. (picture from Taiwan player) and mostly solved the problem.
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Old August 6th, 2014, 16:39   #6
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Is it true that Echo1 Timberwolf is a WE (OEM) G17 with different slide/frame?
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Old August 6th, 2014, 17:14   #7
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Originally Posted by Kungpow View Post
The barrel broke again, and this time it was an HK3P steel outer barrel. What outer barrel should I get next? I now have an HK3P aluminum slide, so I am guessing I should get an aluminum barrel?
I don't think steel would break like that. It likely wasn't steel.

But like was said you definitely need to find out why it's breaking barrels or it will just happen again.

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Old August 6th, 2014, 17:27   #8
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I don't think hk3p will have oem steel barrel, it is likely same material as we glock outer barrel, pot metal.

Last edited by ccyg8774; August 6th, 2014 at 19:23..
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Old August 6th, 2014, 18:13   #9
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Originally Posted by ccyg8774 View Post
I don't think hk3p will have oem steel barrel, it in likely same material as we glock outer barrel, pot metal.
So I would guess the slide is pot-metal too? Awww well will the guarder two piece barrel looks like the safest and most ridged barrel, other than WE's new glock barrel. I was looking at many other barrels such as the PGC and a few others and they all look like the same design as the stock barrel. I am not sure what would be the best choice. I was inspecting the broken barrel and not notice any wear marks that would ruin the barrel. The only marks were on the ejection port and the bottom where the guide rod and spring are.
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Old August 6th, 2014, 19:52   #10
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Originally Posted by Kungpow View Post
So I would guess the slide is pot-metal too? Awww well will the guarder two piece barrel looks like the safest and most ridged barrel, other than WE's new glock barrel. I was looking at many other barrels such as the PGC and a few others and they all look like the same design as the stock barrel. I am not sure what would be the best choice. I was inspecting the broken barrel and not notice any wear marks that would ruin the barrel. The only marks were on the ejection port and the bottom where the guide rod and spring are.
Most (if not all) WE glock sold in Canada have the later version, round-angle barrel. But slide-barrel sets sold alone may still be the old version. Did you get it from A*iaA*rs* I will try to avoid it...

If it is true that Echo1 Timberwolf is OEM by WE, then it is possible it suffers the same problem of the outer barrel breaking as the early WE glocks, and WE didn't bother to fix that on Timberwolf. Other glock barrels with straight angle design don't have nearly as much problem as WE straight angle barrel, this should be a problem specific to WE straight angle barrel. Probably the way WE makes that causes tension in that spot, or WE made that spot weaker than other companies do.

If you mix-match slide and barrel from different company, you may also have an issue. This post may help. I am not saying a PCG barrel will have a problem nor you should also buy a PCG slide, I am just saying maybe don't be too hurry on buying an expensive outer barrel.

Here is what I would do if I am in this situation:
First I will try to confirm if Echo1 Timberwolf is OEM by WE. I heard it is, I am not sure. I would ask some more experienced people, and I will compare the internals between WE Glock and Echo1 Timberwolf.
If I can confirm it is OEMed by WE, I would email a Taiwan retailer about ordering an WE glock outer barrel. They get their parts from WE directly and frequently, so it is almost certain it will be a new version barrel, but it is good to ask in the email and be sure. (The old version is actually very old, I would be superised if they can find an old version barrel.) Evike may work as well but watch out for brokage fee. The barrel should be very cheap ($10-20 ish).
If it solves the problem, great (I think it would). If it don't, I would start doing work about aftermarket barrel on WE glock, and how they interact on stock/HK3P slides. If it says I will have to buy a $250 slide-barrel set to revive a Echo1 Timberwolf, I would make a decision between dumping the gun or paying the $250. If it went that bad, I will probably give up and use the gun for spare parts.

Last edited by ccyg8774; August 6th, 2014 at 20:01..
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Old August 7th, 2014, 01:16   #11
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Originally Posted by ccyg8774 View Post
Most (if not all) WE glock sold in Canada have the later version, round-angle barrel. But slide-barrel sets sold alone may still be the old version. Did you get it from A*iaA*rs* I will try to avoid it...

If it is true that Echo1 Timberwolf is OEM by WE, then it is possible it suffers the same problem of the outer barrel breaking as the early WE glocks, and WE didn't bother to fix that on Timberwolf. Other glock barrels with straight angle design don't have nearly as much problem as WE straight angle barrel, this should be a problem specific to WE straight angle barrel. Probably the way WE makes that causes tension in that spot, or WE made that spot weaker than other companies do.

If you mix-match slide and barrel from different company, you may also have an issue. This post may help. I am not saying a PCG barrel will have a problem nor you should also buy a PCG slide, I am just saying maybe don't be too hurry on buying an expensive outer barrel.

Here is what I would do if I am in this situation:
First I will try to confirm if Echo1 Timberwolf is OEM by WE. I heard it is, I am not sure. I would ask some more experienced people, and I will compare the internals between WE Glock and Echo1 Timberwolf.
If I can confirm it is OEMed by WE, I would email a Taiwan retailer about ordering an WE glock outer barrel. They get their parts from WE directly and frequently, so it is almost certain it will be a new version barrel, but it is good to ask in the email and be sure. (The old version is actually very old, I would be superised if they can find an old version barrel.) Evike may work as well but watch out for brokage fee. The barrel should be very cheap ($10-20 ish).
If it solves the problem, great (I think it would). If it don't, I would start doing work about aftermarket barrel on WE glock, and how they interact on stock/HK3P slides. If it says I will have to buy a $250 slide-barrel set to revive a Echo1 Timberwolf, I would make a decision between dumping the gun or paying the $250. If it went that bad, I will probably give up and use the gun for spare parts.
When I installed the HK3 Slide and Barrel, it was an drop in fit. The Barrel and Slide from is T*g*r11* I have seen some barrels on the market classifying the materials as just Metal or Metal Alloy, which is a red flag. I just want the damn thing to run, I was even considering the 5KU aluminum slide and barrel. I will probably only buy a different designed barrel which is the WE barrels, steel barrels or any other barrels on the market. I have looked at that upgrade thread and I have been researching what would be the best option. I also found this video The YouTuber mentioned how his barrel broke 2 times on his WE G17 and how he fixed his problem. The guy even mentioned Eluder.
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Old August 7th, 2014, 13:12   #12
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It wont matter what barrel you put on there if the barrel is made of pot metal. It will break.

The barrel breaks because the barrel tilt is too extreme. Basically, the slide will push the outerbarrel too much on the chamber and will fracture right where the muzzle and the chamber meet. If you look closely at the video link above and freeze it where he shows you his broken barrel, you notice paint wear on it. That where the "push" happens.

This is further exasterbated by the lugs on the hop up unit and the repeated stroke of the slide. The more you cycle the slide, the bigger the fracture will become.

If you are going to get an new barrel, make sure it made out of stronger material like a steel barrel.

You dont have to get a Two piece system like the Guarder one. Those are meant for steal slides. RA-Tech makes WE specific steal barrels so i go for that instead since they cater to WE spec Hop up units.
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Old August 7th, 2014, 15:24   #13
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Would it be possible to simply short stroke the gun so the barrel doesnt tilt all the way back?
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Old August 7th, 2014, 19:10   #14
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Originally Posted by jordan7831 View Post
Would it be possible to simply short stroke the gun so the barrel doesnt tilt all the way back?
Like a buffer? Is there a way to have a straight barrel design, like the Makarov? Well, I would rather keep the barrel tilt.

Last edited by Kungpow; August 7th, 2014 at 19:16..
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Old August 15th, 2014, 13:18   #15
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Any conclusion on which outter barrel to buy?? I'm in the same predicament
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