OK, so I don't take credit for this fix but it worked AWESOME over the weekend at Ultimate Airsoft.
I have 7 PTS PMAG M mags (120 rounds). As expensive as they are I was experiencing a lot of binding inside the magazine, I could see BBs down in the magazine but they were stuck and had to be violently hit to pop out. It was happening to the tune of 1 in every 3 reloads so it affected my gameplay badly. My breaking point was when a magazine got completely jammed that I couldn't free it up with dropping it from a few feet off the ground.
Beautiful Google revealed that I am not the only one and I found a few videos talking about removing the BB follower as a fix. I basically followed this video:
Beta Project PMAG fix YouTube
Obvious difference is that I didn't drill the top of the mag because it's not like the Beta Project one. You remove the baseplate, unscrew the the inner magazine out from the outer shell and then I had to remove all the screws around the inner magazine to access the spring. It does appear to have a quick access area to remove the spring without unscrewing both halves but I snapped the plastic off one pretty good so I just went the extra step to access the spring.
After I removed the follower I reversed the steps above and man, flawlessly feeding magazines all day last weekend. When I was out I would pop out the magazine and notice 1-2 BBs sitting right at the top every time. I honestly went through around 10 magazine changes over the 5 hours at UA so I am pretty confident the issue is solved.
I hope this works for any of you that are having binding issues inside your PMAGs.