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Too much legal risk?


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old November 23rd, 2014, 12:08   #1
Jordan Mammoliti
Join Date: Nov 2014
Exclamation Too much legal risk?

So I'm planning on buying a G&G CM16 Raider from

Now I've done some research on importing guns in from the US and I came across this article on It pretty outlines what guns are legal in Canada in terms of their FPS output. And it pretty goes like this:

Under 366 FPS is a Replica Firearm, ILLEGAL!
Between 366 - 407 FPS is an Uncontrolled Gun, legal to own.
Over 407 FPS is considered a Firearm, not illegal to own but requires a license

Now this specific CM16 GBB has a listed FPS of 350 - 370 with .20g BBs and Green Gas. That's really not in the safe zone for Uncontrolled Airguns, and I don't want it to end up getting seized at the border if they do decide to test it out.

However I do believe that this model is also sold on a Canadian Website called "Replica Firearms", or something along the name of that.

So, is this too risky of a buy? What are your opinions on it? Even if this model is sold in Canada, is there a chance it'll get seized?
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 12:14   #2
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Just buy in country, and get age verified, with that you get awesome deals on the classified
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 12:15   #3
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Yes it is risky to import. The 366 to 500, not 407 is legal for import, but the CBSA can seize and destroy anything they want. The G&G line of guns are available in Canada from several sources, so importing is stupid. If you get AV'd, we can tell/show you where to get them.

Even though US prices seem cheaper, it's not usually worth it. After shipping, tax, getting raped by Purilator, it likely being in transit or with the CBSA forever, and the risk of it being destroyed, it's not worth it.
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 12:32   #4
Jordan Mammoliti
Join Date: Nov 2014
Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
...The 366 to 500, not 407 is legal for import ...
Really? I never knew that having such airsoft rifles were legal. I guess this would open my options about what other guns I can buy. I know this is a rather stupid question, but if you do know (not requesting you to find it), which part of the Criminal Code/Firearms Act/whichever legal document says that this is the legal interval for FPS?
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 12:39   #5
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This is easily found in the faq section
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А ну, чики-брики и в дамки!
За Родину!
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 12:41   #6
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It will literally cost you more money to import from the US than buying that gun from one of the 2384972398 Canadian retailers that carry them.
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 12:43   #7
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Where the heck did you find 407? That's a number from more than 2 years ago
The limits are 500fps AND 5.7 joules of force, you have to cross both, so that's 783fps on .20s

Basically every rifle over 366fps is legal to import.
The laws on airsoft guns are more lax now than they ever have been in the past.
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 12:45   #8
Jordan Mammoliti
Join Date: Nov 2014
Thanks for the clarification guys. I was mainly worried about the gun being within the range of 350 - 370 FPS, and legal requirement being 366 FPS
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 12:54   #9
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That's just import law though. In order for a gun to not be considered a replica, it either has to not look like a real gun with near precision or be able to cause serious bodily harm. Essentially that could be 200 FPS, the 366 on the legal side is a guideline. For it to not be considered a firearm it has to not exceed 500 FPS and 5.7 joules.
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 15:26   #10
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I gave up importing long ago..
but if you can find a decent gun in the US for less than 50 bucks and it's between the right fps..sure lol doesn't hurt to try if money isn't an issue that much.

but anything expensive...I would avoid cause of the risk..
classified has good deals, but most are pretty high end and it became pretty expensive lol, however I know there are deals on black Friday and boxing days probably on Canadian airsoft retail sites..although prices is still a lot higher than US, but you don't run the risk of losing that money and never gettting it back
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 15:33   #11
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Dude, those things are so cheap and so many retailers carry it in Canada...

A guy ordered an AK for me to build up for him, he ordered ages ago and its still stuck in customs.
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 15:46   #12
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I know a retailer that sells those things for like 190+tax

just buy in country
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 15:51   #13
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+1 buy domestically if you can (the gun you mentioned is commonly available) and if you do have to import, avoid Evike like the plague (search the forums for 1001 horror stories about them).
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 16:48   #14
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Join Date: Mar 2002 , they are going to be having some wicked Black Friday deals, as are Capital Airsoft

And Bent Barrel also has good prices on the G&G if you are interested.
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Old November 23rd, 2014, 17:40   #15
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I have bought about 6 guns from the US. They were all special cases as even with shipping and taxes still came out to more than $100 savings per gun. That said, I've bought more than that from Canadian stores because saving less than $50 isn't worth it. Everything else though, mags, equipment, upgrades go crazy and buy from wherever's cheapest. Mags especially I've saved a ton on buying from US/Overseas.

Example, the PTS Mega Arms MKM GBBR I'm going to save over $100 on, they are crazy expensive up here if you can even find them.
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