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What do you expect from an event



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Old August 22nd, 2013, 11:26   #1
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What do you expect from an event

Some of the other threads have got me thinking about what people expect from an event. This isn't meant to be a negative thread about the time someone laughed at your gear at a skirmish etc. Post something ridiculous and you'll get mocked.

Feel free to list must attend events and why. Add links if current.

So let's do somewhat of a form reply. Add or change at will though.
  • One Day Game
  • Two Day Game
  • Night Game
  • Indoor event
  • Cost $25
  • Cost $50
  • Cost $100
  • Cost $200 and up
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 11:44   #2
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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$100 24hr game, honestly I'd like to see a discount for people coming from out of province lol
Things to freaking DO during the night. IR laser triggered explosions, night fighting, infiltration, but mostly IR laser triggered explosions like we had at KS2.5
Have something for snipers to do, get them to shoot out some light bulbs to make taking over a camp easier or something, make those jerks useful lol

Really just need dynamic gameplay with a few solid objectives. Have objectives to complete that have props, typically involving explosions or fire. But dynamic gameplay so if things get stale you can throw in a hostage rescue or a freak airstrike to balance teams.

One of the best 24hr games I've been to was a private game hosted by SWATT in Brooks, and there was a ton of shit to find, objectives to complete, things to piece together, etc
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 12:50   #3
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theres a saying that "players make the game what it is"

which is mostly true. But I also think that some host depend on that saying too much. Ive been to 24 hour games with periods of non action going on and people just waiting for something to do.

The best game Ive ever played was hosted by dagger and wolfpack called jaguar kings up in muskoka. It rocked because there were so many things besides just shooting at people to keep people occupied.
-listening for morse codes on the radio, decoding the morse code
-finding co-ordinates on gps, digging up artifacts
-finding jewels spread along the field... soo much more stuff

Keeping players occupied, thats all I want out of a game.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 12:59   #4
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Originally Posted by CR0M View Post
"players make the game what it is"
The best game I've ever played was hosted by dagger and wolfpack called jaguar kings up in Muskoka.
WolfPack hosted some of the most epic games.
Lot of fun, simple scenarios with clear objectives.
Hosts would do well to review some of the old WolfPack game threads and see some of the elements that were there and the stuff they left out.

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Old August 22nd, 2013, 13:17   #5
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I just want live operation rhino 1....
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 13:58   #6
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Some random thoughts. Each note applies to the items below it too by the way.
  • One Day Game Starting on time, if field BBs are required then they are of good quality, Understandable rules, some sort of first aid station or person.
  • Two Day Game Parking & camping, a few shitters, stuff going on at night.
  • Night Game Well marked boundaries, night scenarios.
  • Indoor event Safe venue, safe obstacles if temporary.
  • Cost $25 A challenging and interesting scenario.
  • Cost $50 Something to take away, a patch, special kill rag, etc.
  • Cost $100 Really well organized, realistic props and more than just one or two neutral staff to monitor the game.
  • Cost $200 and up A scenario vehicle or helo to insert or extract, "Wow!" scenario, if pyro is a feature the players get to use it, not just the guy running the game, features that are unique and not just some scrub bush that no one's logged yet.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 23:08   #7
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I have family and can only paly one day outdoor game. Preferred well set up venue with facilities. Willing to pay $30.

Best games joint are those hosted by Collin. Creative, fast pace, well briefed and organized. Good for both experienced and new players.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 23:54   #8
Brian McIlmoyle
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I have similar expectations for all games. A good time, no hassles, clear objectives, fair play.

One Day Game- objectives in line with the time available, often one day games bite off too large a plan,

Two Day Game- appropriate operational pace,( not too fast not too slow, and with time for rest) and a "broader" scale of operation. objectives that lead into one another, a bit more back story to provide context .

Night Game very clear objectives and focused use of the venue, not too much time wandering around in the dark without purpose.

Indoor event Short quickly resolved scenarios, and rapid turn around. Limited respawn scenarios. FAST intense action

Cost $25- standard fee for any event less than 8 hours duration-- don't expect a lot of investment in props

Cost $50- Standard fee for games longer than 8 hours- if less than 24, should see some investment in props, pyro

Cost $100 - reasonable fee for a 24 hour game at a large venue that will require a game control staff, and investment in props, pyro and safety systems

Cost $200 and up- infrastructure, built up areas, vehicles , NPCs a fully developed back story. had better get a ride on a APC
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 00:52   #9
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Best games I ever attended in the order of best is still OP Capital Thunder 1&2, any wolfpack Muskoka games, 1st Rhino and the original Trifecta, Battle city in Japan (shooters are so polite), FCC night ops in HK in an abandoned village yeah thats right a whole freakin village talk about close quaters house to house combat, there are probably a few more but those mentioned are tops

Great game expectation would be great atmosphere, shooters, no bullshit, and most of all FREAKIN FUN.

Last edited by wildcard; August 23rd, 2013 at 00:55..
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Old August 23rd, 2013, 01:32   #10
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I want to be able expect Rhino 1/Op Jaguar Kings/Athena 1/Deadfall 2011 types of events or even better but in my experience I tend to find that is the exception not the norm. Its quite possible I have too high expectations for some of these milsims but sometimes I find that events are kind of thrown to the wind with minimal creativity in the game dynamics and objectives.

I have to agree with CROM that if you have the right players and give them the right environment and structure to thrive in they will make it a awesome game but sometimes that gets relied on as a crutch too much in order to make a successful game. The onus is on the organizers to setup a great framework and immersive environment with awesome objectives that will make it a great game on its own by default and with great players will make the game that much more exceptional.

Its a tough task for game organizers to achieve this balance between satisfying the expectations of different types of players but it has been done well before and can be done again with the right people and ideas.

If I pay $100+ then I expect a well thought out and a well organized event with plenty of objectives even if part of the milsim does involve staying in place for hours. Skirmish games I don't expect too much its not the same type of crowd as milsim events so the experience will vary but I just look for fast paced action packed games.

I hope someone raises the bar and gives the community more great events and experiences and doesn't just settle for the status quo cookie cutter variety when it comes to mil-sim's.

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Last edited by tygr701; August 23rd, 2013 at 01:36..
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