Outer Barrels
Hey guys,
I recently bought a VFC quake which has an 8.5 outer barrel. If I run a suppressor, it does not 'sit/align' flush with the handguard, and I am OCD about things like this.
So... I am going to have to get a 7" outer to bring it in a little and that should solve the problem. However, is there a difference between buying a noveske outer or a $20 dollar outer from airsoftdepot?
Thank you for the info.
EDIT: haha anyway... I just got a barrel. However, as I suspected, removing the barrel nut is not going to be nice. Does anybody know anybody or a place where I can take y gun to get the nut removed? I am done trying on my own. I have searched google for some help & I see lots of people having the same issue with the VFC barrel nut but no suggestions.
Last edited by Laurel; June 1st, 2013 at 19:38..