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MK18 Testing Waters


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Old June 6th, 2013, 22:32   #1
Zack The Ripper
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MK18 Testing Waters

So, I have decided that my next project piece is going to be a Mk18. Really like the look and versatility of the platform.

Kinda stuck between going the GBB route or sticking to AEG. I guess I figured I would leave this as an open discussion for anyone who owns/runs either platform. Just looking for opinions on the best starting place for either (I know for GBBR, WE is likely the best candidate, unsure about the AEG though).

I know a GBBR platform would definitely be the more expensive route, especially with the cost of mags and likely having to get a true EOTech instead of a repro (I have decided that want to run a holo sight on it). I already have a good idea of what I would get if going the GBB route, so I would like to know what the Mk18 savvy people on here have to say with regards to their starting platforms for an AEG and how they built onto it.

However, as this is a project that will take a little while to put together, I am still very open to going GBB. I probably won't start the build until the fall, and thus I am just in the research phase at the moment.

Let the opinions/discussions fly.
Guardians of Asgaard
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Old June 7th, 2013, 01:43   #2
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Old June 7th, 2013, 02:04   #3
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I personally think going the gbbr route for a mk18 build would be awesome. Sure it will be more expensive but the realism will be above what you get from an aeg, not to mention gbbr's are just plain fun.

If you go the gbbr route I would say use a WE M4 CQB-R as the base and have the correct mk18 trades engraved for added realism and then add all of the parts you want/need to complete the build. As for the aeg route the best base would probably be the VFC mk18, from there you can change what ever else you need. Sure that won't be much of a build but you will have great externals and need to buy less parts. That will let you focus on internals though.

Two questions I figure I might as well ask, what is your experience with GBBR's? How close to a "real mk18" do you want to be?

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Old June 7th, 2013, 03:05   #4
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If you choose the GBBR route, build up a G&P if you have money to burn.
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Old June 7th, 2013, 09:01   #5
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You're not cool until you have a MK18, I'm gonna make mine a PTW lol
Really its all up to personal preference, can't go wrong either way, I'd push AEG just because it's what >I< prefer.
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Old June 7th, 2013, 09:29   #6
Zack The Ripper
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I know its an overplayed platform, but I love it either way.

This would be my first GBBR, and thus why I am asking for opinions on both. I have been doing lots of research on them and I am leaning towards GBB simply for the ease of working on them as they have many similarities to RS, plus, the realism is shuper shexshy. Gear boxes and circuit boards are Mandarin to me. Ultimately the trades aren't a big issue for me as I will be doing a snake-scale paint job over the whole thing. If I get trades done it won't be until down the road, no matter which route I go.

The mags and having to shell out for a RS EOTech are the kicker though. However, being that it is a project gun its not a huge issue. To my knowledge most Mk18s run between a 10.5-12.5inch barrel, as I have seen platforms with both lengths labelled as such, but I guess my "nub" question would be: what is the most accurate barrel length for a RS Mk18? As well, out of curiosity, how much does trade engraving cost, and where would I be able to get it done within the GTA?

What is the part compatibility like for G&P GBBRs with regards to using RA-Tech aftermarket parts? If going GBB, in your opinions what would be the first things to upgrade? I know this is a widely asked question, but I always get/see different answers to this question. I know most people say play until it breaks, but I would like to k ow what parts I should probably get in anticipation of a failure.

Ahh a PTW would be nice, just too expensive for my taste.
Guardians of Asgaard
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Old June 7th, 2013, 10:01   #7
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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They're both realistic, run whatever length you want. The MK18 MOD 1 is effectively a complete lower, and the "Block" refers to what's available to mount on the rifle, that includes upper receivers.
14.5" barrel with 12" RISII
12.5" barrel with 12" RISII
10.5" barrel with 9.5" RISII
The 10.5" barrel looks way better if you want to use a suppressor
With a GBBR, you only need 250mm of barrel or so to be accurate so barrel length is a non issue for performance
First to upgrade on a GBBR, barrel and hop rubber.
First on an AEG, barrel and hop rubber =p
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Old June 7th, 2013, 10:45   #8
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I converted a WE into a Mk18 (mod 1).

Mk18 Mod 0/1 (as opposed to an SOPMOD M4/M4 SOPMOD Block II) by definition have a 10.5" barrel.

If you're going for a Mod 0, use the WE CQB-R as the base and you're 97% there. You'll need an LMT Crane stock and probably want an LMT rear sight depending how accurate you wanna be.

If you're going for a Mod 1 you can opt for a less expensive M4A1: the outer barrel is 2 piece so you can remove the extension and have your 10" outer (cut down the inner) and you're swapping out the handguard anyway. I used the Madbull one, no complaints. You'll also need a low profile gas block (I used an RS Badger Ord one) and an LMT Crane stock.

There's also a less common EOD variant with a VLTOR CASV-EL and either an M93 or VLTOR Modstock. Occasionally seen with an LMT rebar cutter.

And you don't need a RS EOtech, unless you really want one: I ran one of the Huang ones for a while and it held zero fine.
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Old June 7th, 2013, 10:49   #9
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
There's also a less common EOD variant with a VLTOR CASV-EL and either an M93 or VLTOR Modstock. Occasionally seen with an LMT rebar cutter.
He was refering to my built I guess haha;


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Old June 7th, 2013, 11:07   #10
Zack The Ripper
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Exactly the info I was looking for. I think I'm taking the GBBR plunge.

Well the reason I was saying RS for the EOTech is because most of the repros aren't shock proof. However, you should refer me to the exact model you got. As long as it holds zero I'm happy with that. You say you ran it for awhile, ha e you upgraded to RS or another sight at this time?

I'll probably go with the CQB-R, 10.5" outer with a 9.5" DD RIS. Not sure which irons i will go with yet, definitely want a green laser PEQ-15 (more for looks, as lasers cant be used most places). I was thinking maybe about using a SureFire tac light/fore grip combo (cant remember the model name off the top of my dome), but am not sold on that idea yet as they are rather large for my liking.

With the Mod 0 is it a necessity to get a new gas block, or will this not be necessary? I have only dealt with my mid-length custom MOE carbine, my SCAR-L and for a short time my old AK, so this is new territory for me. The LMT crane stock is my likely candidate as well; I wanna be OAF and band some chem lights on either side.

Any of you have pictures of any of your existing Mk18s just for me to schmooze over and use as reference points? (I promise I won't totally rip off your image)
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Old June 7th, 2013, 11:38   #11
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Originally Posted by ZackTheRipperC View Post
Well the reason I was saying RS for the EOTech is because most of the repros aren't shock proof. However, you should refer me to the exact model you got.
I don't see EOTechs on Airsoft Depot anymore... but it was marked as shock proof. Might wanna ask Huang about it.

As long as it holds zero I'm happy with that. You say you ran it for awhile, ha e you upgraded to RS or another sight at this time?
I discovered I wasn't comfortable with EOtechs, the reticle was too busy for me. Guess I'm an Aimpoint guy.

With the Mod 0 is it a necessity to get a new gas block, or will this not be necessary?
No, the Mod 0 uses the stock front sight/gas block.

Any of you have pictures of any of your existing Mk18s just for me to schmooze over and use as reference points? (I promise I won't totally rip off your image)
I'll try to find one but I did a pretty generic and by-the-book one myself.
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Old June 7th, 2013, 12:17   #12
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
I don't see EOTechs on Airsoft Depot anymore... but it was marked as shock proof. Might wanna ask Huang about it.

I discovered I wasn't comfortable with EOtechs, the reticle was too busy for me. Guess I'm an Aimpoint guy.

No, the Mod 0 uses the stock front sight/gas block.

I'll try to find one but I did a pretty generic and by-the-book one myself.
Yeah Huang has a bunch, but they aren't posted on the site (I frequent his shop). Okay, so Mod 1 is without the stars front post, simply the RIS with a front sight on the rail? Ahh I see. I do like the T-1, I have one on my mid-length M4. Generic and by the books is what I'm looking to build off of, but whatever you can show me is appreciated.
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Old June 7th, 2013, 12:25   #13
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Zack have you seen my eotech on the MP7? It works like a charm and holds zero no probelm
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Old June 7th, 2013, 13:06   #14
Zack The Ripper
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I haven't actually, where did you get it Mike?
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Old June 7th, 2013, 13:24   #15
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
I don't see EOTechs on Airsoft Depot anymore... but it was marked as shock proof. Might wanna ask Huang about it.
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So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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