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Quick Test#2: KSC vs. FRAG vs. BBB Classics 0.30g BB


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Old May 17th, 2013, 18:10   #1
Join Date: Dec 2011
Post Quick Test#2: KSC vs. FRAG vs. BBB Classics 0.30g BB

I posted this on ASM; I thought I'd share it here too:

I did another quick test to compare these 3 lines of BB's but this time I secured the gun on the vice and moved the target range to about 60 feet. The test is done indoors with no wind. The ceiling fans are on but they were about 120 feet or more away and cannot be felt.

First test could be found here:

Once again, I'm just here to present my findings. Interpret my data however you like.

Umarex G36C
- 407 mm Prometheus 6.03 barrel
- R-Hop
- Prowin metal chamber
- Madbull Red bucking
- Stock gearing
- Stock motor
- 7.4V Lipo
- Clone Holo sight
- Guarder Cylinder Enhancement kit
- Ball bearing QD spring guide (forget brand)
- Unknown spring rate
- Approximately 1.49 J of muzzle energy with .30 g BB
- All BB's were loaded into the same Magpul PTS Gmag, loaded about 30-40 BB's at a time.

- Midway pistol target @ 60' as measured by iPhone app "Range Finder+"
- Using bench vice to secure the gun
- Indoor warehouse-type environment, no wind
- The idea is to "measure" the spread by taking the distance between the hit marks that are furthest apart and observe the spread pattern
- Approximately 30 rounds are fired
- Target is placed on a piece of cardboard standing in a tool trolley (reduce ricochet compared to the last test where the box acted as a catch)

The first test subject was the FRAG. I was disappointed to find that it miss-fed in a previously known good mag (the mag that loaded KSC fawlessly in the first test). I could fire about 20 or rounds before I got fed up with the malfunctions. Every couple of shots, it would stop feeding. Sometimes wiggling the mag would fix it but more often did I have to pull the mag out and insert it again. Speefy mentioned in the thread for the first test that there is a possibility that I deformed the BB's while loading it with a speed loader. I cannot deny this fact. I did, in fact, run into problems with loading it again with my KWA speed loader. Perhaps it'd be a better idea to use a hicap mag next time.

Once again I measured the distance between the two BB's that are furthest apart. I got the result of about 9.3 cm. You'll notice that I took a few other measurements. These indicate the size of the grouping that I believe to be the major concentration by ignoring the extreme BB's (flyers?). For the FRAG, I measured about 6.0 cm. I will refer to this as the "concentration size" from here onward.

Next is KSC. It fed flawlessly. I shot about 30 rounds on target. Grouping size is 9.5 cm and it's concentration size is about 5.3 cm. I also took a measurement of maximum height deviation. This could be a sign fps or surface inconsistency (and/or gun inconsistency)? Fps test will follow later. About 30 shots were fired.

Lastly, it's BBB's Classic. Grouping size is 9 cm and it's concentration size is 5.6 cm. I'm quite impressed with the result. Note that the maximum height deviation is only 4.7 cm and the pattern seems pretty tight. About 30 shots were fired on this target. No feeding problems.

My thoughts: The BBB Classic seems very consistent throughout my tests and showed the least amount of inconsistency and least amount of deviation. The KSC is a close second but the result shows more vertical deviation when compared to the Classic. The FRAG was disappointment once again. Perhaps I will do another quick test with hicaps to see if I've deformed the BB's, but that still doesn't explain why I am experiencing problems with loading them while others had no problems. The spread pattern doesn't particularly impress either.

I will conduct a FPS test later this week. Please feel free to leave your comments and thoughts.

Last edited by KenTsui; May 17th, 2013 at 18:15..
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