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US postal service issues



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Old January 12th, 2013, 14:31   #1
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US postal service issues

Ordering from the US? Avoid using first class service from United Stares Postal Service. I ordered an item early December out of New York, and used normal or first class mail as I didn't need it immediately. I was surprised after one month that it had not arrived, and that tracking updates had not changed in a month.

Tracking numbers stay the same when a package travels into Canada as the Canadian Postal service "usually" adopts it to help the recipient track their package. I thought to myself the reason my last update was still in New York must be because it crossed into Canada and they haven't updated their tracking, or it was sitting at the CBSA. ...This was not the case. The package had not yet entered Canada, and the Canadian Postal Service could not help.

I then Phoned USPS to enquire further. The gentleman I spoke to explained that regular parcel or "first class" mail service hits less than 12% of their tracking, because they simply don't bother doing it. I also found that packages sent this way internationally may circle around and even hit the same postal stations more than once before they dane to send it north.

To make it worse, at most points they can't track it whatsoever and the package can't be reported lost or missing until it hasn't arrived for up to six months. No investigation will be performed though until the package has been missing for between one and two years as these packages have been known to arrive at over "two years late!".

Imagine tacking on top of that a lengthy stay at the CBSA, and or Canada post dolt headed tracking, before it arrives. He admitted that they don't often lose packages, but they remain in circulation until someone gives two shits enough to send them in the road where the same thing could occur at the next major center.

He explained this is a common issue internationally or within the US where even letter sized packages won't arrive for months and months and months. They get frequent complaints and inquiries from everyone.

I was informed to avoid this useless service "by the people that run it", and to "always" use priority or express mail only. If a package does not arrive within a short time using these two methods, a full investigation will be launched to track it down for you and they'll hit more than 90% of their tracking spots.
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Old January 12th, 2013, 15:50   #2
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Here is a posting I placed on another airsoft forum:

UPS is the most expensive shipper. Not only do you have to pay the shipping but there is a brokerage fee, tax, & customs for an additional 21%
Fedex isn’t far behind at about 12%
USPS, I have only been charged about 5% in the last 5 years if anything

Another thing to note is that if you do ship through USPS, the items would be delivered through Canada Post and you would still kind of be still supporting a Canadian business.

UPS delivers typically until 9pm and sometimes just scan the item delivered
Fedex deliveries until approx 8pm and if you have to pick up the item you must travel far South East
USPS/Canada Post delivers until 8pm and if the item does not fit it would be at a post office close to your house or if small enough be left in you community mail box.

On a final note, USPS tracking numbers starting with a LK are not tracked within Canada and make it very difficult to locate your items. I find it worth while to pay a bit more to have a fully traceable item.
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Old January 12th, 2013, 15:56   #3
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Yeah I lost a $300 camera Christmas gift in USPS from NY to Belleville, I don't think it ever even made it to the sorting center. I had to rebuy the gift from local electronics store and am still waiting for them to finish thier "investigation" before I can have my money back...the initial purchase was Nov 14th so this I am guessing by the end of Feburary I might have my money back.
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Old January 12th, 2013, 16:01   #4
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Sorry to hear that but I have been dealing with a "missing" M60 that the USPS states that the CSBA/Canada Post has while CSBA/Canada Post states that is never even made it. The really sad part is I know some people that work at Canada Post and the CSBA and was able to provide USPS proof that it never made it. LOL
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Old January 12th, 2013, 23:00   #5
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Well I'm still assuming my package will show up eventually; and luckily I'm only out about $80.00 if it doesn't. But after the explanation I got about how it all works, I was pretty much like "to hell with this". I'll never order that way again, may as well spend the extra cash on more secure shipping. But I thought I'd post about; maybe save some others a headache or two.
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Old January 12th, 2013, 23:59   #6
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Damn that's shitty.

I don't think you're going to get much from USPS TBH it's technically a government organization and I'm pretty sure it's pretty entrenched due to some weird laws in the US about postal service being a "right".

@ Maxxa and G780; Maybe if you try talking to the media or make a post on The Consumerist it might light a fire under their asses and might fasttrack their investigations.
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Old January 13th, 2013, 01:36   #7
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Honestly, the guy I spoke with made me feel pretty assured I'd receive the package at some point. But he couldn't track it's location for me, so I doubt they'll throw extra time or money at a Canadian citizen who complains. I mean it's not like he wasn't polite about it, lol.
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Old January 13th, 2013, 01:40   #8
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I had order something just south of the border from Vancouver, the package got to sent south to LAX and remained there for almost a month. Magically one day it showed it had moved it's way to Chicago which it remained a week and then got sent back to sender. I messaged the retailer and they said it had been returned with a Apt#??? written all over it. It never got posted to Canada Post either, I paid for shipping again without tracking and it arrived a week later.
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Old January 13th, 2013, 02:46   #9
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This is news? I hope it isn't for anyone who reads this.

US First Class does not offer tracking. It's a confirmation number. If you check up on the description, it says confirmation NOT TRACKING NUMBER

US Priority is the same as Canadapost's Expidited mail
US Express is the same as Canadapost's Xpresspost mail
Canadapost's Priorty is usually done via FedEx Express

If you have problem with lack of tracking: GO USPS Priorty or Express
If you have problem with mails spending more than two weeks, GO
USPS Express, It'll spend about a week, If you complain about the crappy tracking GO
->UPS (I suggest you avoid Standard as you pay the saving in brokerage. Non-standard UPS does not have to pay for brokerage)
->FedEx Express (there aren't as many retailer that use FedEx as UPS, additional fees are slightly lowered when you compared to UPS)
->DHL Express (If your retailer offer this, this is probably the best Express company, typically 1-2 days from US and the extra fee ontop of customs is only 2%)

Seriously folks, either suck it up with package getting lost or being slow(USPS/Canada Post) or dish out money for Non-gov't parcel service (My favorite orders: DHL, FedEx Express, UPS Expidited)
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Old January 13th, 2013, 02:57   #10
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Mine was definitely a tracking number ><
Confirmed as delivered when they sent back to sender.

Almost like when I paid for my passport to be expedited at same time my sister was doing hers. She paid for standard service and got hers mailed to her faster than I could go pick mine up at the government building lol.
Originally Posted by Baird
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Old January 13th, 2013, 05:32   #11
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
This is news? I hope it isn't for anyone who reads this.

US First Class does not offer tracking. It's a confirmation number. If you check up on the description, it says confirmation NOT TRACKING NUMBER

US Priority is the same as Canadapost's Expidited mail
US Express is the same as Canadapost's Xpresspost mail
Canadapost's Priorty is usually done via FedEx Express

If you have problem with lack of tracking: GO USPS Priorty or Express
If you have problem with mails spending more than two weeks, GO
USPS Express, It'll spend about a week, If you complain about the crappy tracking GO
->UPS (I suggest you avoid Standard as you pay the saving in brokerage. Non-standard UPS does not have to pay for brokerage)
->FedEx Express (there aren't as many retailer that use FedEx as UPS, additional fees are slightly lowered when you compared to UPS)
->DHL Express (If your retailer offer this, this is probably the best Express company, typically 1-2 days from US and the extra fee ontop of customs is only 2%)

Seriously folks, either suck it up with package getting lost or being slow(USPS/Canada Post) or dish out money for Non-gov't parcel service (My favorite orders: DHL, FedEx Express, UPS Expidited)
Actually it is news. I understand the basic service they offer, the problem is you don't get even that, and they know it. If you send something regular post you still expect to "arrive", and within reasonable "time". You shouldn't have to pay for a special service to ensure you don't get cocked around. You pay extra for special treatment, i.e. quick, concise, readily tracked. Regular mail is still an important service with a standard of professional expectations. It doesn't say on their website to avoid first class or standard mailing because it's a dismal train wreck. But it sub standard and they openly admit it...

I wasn't posting to rant though, just letting everyone know to avoid this service ...with the blessing of USPS employees no less.
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Old January 13th, 2013, 11:45   #12
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Just to play devils advocate, I do order a fair bit online (mostly BB's because I cant find a low bulk price in canada) and I dont really have a lot of trouble with shipping. Its only a few times I have a problem and its a pain in the ass.

FYI, UPS is extremely expensive BUT if they don't meet there service agreement meaning the tracking states delivered today and it doesn't show up. You can actually request a refund on the brokeage fee and then call the sender for a refund on shipping.

Same goes with Canada Post. I got told in a round about way by USPS to f-off lol
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Old January 13th, 2013, 12:12   #13
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Originally Posted by BennyBoy View Post
Mine was definitely a tracking number ><
Confirmed as delivered when they sent back to sender.

Almost like when I paid for my passport to be expedited at same time my sister was doing hers. She paid for standard service and got hers mailed to her faster than I could go pick mine up at the government building lol.
Then Canadapost or USPS must have relabel it. The normal USPS 1st class's label does not scan properly with the track scanner package handler use.
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Old February 19th, 2013, 16:35   #14
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Just wondering why i cant track my order... I ordered a PC from LAPolicegear and its shipped with USPS yesterday and i received a tracking number starting with CJ and the USPS tracking says i cant track it on the website???
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Old February 19th, 2013, 16:51   #15
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Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Because unless it was shipped priority, or express its scanned less than 12% of its destinations, and 0% once it hits Canada.
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