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Operation Overlord 2015: June 6th @ Edmonton Area


WW1, WW2

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Old April 25th, 2015, 23:21   #1
baker_Jeff's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB
Operation Overlord 2015: June 6th @ Edmonton Area

Operation Overlord 2015:

What: Operation Overlord was the June 6th, 1944 invasion of Normandy by Allied forces. This is an airsoft “re-enactment” that will loosely follow the events of that day for a fun and excitingly unique airsoft game.

When: Saturday June 6th, 2015
Where: Tactical Anarchy Paintball ( (Roughly 1h 20mins from Edmonton, give yourself time to get there for registration)
Time: Registration 7:30AM-8:30AM, Game Briefing @ 8:45AM. Game ends at 5:30PM
Who: Ages 14+
Cost: $45 in advance (Buy tickets @, $60 (cash only) at the door.
Includes: Game fee, Lunch, 1 Prize entry

Teams & Kit Requirements:


Tan uniforms (any predominantly tan camo or plain tan). WW2 Era period Allied uniforms are encouraged! There are no restrictions on gear or equipment.


Green/Blue/Black/Grey uniforms (any predominantly green, blue, black, grey camo or plain green, blue, black, grey). WW2 Era period Axis uniforms are encouraged! There are no restrictions on gear or equipment.

Weapons & Equipment:

Any weapon is allowed, however, no accessories are allowed (no lights, lasers, grips, grenade launchers, optics, etc). There are no restrictions on semi/full/bolt action guns. Any sidearm is allowed (no lights or lasers).

Any helmet is allowed (no lights, lasers, or markers attached please). Helmet cameras are allowed and encouraged.

Bolt Action Rifles are allowed a scope

Field Rules & Regulations:

Players must wear rated and fully sealed goggles with a strap
Biodegradable BBs only
430FPS Max, 499FPS for Bolt Action Rifles

What to bring:

Airsoft gun that fits within the velocity limits
Uniform that fits the colour requirements (or doesn’t, just don’t come naked)
Kill Rag (a bright red or orange cloth you can wave around wildly to indicate you have been hit)
Biodegradable BBs
Good footwear (Boots with ankle support, don’t wear sandals!)
Bug Spray
LOTS of water

Questions, comments, concerns? Would you like to help with registration, chrono’ing, or to volunteer for a position of authority on either team (we’ll need a General for each team and then some squad leaders)?

Email, or visit us at and use the Contact form.

Please purchase your tickets in advance at the following address:
Founder of Capital Airsoft in Edmonton

Out of the Game 04/22/16
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