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uhf/vhf vs frs/gmrs radios


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Old March 1st, 2014, 16:39   #1
Join Date: Sep 2013
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uhf/vhf vs frs/gmrs radios

Looking for my first radio and have a question. Other than range, what are the advantages of a programmable uhf/vhf radio such as the puxing 777 or 888 compared to something like a motorola talkabout.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 21:38   #2
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Don't forget to use the search function, bro. Since I've got nothing to do, I'll toss my 2 cents. I've recently bought a Puxing 777 (from online reviews & recommendations, fellow players I've gamed with, etc.). I've tried it around my house and in a forest behind my community, it's awesome. Common pros of these UHF/VHF vs. FRS/GMRS radios are:

- Extremely long lasting battery life (on Low power)
- Huge range
- Upgradable parts (antennas, headsets, etc.)
- Durable
- Progamming = easy peasy once you get the hang of it (Super customizable)

People who have actually gamed these in skirmishes and milsims will fill you in on the missing information.

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Old March 1st, 2014, 21:42   #3
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Friends don't let friends use talkabouts. Honestly if you're gonna fork out $65 for a pack of shitty radios, you may as well spend the extra $10 for a Puxing. Accessories, range, durability, all are better with a decent quality amateur radio compared to a blister pack one.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 21:43   #4
"bb bukakke" KING!
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the uhf radios are definitely great.. just remember to program them to the frs/grms frequencies as soon as you get them... accidentally transmitting on say restricted frequencies would be bad juju.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 1st, 2014, 22:02   #5
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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They are also compatible with military/replica communication gear.
And they don't make the anoying Bleep Bleep sound when transmitting.

Anyone poluting the comms with those sounds should be expelled from a milsim.

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Old March 1st, 2014, 22:16   #6
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Originally Posted by thebreadbandit. View Post
Don't forget to use the search function, bro. Since I've got nothing to do, I'll toss my 2 cents. I've recently bought a Puxing 777 (from online reviews & recommendations, fellow players I've gamed with, etc.). I've tried it around my house and in a forest behind my community, it's awesome. Common pros of these UHF/VHF vs. FRS/GMRS radios are:

- Extremely long lasting battery life (on Low power)
- Huge range
- Upgradable parts (antennas, headsets, etc.)
- Durable
- Progamming = easy peasy once you get the hang of it (Super customizable)

People who have actually gamed these in skirmishes and milsims will fill you in on the missing information.

FRS and GMRS are a family of OPEN Public frequencies with in the decimetre band known as UHF for which short range communication is legal.

After that any difference between Motorola's, Kenwoods, and so on come down to the output capabilities. Being capable of 460-470mhz transmission/receipt is not necessarily make a good radio.

Research the product before buying always. Larger battery capacities and water resistance are key things to pay attention to in batteries for the use in Airsoft. 9 times of 10 humidity is what kills your Crappy Tire Radios and because of poor build/designs it often does not take much humidity to kill them.

It has become a little annoying to hear reference of a UHF radio being better than an FRS radio, when Family Radio Service units ARE UHF radios. Just pre-programmed to be stuck in 450-470 range pending place of sale.

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Old March 1st, 2014, 22:24   #7
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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FRS radios are limited to 0.5watt
GMRS radios goes up to 1watt
Typical programmable radios goes up to 5watts

Being better is in their power. They will also blast other weaker transmitter off the air if 2 try to talk at the same time.

And it's not true that a 0.5watt radio is good up to 500m in the wood. I think it can barely do 500m in open grounds.

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Old March 1st, 2014, 22:42   #8
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Cobra =/= Motorola

1 Watt radio's can suffer in the woods as well; and easily get their range cut down to less than 500m pending the topography. That will play into the transceiver a lot, as well as the antenna's integrity.

The point is that you have to research the radio; and not get hung up on FRS/GMRS vs. UHF.

Also, the limit for transmit power on GMRS in Canada is 2 Watt; having 5Watt could potentially land you in hot water (But not likely).

If you really want to get into increasing range, the output is not the place to start; a repeater station is! A fair number of programmable Radios could be programmed to operate as a repeater as well.

A Garmin 650 is a pre-programmed FRS radio; but by your previous statement ((as it is)) Fox, it's not better than a "UHF Radio". Yet it has 5Watt transmit capability for US Model and 2Watt for Canadian market. That's an "FRS Radio" by this "standard" that has been set. It's just annoying wrong way to look at/for radios.

Also, GMRS is limited to 2watt transmission in Canada before you start getting into licenses and permits etc. Transmitting at 5Watts likely won't catch much attention but if it did...

If you really want to boost range, stop looking for big transmission power boosts and start looking into repeater stations. This is where "programmable" can really shine as depending on the unit very often such units can be programmed to act as a repeater.

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Last edited by Dracheous; March 1st, 2014 at 22:58.. Reason: I edited this three times before additional info showed up, the hell is goin' on?!
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Old March 1st, 2014, 23:20   #9
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Awesome, thanks for clearing up my ignorance on the subject. This is the first radio I've ever invested in, still learning and happy for all the info man.

Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post

The point is that you have to research the radio; and not get hung up on FRS/GMRS vs. UHF.

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Old March 2nd, 2014, 00:02   #10
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Originally Posted by thebreadbandit. View Post
Awesome, thanks for clearing up my ignorance on the subject. This is the first radio I've ever invested in, still learning and happy for all the info man.

Just cause of the thread title I want to point at this link again and say


It's not impossible to get your hands on them, but using one of those will definitely land you in hot water fast. And no one that you WANT to hear you, will. Nor will you hear anyone you're listenin' for.

At the end of the day, if all you can get your hands on is a cheap Cobra, you're still better off than most. And you can easily disable on MOST cheaper FRS units:

The art of radio's comes in listening. They're there for information gathering mostly. Often knowing what others are doing gives you massive tactical advantage, even if you can not transmit back to them.

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

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Old March 2nd, 2014, 00:09   #11
"bb bukakke" KING!
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as much as people badtalk those frs radios, I had a pair of motorolas that worked as advertised as far as I could tell... definitely better than 500m range.

Having a radio is better than not having a radio. Then you get into the BS that was NF2... where nothing cut through the channels because there was so much going on.

as a matter of fact, I think my motorola talkabout worked more than the woxoun I have now. Alas... both of them are sitting in FRMSC's lost and found at the moment. :P
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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