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Old March 28th, 2012, 22:55   #1
Join Date: Mar 2012
New guy here

Hey guys and galls, Two of my friends suggested I join them in their adventure into the realm of airsoft, they both have a g&g m4. Another friend has a pistol, one a mid performance m16 and another one with a decent G36c. I turned 17 the first of this month, so I will only play with friends this summer until I turn 18. Now my question is : I want to be a Sniper, but I have read many posts in wich members say that a sniper is no good for a starter gun. My budget is around 600$ tor a gun, including sight/scope, battery, extra mag, charger, and BB's I am willing to spend 200 in outfit/extra's. I feel that it is a budget that could get me a decent setup. Trust me though, I will probably buy more after. So, I kind of still want a ghillie and to snipe in a way. Would you guys recommend something like a m14, so I could still snipe, or more of a assault rifle? I know that this is maybe a personal preference choice, but I would appreciate your thoughts on this. Thanks, I am glad I joined this forum, and I hope to know all of you better. By the way, my name is Samuel and I live close to Moncton in New- Brunswick.

Last edited by Krimble; March 28th, 2012 at 22:58.. Reason: spelling error
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Old March 28th, 2012, 23:13   #2
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Any site suggestion too? Thanks!!!
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Old March 28th, 2012, 23:27   #3
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Originally Posted by Krimble View Post
I want to be a Sniper, but I have read many posts in wich members say that a sniper is no good for a starter gun.
There are a couple of reasons why people say this, and this will be made worse by the fact that you aren't of age yet.

Firstly, the reason sniping sucks for beginners is that the role in no way whatsoever resembles what you are accustomed to in Call of Duty.

Your range and accuracy will not be any better than players who are using AEGs. It will actually likely be worse because with your budget and lack of AV you will not be able to acquire a Tokyo Marui VSR, which is the only sniper rifle really worth getting. You can however get AEGs which are "sniper rifles", in a manner of speaking, but will lack some of the benefits of a real VSR.

If you get a bolt-action sniper rifle, your reload rate will be fairly bad. Your opponents will be using rifles that can fire anywhere from 10 to 30 rounds per second and often be carrying hundreds of rounds on their loadouts. You will get smoked.

Ghillie suits are pretty cool, but they're also very hot. We're heading into warm weather now and most guys that I see with ghillie suits in the spring and summer time are in an endless state of heat exhaustion. This is another reason to wait.

With your budget, you will not be able to get optics which are anything beyond just "airsoft" optics, which typically suck, have terrible eye relief, etc.

My advice:

Go the AEG route for now until you are 18. Get a King Arms M4 or something of that nature. The prices of high end full metal rifles have fallen hard in the last few months, which means you can get a rifle that is at least twice as good as your friends' G&Gs for less than they paid for them. There's lots of good stuff out there right now. Avoid the G&G distributing retailer from Alberta with the bright green and black artwork and big pretty pictures. I absolutely promise you you'll get better stuff if you go elsewhere.

Wait it out, and then treat yourself right and get a TM VSR in the fall.

It will be the absolute closest you can get to a sniper experience in airsoft. Don't waste your time and money on garbage clones that will never come close. Spend time on the forums learning about what it will take to make your VSR shoot well, why it's important, etc. Talk to other people who own them, and maybe even arrange to try one out in person.
"Mah check"

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Old March 29th, 2012, 00:16   #4
a.k.a. Greedy
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I have to agree with the many that recommend against a bolt action rifle as your first gun especially with your budget. To get a good bolt action thats worth upgrading will consume most of your budget. Then you'll need to pour at least another $600 into it to give you a "short" range advantage over the AEG toting high-cap tickling mobs that you'll be up against. A range advantage that can be nullified by even the fattest oldest guy out there very quickly. Quite frankly I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would voluntarily chose to use a BA rifle as their primary in airsoft . "Sniping" in airsoft isn't what you think it's going to be. Get an AEG which out of the box will have similar or better range. You can still play a sniper type role but won't be handicapped.

My advice to you would be to make a DMR setup. Buy an M16A3, get a TB barrel, a good hop rubber slap a scope and bi-pod on it and you're good to go. I understand King Arms makes the best bang for your buck AR out there. A bit pricier KWA makes a nice one too. Just stay away from G&P.. over priced and over rated IMO, but they sure do look pretty.

Edit** We can't tell you where to buy airsoft because you're under 18, it's against forum rules.

Last edited by Kozzie; March 29th, 2012 at 00:33..
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Old March 29th, 2012, 01:00   #5
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At least there's some resemblance of grammar and concise proper thoughts so I'll bite:

- Not a good idea to get a sniper rifle. At $600 you're not going to get very much out of it. If you up that to around $800-900 you can get a better platform but IMHO you're honestly going to have to dump at least $1200 into a BASR (gun + upgrades) to get it to where you'll be consistent and have an advantage over other players (also dumping in a 500 FPS spring doesn't help anything, you need things like a zero trigger, hop up bucking, inner barrel, teflon cylinder etc.).
- Also don't get an M14, mainly because it's a bitch to work on. I literally saw 2 people trying to put together a V7 gearbox the other day mainly because you need really dexterous fingers and lots of patience.
- I would highly recommend an AR15 platform to start off with. Maybe say something like a VFC SPR, great gun IMO and if you play in single shot like a DMR you'll be on your way to becoming a sniper and it's a great stepping stone overall with plenty of internal and external parts available for the AR and V2 gearbox. Either that or an AK.

PS: Even if you are 18 we can't tell you where to buy and what websites and such. It's against forum rules, you have to be Age Verified in person by a volunteer rep in/around your area.
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Old March 29th, 2012, 01:05   #6
Cobalt Caliber
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the TM VSR-10 only sniper rifle worth getting? Sure its a great platform but there are other great platforms. The CA M24 for example.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old March 29th, 2012, 01:12   #7
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TM VSR, CA M24, or Maruzen APS-2 are the only sniper rifles worth getting. Any clones are garbage IMO even if you replace 90% of the parts in the rifle because of loose tolerances and fitment issues that might arise from clone rifles. Get a good base first then worry about upgrades. Having a shitty base but good upgrades will still mean that you have a shitty base to build up on.
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Old March 29th, 2012, 08:42   #8
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
the TM VSR-10 only sniper rifle worth getting? Sure its a great platform but there are other great platforms. The CA M24 for example.
I'm just parroting what I've heard here, don't mind my ignorance

To the OP, the other commenters here actually know what they're talking about!
"Mah check"

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Old March 29th, 2012, 08:47   #9
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Theres a CA m24 for sale right now actually in the classifieds, with some upgrades done. For a reasonable price
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old March 29th, 2012, 09:06   #10
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I have to agree with most of the comments. I tried the Bolt Action road and it's disappointing unless you have a very expensive airsoft. My suggestion is to play like a sniper, using cover and stealth but using a quality assault rifle with the right upgrades.

If you want the "Look" of the sniper, add a scope, a silencer and a camo job. You will get an assault weapon that will receive compliments. The best platform to upgrade and modify is the AR (M16-M4) because it's very modular, least expensive and theirs tons of parts for it.

Once you have your aeg, send it to a well renowned gundoc (not the friend of a friend) like Michaud in Quebec city which his a real armorer with a diploma. He will open the gearbox and make sure everything is lubed properly with quality grease, not too much like most gearbox from the manufacturer, he will shim everything and will replace the wiring, the spring and the inner barrel. You will see an immediate and significant improvement and you will get the fps you want to be legal at your local field. It will also keep your airsoft from breaking in the first few weeks like you see so often.

I wish we could be more help but rules are rules

Take care and choose wisely yound padawan
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Old March 29th, 2012, 16:14   #11
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Thanks for the Reply guys, I guess I will go with the AEG's.

The reason I really wanted a sniper was mostly for the looks and the tactical work involved. I knew that it was nothing like COD, but I didn't know that it would be that expensive compared to a Assault Riffle.

I guess I will be on the lookout, seriously sucks that you guys can't say retailers and such, but like 5kull said " Rules are rules".

Thanks a lot, it is much appreciated.

Also, I know i'm not really 18 yet, but is there any Age Verifiers in New-Brunswick? Thanks again!

Last edited by Krimble; March 29th, 2012 at 16:18..
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Old March 29th, 2012, 16:21   #12
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
Avoid the G&G distributing retailer from Alberta with the bright green and black artwork and big pretty pictures. I absolutely promise you you'll get better stuff if you go elsewhere.
You don't have to reply because you are probably not allowed to, but I take it you are talking about, if so I know what you mean. :P
Edit: Hmmm, there is 007airsoft also. *Headscratch*

Last edited by Krimble; March 29th, 2012 at 16:24..
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Old March 29th, 2012, 16:25   #13
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Both of them are not recommended much around here. You definitely have much better/cheaper options once you are AV'ed.

Theres a thread in the other section with a list of AV'ers sorted by region, I believe.
H&K G36c (KWA) / Glock 18c (TM) / Kimber LAPD SWAT Custom (TM) / Mossberg M500 (ACM)

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Old March 29th, 2012, 16:56   #14
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imo only highly upgraded BAs are effective in slower paced milsim games. The pace of skirmishes are so fast that you aren't going to get into position as a ghillied up sniper before the round ends or you only get 1 shot. If you're running around a skirmish with a BA instead of moving stealthily you'll be outgunned just in every engagement.

An opponent that sees you can easily get out of the way of a single incoming round and return fully automatic fire while advancing on you while you try and rack another round.
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Old March 29th, 2012, 17:29   #15
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Originally Posted by Krimble View Post
Thanks for the Reply guys, I guess I will go with the AEG's.

The reason I really wanted a sniper was mostly for the looks and the tactical work involved. I knew that it was nothing like COD, but I didn't know that it would be that expensive compared to a Assault Riffle.

I guess I will be on the lookout, seriously sucks that you guys can't say retailers and such, but like 5kull said " Rules are rules".

Thanks a lot, it is much appreciated.

Also, I know i'm not really 18 yet, but is there any Age Verifiers in New-Brunswick? Thanks again!
You can always go with an AEG DMR, like an SL8, SR25, etc.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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