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new Marui G18 problems, wont' fire properly..


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Old November 11th, 2011, 22:50   #1
hanepin's Avatar
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new Marui G18 problems, wont' fire properly..

I recently brought TM G18c along with SD metal slide (2-tone), and guarder recoil spring 150%. I use green gas and the unit seems to fire and cycle smoothly on its stock plastik slide on single or burst. It's not the case when I installed SD metal slide on it. I applied enough grease and silicon also cleaned excess/ paint residue before reapplying more silicone. everything inside seems normal and fit-in, there's nothing visually wrong or need sanding/filling.

The gun seems to fire correctly and cycle but sometimes when I pulled the trigger the hammer doesn't kick. I also had those dud sounds randomly, bb was fired but the slide won’t cycle. Only when I tapped the back of the slide then the hammer kicked. I read that ppl managed to solve the problem by installing new hammer spring but it still happened to me with guarder 150% hammer spring installed.

Weirdly enough I found out that whenever I point the gun vertically or straight up, it will fire once but always fail to fire the 2nd time although slide seems to cycle properly but the hammer won't act. On inspection I found out that the loading nozzle was cracked from left to right.

This is a brand new gbb, 2 weeks old and only been used for 6 to 7 mags. Even my old marui hi-capa still functions properly despite running on green gas for 4 years. What seems to be the problem from TM G18 aside from getting new reinforced hard loading nozzle?
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Old November 11th, 2011, 23:58   #2
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1. my g18 ran like crap with the SD slide.. seemed really loose

2. while they can "take" propane, they are only ment to run on duster, some of the TM pistols seem to take propane longer and better then others (I know my DE's love propane) ... and the FA function is realllly hard on the G18 .. even bone stock I've seen slides fail quickly.

its sad to say .. but sometimes parts fail even on brand new guns ... be lucky and happy that it is a readily available piece
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
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Old November 12th, 2011, 02:09   #3
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Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
1. my g18 ran like crap with the SD slide.. seemed really loose

2. while they can "take" propane, they are only ment to run on duster, some of the TM pistols seem to take propane longer and better then others (I know my DE's love propane) ... and the FA function is realllly hard on the G18 .. even bone stock I've seen slides fail quickly.

its sad to say .. but sometimes parts fail even on brand new guns ... be lucky and happy that it is a readily available piece
true, but honestly I doubt that broken loading nozzle is my only problem. using hand to manually cycle it, I found that the hammer isn't always on the ready position each time I cycled it.

I don't know on other Glock, but on G18 there's a small flat surface that readied the main hammer but it can't connect properly against a small shallow nub on the slide part. sometimes when I pulled the trigger nothing happened, but when I touch the end of the slide the hammer reacted as quickly to fire. as if I need 1mm more of that little nub to hit the small flat surface that readies the hammer.*

* if you are confused reading my explanation put no worries on your head. it's really hard to explain that properly..
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Old November 12th, 2011, 13:15   #4
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yup I know what your talking about...

on the front of the slide rails (on the frame side) there a ridge/bump on either one. these usually have to be filed when installing metal slides. don't file em completely flat right off .. it'll be alot of test fitting, etc ... as I mentioned the SD slides all seem to be loose on the G18's I dunno what.. they are great peices .. but they seem to be loose
Vancouver Island Gun Doc, custom builder.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 06:27   #5
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Fixed the hammer problem somewhat. I put thin paper wrapped in sellotape between the slide and the blow back housing. it makes the housing along with the bump closer to the hammer sear in the frame. now it works most of the time. most since when I fired vertically the slide still wont cycle properly. as if the slide was too heavy despite the 150% recoil spring.

I also did several small sanding along the slide and found few places that seems to be blocking proper path to the nozzle/muzzle on cycle. it seems that SD slide for TM Glock isn't as flawless as I thought.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 11:28   #6
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From what I have heard and read, PGC slides are the best for our TM glocks. They fit great, they are surprisingly light weight and they require the least amount of modification to get them installed.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 11:52   #7
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I have 2x modified TM G18's and I have installed both (PGC & SD) slides. To my surprise I found that the PGC slide required more tuning than I expected, which surprised me! The SD slide fit with very little tuning and the action was very smooth!
Sounds to me like there's a lack of experience when it comes to fitting aftermarket slides, no matter what brand they are! A lot of people underestimate actually how much work goes into upgrading any pistol/gun!!!

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Old November 14th, 2011, 10:21   #8
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Originally Posted by KEVORKIAN View Post
I have 2x modified TM G18's and I have installed both (PGC & SD) slides. To my surprise I found that the PGC slide required more tuning than I expected, which surprised me! The SD slide fit with very little tuning and the action was very smooth!
Sounds to me like there's a lack of experience when it comes to fitting aftermarket slides, no matter what brand they are! A lot of people underestimate actually how much work goes into upgrading any pistol/gun!!!
I disagree since I perfectly know there's a range of inconsistency from one batch of slide to another. My previous PGC for KSC was near flawless and require minimum tuning. Guess what, a year latter I bought my second PGC slide from the same shop and installing it was close to nightmare. Call it a lemon but still..

and I don't see why can't we have easy installation on metal slide. This is not like making a competition-grade race gun. this is just a metal slide. it should be as simple as moving the slide internals to the new slide and rack it into the frame. if only the maker is more reliable and consistent with their product.
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