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Inexpensive starter pistol


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Old November 27th, 2012, 21:35   #1
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Inexpensive starter pistol

Hey guys, looking for info regarding starter pistols that would be anywhere from 100-150 bucks and shoot 300-350 fps. This is not a want to buy article, but a inquiry for information and discussion, I have looked at some co2 pistols like the kwc 1911 that fit perfectly in my price range, could you guys just suggest any other possible pistols in this price range for retail? Currently awaiting my AV. Should i wait to gain access to the classifieds?
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Old November 27th, 2012, 21:36   #2
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Classifieds is full of good deals
Yes, wait

As for brand, for something not too expansive and reliable you should consider Kwa.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old November 27th, 2012, 21:39   #3
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Thanks for the prompt response, I'm definitely hoping I can find something at a reasonable price, I have heard only good things about kwa. Myself personally I like the 1911 look, so hopefully I can sweet spot something around 120 or 130 used with a extra mag
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Old November 27th, 2012, 21:50   #4
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I wouldn't look that low...
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old November 27th, 2012, 22:25   #5
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Sorry bro but $100 is probably the going rate for a broken/"parts gun" WE 1911.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old November 27th, 2012, 22:32   #6
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I would avoid the KWC Co2 1911s as they shoot wayy to hot for CQB. I know someone who bought one and it sits on his webbing every game. Its become a show piece for him.

For a basic WE 1911 expect around 200-250ish for one with some mags.

Be patient and wait a few days for your AV to kick in!
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
YOU. ARE. MIKE. LITORUS. And if anyone mocks you, tell them they can suck it!

Last edited by jordan7831; November 27th, 2012 at 22:54..
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Old November 27th, 2012, 23:19   #7
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there are KWAs and kjws for <200
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Old November 28th, 2012, 09:38   #8
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Some used KJW and most WE (used, again) are often around the 150$ mark, although that would be in the low-end of their typical price-range. And as LurkingKnight said, KWA's price a pretty damn good these days at some retailers, even if still higher than OP's target price.

To OP: A good advice would be to wait an extra pay or two and stack up at least 200$ to just get started into buying a pistol. A better advice would be to stack a good 3-400$ so you buy something reliable, an extra mag or two (it all depends on your intentions needs though), AI propane adapter, some *good* BBs (no Canadian Tire or Walmart crap), potentially a holster, GOGGLES or ANSI Z87.1 and above rated glasses (BB bounces)

About Eye Protection, we can't stress that enough. Buy some. You don't have to spend 50-100$ on them, as long as they offer a good seal and answers to Z87.1 standards (protection for high-speed impact), a lot of working glasses are rated so, if you feel you have to cheap out on glasses (which you shouldn't)
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old November 29th, 2012, 09:23   #9
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buy cheap buy twice
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

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Old November 29th, 2012, 09:30   #10
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As I usually tell many people who are interested in airsoft, (whether it turns them away or not I still tell them as they should heed the warning) If you are going to cheap out in airsoft, don't even start. Airsoft is an expensive hobby and isn't for everyone. spending around 150 bucks for an brand new pistol isn't breaking the bank. Many ways to save money, buy one less video game could pay for half the cost of a 150 dollar KWA pistol. (From what I know personally at least brand new video games cost at least 59.99 - 69.99) anyway, 150 bucks is actually very reasonable for a Pistol of KWA quality. so as everyone else said I wouldn't look below 150 bucks for a working decent pistol
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Old November 29th, 2012, 09:45   #11
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Originally Posted by vondnik View Post
buy cheap buy twice
Absolutely the best advice when it comes to pistols

1. They are hard and troublesome to fix
2. They are hard wearing and eventually beat themselves to pieces, even the best of best you swap in a new part, at worst you junk it. Worst-worst is you dump lots of time/money into it and still end up with it not working for long
3. Some guys use theirs a lot...some rarely. But either way you just want it to work when you use it.
4. The fastest way to ruin a perfectly working pistol is to "upgrade" it

TM pistols (IMO) are the best. Action/reliability/build quality/detail. Downside is that they're entirely plastic. That's a bit of bummer when it comes to the nice feel/sound of a metal gun. But they work. For a "simple" metal upgrade like a metal slide and recoil spring, they're usually very painless ( quality on upgrades)

WE guns look great...but they're sluggish in general. If you're a max-uber-performance-super-blaster nut you'll be irritated...if you're a utilitarian-infrequent-use-focus on other aspects type, it might fit the bill. Awesome looks for the price though. Lots of very nice 1911 builds. You can try to soup it up...but see the points above.

KWA pistols tend to be very good builds (their USPs and some other models tend to be frail...mostly since they run really hard on themselves). They might shoot very hard though (some old one shot so hard they blew nozzles/pieces frequently) and not come in under sub 350 limits. The new gen are quite nice. Good builds over all and would be my second choice.

I wouldn't bother with KSC. Great builds but they're all plastic too...and if I was going that route I'd by a TM.

KJW tend to be ok. Workhorses...but their longevity might not be great. Lots of their glocks out there though...(lots of worn out/busted ones too).

WA are nice builds for looks. Parts can be hard to find. Very nice plastic builds...metal upgrades are pricey. If you want a pretty piece it's an option.

For any new guy with zero familiarity with these things...I wouldn't recomend buying used at all. Don't rush to snap up something...budget approx $500. $300 for the pistol, $100 for a pair of extra mags and $100 (that's lean) for a holster/pouches to hold things.
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Old November 29th, 2012, 19:24   #12
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Absolutely the best advice when it comes to pistols

1. They are hard and troublesome to fix
2. They are hard wearing and eventually beat themselves to pieces, even the best of best you swap in a new part, at worst you junk it. Worst-worst is you dump lots of time/money into it and still end up with it not working for long
3. Some guys use theirs a lot...some rarely. But either way you just want it to work when you use it.
4. The fastest way to ruin a perfectly working pistol is to "upgrade" it

TM pistols (IMO) are the best. Action/reliability/build quality/detail. Downside is that they're entirely plastic. That's a bit of bummer when it comes to the nice feel/sound of a metal gun. But they work. For a "simple" metal upgrade like a metal slide and recoil spring, they're usually very painless ( quality on upgrades)

WE guns look great...but they're sluggish in general. If you're a max-uber-performance-super-blaster nut you'll be irritated...if you're a utilitarian-infrequent-use-focus on other aspects type, it might fit the bill. Awesome looks for the price though. Lots of very nice 1911 builds. You can try to soup it up...but see the points above.

KWA pistols tend to be very good builds (their USPs and some other models tend to be frail...mostly since they run really hard on themselves). They might shoot very hard though (some old one shot so hard they blew nozzles/pieces frequently) and not come in under sub 350 limits. The new gen are quite nice. Good builds over all and would be my second choice.

I wouldn't bother with KSC. Great builds but they're all plastic too...and if I was going that route I'd by a TM.

KJW tend to be ok. Workhorses...but their longevity might not be great. Lots of their glocks out there though...(lots of worn out/busted ones too).

WA are nice builds for looks. Parts can be hard to find. Very nice plastic builds...metal upgrades are pricey. If you want a pretty piece it's an option.

For any new guy with zero familiarity with these things...I wouldn't recomend buying used at all. Don't rush to snap up something...budget approx $500. $300 for the pistol, $100 for a pair of extra mags and $100 (that's lean) for a holster/pouches to hold things.

Thanks for the great advice, decided to Go kjw as is completely blowing out their pistol line for 100 bucks each. ordered the p226, although it may not be as good as kwa or TM i myself have a G and G combat machine that i have put over 2000 rounds through, i maintain it well and haven't had a problem thus far. I spent 180$ on it brand new and i think that they are also workhorses for what you pay for as i think they are the easiest way to reliably enter Airsoft. (not in that all guns go down). Ended Up Paying 175 for KJW p226 that shoots 310-330 with .2's perfect for CQB. keep in mind the kjw came with 2 magazines and 4000 bb's. I'm looking for reasonable options in terms of starter equipment, and i've been pretty lucky. i know airsoft is a type of go cheap go home scenario, but it can be done. i'll take the steps necessary to maintain my inexpensive equipment.
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Old November 29th, 2012, 19:29   #13
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I definitly think airsoft is a money pit. If you can't afford a $200 pistol. You shouldn't be starting airsoft.
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Old November 29th, 2012, 19:30   #14
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Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post
Some used KJW and most WE (used, again) are often around the 150$ mark, although that would be in the low-end of their typical price-range. And as LurkingKnight said, KWA's price a pretty damn good these days at some retailers, even if still higher than OP's target price.

To OP: A good advice would be to wait an extra pay or two and stack up at least 200$ to just get started into buying a pistol. A better advice would be to stack a good 3-400$ so you buy something reliable, an extra mag or two (it all depends on your intentions needs though), AI propane adapter, some *good* BBs (no Canadian Tire or Walmart crap), potentially a holster, GOGGLES or ANSI Z87.1 and above rated glasses (BB bounces)

About Eye Protection, we can't stress that enough. Buy some. You don't have to spend 50-100$ on them, as long as they offer a good seal and answers to Z87.1 standards (protection for high-speed impact), a lot of working glasses are rated so, if you feel you have to cheap out on glasses (which you shouldn't)
Purchased VGP-XP Pyramex goggles, wanted revisions but they were to expensive, using metal mesh for mouth protection and a pasgat helmet for now good words to help a new guy! i made sure that there was a full seal and they are ANSI and Milspec Rated
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Old November 29th, 2012, 19:39   #15
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Help Me find cost effective solutions and make suggestions to assist me in my purchases rather then turning me away from the sport. Jupiterl simply told me to screw off. Not appreciated.

Last edited by sammynac99; November 29th, 2012 at 19:43..
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