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High durability magazines.


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Old April 11th, 2010, 15:01   #1
Lord of Rebirth
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High durability magazines.

Ok so I'm pretty new to airsoft but I now have 13 magazines and I am rather unhappy with 8 of them. I didn't expect the plastic ones I bought to be all that good and I basically expected them to break after a half dozen games but to start off they seemed like a decent buy. I have yet to play a single game, two have broken. I'm not jumping on them or hitting them with hammers here.... I loaded one into one of my guns and the spring exploded out the bottom randomly and the other one jammed inside and won't feed.

So I need new mags. Metal mags. Many mags. What I'm looking for is M4 type magazines in metal and hopefully mid-caps between 80 and 120 rounds. I'd like a nice overall finish and perhaps a good metal to sand and paint later. I'd like either a good price or to be able to buy them in bulk. I'd like to have like 20 of them as I'm hoping to drag a few friends and co-workers out to play.

I actually saw some M4 type magazines with some sort of HK stenciling on them which interests me as I plan to get an HK416 at some point and I in general like the HK style.
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Old April 11th, 2010, 15:12   #2
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King Arms M4 mags are pretty good and decently priced ($15 each IIRC).

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Old April 11th, 2010, 15:28   #3
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I have a ton of the King Arms 68s and they've been good for me. In some cases you need to trim a bit of the retaining clip so they'll feed but it's minor tweak.
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Old April 11th, 2010, 21:23   #4
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I'll toss my hat in for the vote for king arms quality as well. I use both TM and KA 68 round magazines without any issues in multiple armalite set ups.

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Old April 11th, 2010, 21:56   #5
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
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Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old April 11th, 2010, 21:56   #6
aka coachster
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CA metal midcaps feed extremely well in everything I've put them in.
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Old April 11th, 2010, 21:59   #7
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I have the same 14 plastic Star mags I have had for 5 years.

What brand of plastic are yours?
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Old April 12th, 2010, 03:23   #8
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Marui or King Arms both of them feed flawlessly especially the marui
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Old April 12th, 2010, 08:33   #9
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I'll throw my hat into the King Arms pool here too. That's what the majority of my mags are and they've never failed me.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 08:54   #10
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I've gone full circle...

Had plastic mags, gathered/bought metal mags, went back to plastic mags (mostly).

Metal are cool and imitation clunkety-clunk nice...but I found that when playing I'd rather just move and shoot. I try not to, but if I drop a plastic mag I'm not going to stop playing and hunt all over the forest for it. Also, springs go soft with a bunch of you either take them all apart and stretch the springs to get a bit more life out of them...or you end up buying mags.

I buy a box or two of mags each season (it's a pretty minimal cost considering the price of everything else) and just toss the most problematic ones (I keep them in the parts bin for break fix/parts/screws)

It baffles me to see guys spend all this time and money to get out to games, just to wrestle with mis-feeding mags. Any mags that act up (usually dirt in the mag) get sort out of rotation, get taken apart for a cleaning and if they're still acting up they get tossed. Get 14 or so mags...mark problem ones with a sharpie marker.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 09:26   #11
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
I've gone full circle...

Had plastic mags, gathered/bought metal mags, went back to plastic mags (mostly).

Metal are cool and imitation clunkety-clunk nice...but I found that when playing I'd rather just move and shoot. I try not to, but if I drop a plastic mag I'm not going to stop playing and hunt all over the forest for it. Also, springs go soft with a bunch of you either take them all apart and stretch the springs to get a bit more life out of them...or you end up buying mags.

I buy a box or two of mags each season (it's a pretty minimal cost considering the price of everything else) and just toss the most problematic ones (I keep them in the parts bin for break fix/parts/screws)

It baffles me to see guys spend all this time and money to get out to games, just to wrestle with mis-feeding mags. Any mags that act up (usually dirt in the mag) get sort out of rotation, get taken apart for a cleaning and if they're still acting up they get tossed. Get 14 or so mags...mark problem ones with a sharpie marker.
LOL. Easy to do when you're mags aren't $25+ a piece.

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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:22   #12
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I've used Marui and King Arms M4 mags. Only issue I've encountered is the inner magazine coming away from the shell. This was fixed by creating more friction with a little bit of tape. Otherwise I have no complaints as they feed very well.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 10:44   #13
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I'm voting for plastic MAG brand mags. Buy a box. Give them a try.... They're pretty cheap and work well. Use tys' system. It truly works the best.

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Old April 12th, 2010, 12:12   #14
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
LOL. Easy to do when you're mags aren't $25+ a piece.
I shoot:
Primary - PTW...saber mags, just bought 5, think they cost $ some metal ones, but I wouldn't cry if I lost a couple of plastic ones.
Primary - WE GBBR...$40-60/mag
???dunno yet??? - G&P GBBR...the pro-win mags are $90 each
and finally as a ultimate backup/loaner...a KA Galil..."near disposable" plastic mags (I didn't buy them, my buddies just gave me a bag each of them)

My old FAL mags were $30, my old M4 AEG mags were all KA's at about $16-18/mag.

Absolutely...I can appreciate that some guns only have certain mags/sources for mags available. And you do want to keep everything that you take out to the field.

My point being spend all this time, money, effort getting setup and ready to shoot. Not just the gun or mags, but dialing in the optics, setting up your rig, figuring out your comms, coordinating with your buddies, etc, etc, etc....

When the plastic's flying and you've got to give 'er....the last thing I want to do is stop and look for stuff that I might have dropped. Hopefully it's found later...but if it isn't, then I don't want to sweat it. It's not easy to do...just a question what you're comfortable with. I'd rather have fun than to sweat the cost of a mag.

Now...I'd sweat a ProWin GBBR mag...I'll be taking more care when I field those. But for AEG's...meh, whatever.
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Old April 19th, 2010, 16:27   #15
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I picked up some full metal G&P 130rd M4 midcaps from evike, they're on sale for $15 each and there is a coupon code that gives you an additional 15% off.
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