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Choosing Mag capacity size


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Old March 28th, 2010, 17:19   #1
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Choosing Mag capacity size

Good afternoon!

Now that I've pretty much sold on my gun, the VFC Scar L tan or an RIS S-system.

Now my quandary is mag capacity. I really want to go for realism and I'm thinking lo-caps or possibly mid caps.

With that being said, how much of a pain in the A$$ is it to refill the mags? and also on an average game day from what I understand one could go through 2k worth of pellets. now at 30-50 rounds a mag... that's a lot of mags to be hauling around all day or lunch is spent cursing and refilling magazines. :banghead:

Any thoughts for an impressionable Noob?

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Old March 28th, 2010, 17:23   #2
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The answer your looking for is: speedloaders. You can't possibly play with low/midcaps and not have speedloaders.
On the original question: I recommend midcaps, because, you can always put in less BBs.
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Old March 28th, 2010, 17:24   #3
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A good speedloader makes it way easier. Go with ~100 round midcaps. Balance of higher capacity with some realism due to reloading.

Airsoft guns can't penetrate brush as easily, and more shots are typically needed on target as compared to real steel. So, 100 rounds is in my opinion a good capacity.
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Old March 28th, 2010, 17:35   #4
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I'd suggest Magpul 75 round midcaps, you can buy them in a box of 10 for a reasonable price. it provides you with a 2 to 1 (rough) ratio to airsoft to real steel ammo capacity which is fair considering that airsoft as said does not have the penetration power of a real rifle but when mixed with the realism of reloading is a solid blend.

Also with 10 mags on you, your carrying 750 rounds at any given time, more then enough in my opinion.
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Old March 28th, 2010, 17:38   #5
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King Arms 68rnd metal mags are pretty solid for AEG mags, and the capacity is easy to short load to Real Cap if needed.

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Old March 28th, 2010, 17:42   #6
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I strongly think anymore then ~1.5K worth of rounds for the day is a bit excessive unless there is hundreds and hundreds of people attending said event.

I personally go through 8-900 or less throughout the day. I run 10 mags at 100 rounds a piece for my AK, works perfect for me.

It only takes 1 shot to out your target unless they refuse to call their hits. If they shoot at you first, fire back and if you can't hit them - move up.
Like wise, you see them first and decide to shoot to only realize you cannot hit them - move up.

Don't waste rounds trying to hit them when you can't.
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Old March 28th, 2010, 18:01   #7
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68 rounds is a good capacity for me. It means that the mags are still single stacked, so I can considerably less issues.

Good speed loader is highly recomended.

TM are great, a little pricey, but I have gone through 3 KA loaders before i got my TM XL. Its awesome!
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Old March 28th, 2010, 18:07   #8
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Mid caps it is! I'll definitely be picking up a speed loader. Thanks for the quick feed back!
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Old March 28th, 2010, 18:11   #9
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Originally Posted by Ozone06 View Post
Mid caps it is! I'll definitely be picking up a speed loader. Thanks for the quick feed back!
Yea speed loader for sure, I made the mistake of picking up some midcaps and no speedloader and its a pain lol
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Old March 28th, 2010, 18:16   #10
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Go for MAG Mags if you dont mind plastic... Best feeding mags I have used for years, both reg sized and VN Mags. They are about 80 round caps for the regs I beleive, 120 for the VN's.

The benifit of this is you can load for whatever ammo cap you want, just go for 30 for realism or full out for a skirmish day.
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Old March 28th, 2010, 18:20   #11
aka coachster
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CA or S.Arms midcaps. have had zero feeding issues on any AR platform I've tried them with. CA's are 130 rounds the new s.arms are 160 rounds.

you can always short load them for real cap loadout games or have plenty of ammo for run and gun skirmishes.
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Old March 28th, 2010, 18:46   #12
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Magpul Green Label or STAR (both made by the same company, the magpul green label is their "economic" line and the OEM is STAR).

68 rnd. or 75 rnd. mid caps are probably the best.

As for speedloaders, there are the $9 "pistol mag" ones that are pretty good (TM makes one and Capital Airsoft sells them as well) or there's the TM XL 400 rnd. M4 magazine shaped one for like $20 USD here's a link.

KA makes one as well and it's $12 USD.

Then there's always the classic rod + tube loader that's if you want to go old school. They tend to break at the ends though and I highly suggest if you're going to go that route to use an old inner barrel (ie. if you upgrade to a TBB you can use the old barrel and the rod to force the BB's into the mags).

A cool trick is to fill the rod with 30 BB's and cut it at the end so that you know how many BB's you have in the mag instead of counting it, that way you can easily fill a mag with a "low cap" number of rounds if you need to.

I'm a really big proponent of midcaps because of their versatility you can fill them with 30 rounds if you want or 68 rounds (or more).

Also don't get the "electric BB loaders" I've heard bad things about them and it's supposedly much better to get a manual one.
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Old March 28th, 2010, 19:03   #13
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post

Also don't get the "electric BB loaders" I've heard bad things about them and it's supposedly much better to get a manual one.
nothing wrong with them but you need to mod it to prevent one of the gears from jumping out of it's guide.

the only problem I had was when I loaded BB's that had a smaller diameter than Bastards. (I won't name them but you guys know which brand or rebrand are smaller) two managed to feed into the main gear and snapped a tooth rendering the loader useless. Duckman has been using his for years with no issues.
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Old March 28th, 2010, 20:31   #14
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the only time you should really use more than 2K in ammo would be if you have nades loadout like I do. most of the time i used about 14 to 16 mags loaded with 45 rnd each (I ran a FAL) plus about 18 nades (40mm)

King Arm or Magpul makes a reliable mags but if you have the dough go for the TM locaps they are awesome.
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