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Gas Mask ?


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Old May 30th, 2009, 01:34   #1
FUK.NUT's Avatar
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Gas Mask ?

Ive Heard that gas mask for NBC is not safe for airsoft is this true also i was wondering where would i be able to buy airsoft safe ones ?
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Old May 30th, 2009, 02:31   #2
When wearing a gas mask it will reduce the amount of oxygen you can take in. Also it will fog up.. an probably not a good thing when you are running around in the woods.

Also; I dunno if the eye pieces will stop BBs.

As for where to find one.. just a thought.. but you may want to click on the retailers tabs above an search those. Crazy I know but just maybe you may find what you want.

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Old May 30th, 2009, 06:51   #3
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Obviously you have never had to wear one for long periods of time. I have, and it sucks, put one on, and try to go for a 5km run, and keep the same pace. You almost have to relearn how to breathe, to keep the body supplied with oxygen. Now to keep it from fogging up, or for you not to sweat like a pig, or the straps not to dig in a little.

So what makes you want to play with a gasmask???
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Old May 30th, 2009, 11:32   #4
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Probably COD 4 lol

But to answer the question, any 3M or other brand that has a csa approved rating for ballistic protection should be fine. 3Ms are pricey tho, they are same one used by winnipeg's emergency response team i believe. Plus, like the other guys said they are a bitch to do anything in.
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Old May 30th, 2009, 12:47   #5
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what about half gas masks? the ones used to protect against smoke. they cover from your nose down but not your eyes. i can't remember where i saw them.....
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Old May 30th, 2009, 12:51   #6
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
what about half gas masks? the ones used to protect against smoke. they cover from your nose down but not your eyes. i can't remember where i saw them.....
You mean a respirator? Pretty much any hardware store carries them.
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Old May 30th, 2009, 13:37   #7
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Why. Just why?
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Old May 30th, 2009, 13:54   #8
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Well, go ahead and find some sort of NBC Mask, and try it out, but when you find your mask is filling with puke, just from the running around, and not being able to breathe correctly, and you start to get a nice rubber rash from your sweat and the mask constantly in contact with your skin. Please do not complain.


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Old May 30th, 2009, 18:40   #9
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In the past there have been players who have used gas masks, in some cases they found the lenses to the masks to be very weak and easily damaged, cracked or shot out. In other instances some places found ways to replace the existing lenses in the masks so they would be sturdier. Either way I would not want to wear one for a prolonged amount of time, those bloody things get hot sweaty and gross very quickly and make radio communication a nightmare.

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Old May 30th, 2009, 18:45   #10
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It sucks wearing full CBRN gear (MOPP 4) for a 15 minute walk let alone wearing it for a game where you are running, jumping over stuff, etc. Not to mention it severely restricts your vision and is just generally uncomfortable.
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Old May 31st, 2009, 02:58   #11
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I can't say that a gas mask isn't a totally bad idea. It depends which one you buy. Sweat is the big concern so I've only used my mask on cooler days.

The air goes in one way, and goes out the other, leaving little to no room for my breathing to fog up the eyes. (which by the way are extremely thick) But like anyone else would say, it's the sweat from the heat that'll fog you up more than your breath. My mask doesn't restrict my vision too much, but restriction is still noticeable. Aiming is a bit difficult with a bulky mask, but I personally save this for night games.

Overall, I'd say that a mask isn't a terrible idea if you're trying to play a certain role, or if you want a certain look. But I'd use some shooting glasses over my mask any day.
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Old May 31st, 2009, 03:01   #12
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I can't stand wearing my M17 gas mask at home for more than 15-20 minutes and I can't even imagine how it must've been in the jungles of Vietnam.

As for gas masks in airsoft, sure, it's your risk, but wear glasses underneath. I've seen plenty of masks with glasses broken by BB's, so use caution!
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