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2009 kwa m4


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Old December 6th, 2009, 00:08   #1
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Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada
2009 kwa m4

I was just wondering if the KWA M4 S-System that we can purchase in Canada is the same one that is being sold in the U.S. except for the clear lowers of course. Just trying to see if the reviews for the new 2009 model of KWA M4 are applicable to what we can get here. The only camparable information that I`ve noticed is that it has a 2GX gearbox. But that was also put into some of the old 2008 guns and sold at special reduced prices at some stores in the U.S. I`m just wanting the additional improvements I`ve been reading about besides just the gearbox.
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Old December 6th, 2009, 00:34   #2
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The Gearbox is the biggest improvement with the '09 KWA's. There is also their 2G hopup buckings which are a phenomenal improvement over the ones in the '08 models. The gearbox you are referring to in the later models of the '08's is what KWA called their 2.5 gearbox which was kind of a teaser to the new 2 GX. For all the info straight from them pop over to the KWA forum: and read till you can't read anymore.
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Old December 6th, 2009, 01:25   #3
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i got some questions too. what internals are compatible with KWA guns?

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Old December 6th, 2009, 08:50   #4
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I`m really interested in this new model but I don`t want to buy the Canadian version just to find out it has non of these improvements (except for the new gear box of course). Can anyone from capital airsoft who sells this model make a comment.
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Old December 6th, 2009, 08:52   #5
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There is some compatibility stuff on the KWA forum.....
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Old December 8th, 2009, 17:31   #6
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Still haven`t really gotten a clear answer if someone knows. Here is the model specks of the M4 we can purchase here in Canada (clear lowers)


* Barrel thread = 14mm* [Counter clock wise]
* Hop-Up: Adjustable
* Magazine Capacity = 350 Rounds Hi-Cap magazine included
* Caliber = 6mm Airsoft BB
* Velocity = 380+ fps with .20 gram BB's
* Rate of Fire = 20+ rps
* Power = 8.4V NiMh Battery

Special Features:

* KWA 2GX Gearbox
* KWA 2G High Performance Bucking
* Full metal alloy receivers
* Flip up front and rear sights
* Adjustable rear sight
* Picatinny rail system with integrated battery compartment [up to 8.4V 7-cell NiMh mini battery pack]
* 6 posistion collapsible stock
* Semi and Full Auto selective fire
* Adjustable Hop-up

This leads me to believe that we can get the model with the full upgraded internals. From going to the KWA discussion forum it appears all the new improvements for the externals are backwards compatible (one peice barrel, etc.)

So my question is still, can I safely assume that what we have for sale here is the pre-2009 external gun but with the 2009 internals (ie. 2GX Gearbox and 2G bucking). I also found that it is possible to get metal lowers from the KWA pro shop for only $50. That should be easy to drive across the boarder and is cheap.
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Old December 8th, 2009, 18:41   #7
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Originally Posted by chadlh View Post
I also found that it is possible to get metal lowers from the KWA pro shop for only $50. That should be easy to drive across the boarder and is cheap.
Sure is
And their illegal to import or in your case smuggle them in too.

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Old December 8th, 2009, 19:00   #8
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I have some of the New all black metal body M4's coming in the new year

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Old December 8th, 2009, 19:23   #9
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Any idea on the pricing yet for the m4 s-system or m4 tactical??
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Old December 8th, 2009, 20:50   #10
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metal lowers are only illegal if you get caught... no different then speeding, or any other infringement of the law. Seems like there are a few air soft stores not getting caught bringing things in across the boarder and people that already have on this website or there wouldn't be any full metal guns and metal lowers for sale.
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Old December 8th, 2009, 20:53   #11
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Originally Posted by chadlh View Post
metal lowers are only illegal if you get caught... no different then speeding, or any other infringement of the law. Seems like there are a few air soft stores not getting caught bringing things in across the boarder and people that already have on this website or there wouldn't be any full metal guns and metal lowers for sale.

Wow. GTFO. No, it is illegal no matter what. Especially smuggling prohibited items into Canada. So it is not illegal if I smuggle real guns into Canada, or kill a person, as long as I don't get caught?

TO anyone reading this kids post, don't regard it. This is just asinine.

People get things into the country in other ways. Smuggling is not legal, least of all by some kid.

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Old December 8th, 2009, 22:32   #12
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Originally Posted by chadlh View Post
metal lowers are only illegal if you get caught... no different then speeding, or any other infringement of the law. Seems like there are a few air soft stores not getting caught bringing things in across the boarder and people that already have on this website or there wouldn't be any full metal guns and metal lowers for sale.
Please don't use this attitude, no matter what its a crime, even if its victimless crime, its still a crime. Don't like it? Go bug your MP ask him/ her to make a private members bill, to do that you need a petition of atleast 10,000 signatures (Minimum, just FYI The entire gun control started finally (sadly) in 1991 with 500,000 signatures.
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Old December 8th, 2009, 23:55   #13
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Originally Posted by chadlh View Post
metal lowers are only illegal if you get caught... no different then speeding, or any other infringement of the law.
Infringement...such as what, murder?

Where do you draw the line?

Breaking the law is breaking the law.

If you're going to do it, fine, but don't try and justify it.

Originally Posted by chadlh View Post
Seems like there are a few air soft stores not getting caught bringing things in across the boarder and people that already have on this website or there wouldn't be any full metal guns and metal lowers for sale.
If you spend even 5 minutes reading the FAQs you would know the other ways full blacks make it into Canada.

They're not all smuggled.

Bottom line, stop justifying, prick.
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Old December 9th, 2009, 08:03   #14
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Yeah it`s really tough to know really where to draw the line. I mean how many times do we cross the boarder to take advantage of the cheaper prices and not really declare the full amount of what we get so that we don`t get in trouble coming back.... seeing as there is a set max amount we can buy for a given amount of day stay...... it really is a tough one. And by the way I`m not a kid.. I`m a 32 year old professional feeling opressed by a lot of our silly laws we have. It just strikes me funny that it`s not illegal to have but illegal to get.

Last edited by chadlh; December 9th, 2009 at 09:19..
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Old December 9th, 2009, 09:18   #15
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For those of you that are being all self righteous... it`s also illegal to speed (breaking the law). You can`t tell me you haven`t gone at least one KM or more over the speed this week when driving. Sure they don`t give you a ticket unless you go 10km hr or more over the speed limit and if you get caught in the first place. It`s all about where your grey area is and what risks you are willing to take. Breaking the law is breaking the law so everyone is in the same boat. Just pick your fights and be willing to deal with the consequences.

Seeing as no one is answering my question on the M4 I`ll end all questions on this thread... thanks for your input guys and gals...
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