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Hop Up's????


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Old October 28th, 2008, 01:27   #1
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Hop Up's????

I need to upgrade the hop-up in my CA M15A4. I have done some looking around but all I get is scattered information. I'm looking for people's feedback on Hop-up's that you used and liked/disliked and why. Eventually i'm going to be putting a Systema M120 Mechbox in this gun as well.
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Old October 28th, 2008, 01:29   #2
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The best hop up unit in the world:

Prometheus Neo One Piece Hop up chamber

you do not need to look back, ever.

As for hop up rubber, I reccomend Systema hop up rubber, overall the best.
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Old October 28th, 2008, 01:52   #3
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If you plan on using a M120 spring in your gun make sure that you buy the appropriate rubber and bucking for your hop up.....preferably a hard one because a soft one will wear down faster and might not give you the accuracy that a hard one will.

These are the two that I am currently using and work well in my set up;

Mad Bull 60 Degree Shark Bucking Hop-Up Rubber Set

Prometheus Air Seal Chamber Packing (Hard Type)

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Old October 28th, 2008, 11:07   #4
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prom hard and madbull hop up rubbers both cause jamming and feeding problems in alot of guns.

Not sure why the madbull does but the prometheus has an incredibly fat lip, so the BBs can't go through.

Systema hop up rubber is the safest way to go.
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Old October 28th, 2008, 11:20   #5
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Although I expect them to wear rapidly, I have the Guarder clear soft hopup rubber in my CA M15, JG 416, and A&K M249 (all 385-400 fps). Holy sweet shit, what an improvement over the range and accuracy I had before with Systema rubbers. I will never use Systema again. I saw no change between the CA or Systema - about 150 foot range before BBs dropped. I honestly think the stock JG rubber worked better than Systema. Stock JG rubber would see BBs dropping at about 150 feet. Systema dropped what appeared to be just short of that. Reinstalled it a few times to make sure I wasn't at fault, and results were reproducable.

Now with the Guarder in those 3 guns, the BBs travel along a nice straight path and keep going well beyond 175 feet. Yeah, accuracy isn't good at that range, but the BBs just keep right on going... Even my MP5 has one of these clear Guarder rubbers now, and the range is just stupid. I was showing Talraga and Sepulcrum my MP5 at Border Wars, and they just couldn't believe such a short gun was getting an amazing range and accuracy they couldn't attain with long barrel AEGs.

So they may wear out quickly, but at about $5 a piece, I'll consider the rubber to be a consumable part and take performance over longevity. Unless someone can tangibly demonstrate something that performs better, I'll be sticking with these rubbers from now on...

Last edited by Crunchmeister; October 28th, 2008 at 11:22..
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Old October 28th, 2008, 11:42   #6
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I've put in a lot of King Arms Enhanced M4 hop up units. They're very nice. Only downside is that the c-clip that holds the barrel on is a bugger to get on nicely and snaps closed like a steel trap. Which is good when you don't want the barrel to move at all...pain in the a** when you want to swap the hopup rubber.

Otherwise, I've put in a half dozen G&P Hopup units. They're nice too...but I'm not sure what improvement it'll be over the stock CA on. They're solid, straight and secure...about all you need from a hopup unit.

Why do you need to swap your stock CA Hopup unit?

If it's because it keeps backing off...try putting a shim under the main adjustment knob's screw and tightening it down.

If it's jamming/misfeeding...I'd take a good look at the hopup rubber before I went as far as to toss the hopup unit.

If the gears are a cheap hopup unit and strip the gears from it...with few exceptions, they'll probably work.

If it's an airseal issue, and you've discounted the hopup rubber and nozzel fit...I'd buy a KA unit and not look back.

Best of luck,

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Old October 28th, 2008, 13:42   #7
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
prom hard and madbull hop up rubbers both cause jamming and feeding problems in alot of guns.

Not sure why the madbull does but the prometheus has an incredibly fat lip, so the BBs can't go through.

Systema hop up rubber is the safest way to go.

Thats too bad that your guns have jammed with using those hop up rubbers. I have to this day not had one jam since switching to those hop up rubbers, I've had them in the guns for alittle over season and a half now. Great product
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Old October 28th, 2008, 18:39   #8
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I could rattle on about hopups for a while but I'll just give you the short I guess. Since you stated that your going to be running a systema m120 Im assuming your fps will possibly be under 400 feet per second. If you have other upgrades that put you over 400fps we can cover that a little bit too.

First off, the unit itself. Systema is good, great quality from a good known company. The same thing can be said for Prometheus and King Arms as well. Well now that youve got some ideas for units!. With Systema, Prometheus and King Arms units by all means feel free to keep and use the rubber that comes with unit, but if you want a little extra...please read on...

Lets talk about rubbers, not condoms either!. Personally if your running 390 FPS or less I would recommend the guarder clear hop up. Excellent accuracey and range. You can find them easily at

If youve got a little time and money and can wait for shipping from anothter county.
I sugggest looking into KM rubber. If your running an m120 I would suggest the RH65 since its for 350-400fps, and the RH75 for 400fps. Even if your just a little over 400fps stick with the RH 65. You should be fine. Over all these are excellent rubbers with new (not really that new) and unique innovative twists to their design. Although, I do have to say if you are going this path, I recommend that you should probly get a KM inner barrel as well.

Another option if you can find one is a Fire Fly hopup rubber. They can be a little hard to get a hold of but if you have the time to wait and the extra money in your pocket to get it shipped to you then I say go for one of these, this or the KM! Plain and simple Fire Flys come in two kinds for AEGs, hard and soft. Hard hopups are for 425FPS and up, and softs are for 425FPS and less. Honestly though I have to say that the Fire Fly soft works better if your gun is around the 400FPS of less range.

Finally you can look into a Prometheus Air Seal Chamber Packing, soft or had depending on your FPS. Unfortunetly I have no experence with these and have only included them as another option for you.

There you go! you have got lotsa options! The choice is up to you now.

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Old October 29th, 2008, 10:32   #9
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I would not recommend the KM RH75 unless you are using a KM 6.04mm tightbore inner barrel. These hop up rubbers were designed for use with those rubbers, and using the RH75 with anything other than a KM barrel will cause your feeding to jam along with velocities around 50% of what you should be getting.
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