KA 110 round mids
ok i realize that Kokahu posted this earlier but he also had a obscure make M14 im using a good ole fashioned TM M14 OD and having the same problem. mags arent loading a full 110 rounds my case is slightly better and i can force 60 of them in there but they will not feed reliably. What shaving needs to be done and wher on the mag? Also to the fella (sorry cant recall you screen name) who posted teh link to arnie's it wasnt working for me hence why i am here now. Liek whatever advice you wonderful people can come up with
Thanks Chuco
please delete figured it out
TM M-14
WA SVI 6inch
Marushin Taurus Raging Bull 8.5 inch
TM Alpha Spetnaz
Tanaka M629 Stainless
TM M1A1 Thompson w/CAW wood set (Betty)
Tanaka SAA 4.5
Last edited by Chuco; July 21st, 2008 at 20:53..