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Old February 18th, 2008, 19:14   #1
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Question need help

hi i am new to airsoft and want to know what a good aeg airsoft gun for a begginer would be and whats site has the best pricing
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Old February 18th, 2008, 19:23   #2
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007 arisoft has great pricing for AEGs, but i find that A&A Surplus has better pricing for pistols. you can go to their site in the top bar where it says Canadian Retailers. I will help you further, but i have to know what your budget is. expect to spend close to 1K once everything is said and done.
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Old February 18th, 2008, 19:26   #3
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hey warfare whats your budget like donster said be willing to drop at least a grand or so guns mags bb's batteries all the stuff you need

so how much will you spend?
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Old February 18th, 2008, 19:55   #4
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Well from your other two posts inquiring about an M4 and a Scar, I can see your atleast on the right track. There is no bad AEG for a beginner. Atleast you didnt want to start off as some CS wanna be sniper. Now as an addendum to my statement that there is no bad AEG for a beginner I would just to add that cost in most cases equals quality.

Now, if your budget is lower, less than 500. Then will be somewhere you wish to look.

If your budget is under 1000 then you may wish to consider and
Please keep in mind that AA surplus will be discontinuing their airsoft sales as of sometime in march.

Things to keep in mind when initially getting into airsoft.

-Its usually best to start with an AEG, which you have already elected to do so, so kudos to you.

-Remeber to factor in the costs of gear for your kit, BDU's, footwear, vest or holsters, slings and most of all, eye protection. Money can fix teeth, but I dont think we can fix a shot out eye yet.

-You dont always have to have a side arm in the begining, its something you can pick up along the way.

-In most cases its recommended to play with your gun stock for a while before considering upgrades. Upgrading can be costly and can cause complications in some cases.

-Dont forget to buy magazines for whatever gun you choose. High caps are ok, but well they rattle. Mid caps and low caps in my personal opinion are usually the best bet.

This website has a frequently asked questions section, aka FAQ.
I would suggest looking to it for information in regards to questions you may have in the future, that is not to say that it isnt already to post if you have a legitmate question or require clarifaction on something that you do not understand.

This link is a link to a page that has some information in regards to picking your first AEG. I suggest you take sometime and read it.

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Old February 18th, 2008, 20:32   #5
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ok sorry, my budget is 200$ i know that is pretty low but all i am gonna be using it for is just doing little wars with like 3 other friends, i was looking at some starter packs with batterys, then i was just going to buy a airsoft face mask.
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Old February 18th, 2008, 20:54   #6
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200 and less. Well your options are fairly limited then. Im not sure if shootsofts prices go that low, you will have to see the website for yourself.

For 200 or less, you will be able to aquire something from Walmart or Canadian tire, the quality is not the best and the plastic is clear, and in most cases I do not believe many of them are electric. This is however the brand known as Kraken, they make an ak47 which retails in the area of 175 dollars. From what Ive heard its a lower to midrange quality that creates cloned guns, of semi questionable quality, however their ak47 has been proven to be one of fair and decent quality for the cost, however the body is clear but all parts internally are tokyomarui brand compatable and with some small investments over time you could have a formidable aeg. Aside from that you are pretty much out of options.

Since youve stated that your interested in playing with friends, I would just like to advise that you be safe, becareful and stay out of sight. The alure of playing out doors or on private property is fun, but you never know what a person walking by may think when they see people running around with something that may look like a sub machine gun or a shotgun. Now most likly you are thinking "well no its on my friends land and the neighbors dont care" or "theres a large wooded area behind my house that noone can see into and we can play there" or "we live on a farm and noones around". I have heard it all before, all I will say is, be careful, extremely careful. Its not wise to play out doors and its not suggest that you do, but Im not trying to tell you what you can and cannot do, Im just giving advise. Just so you know for all intensive purposes when it comes to the law, in most courts airsoft is usually considered a firearm right off the bat. If your caught out doors with an airsoft gun by the police, you may get off with a slap on the wrist and warning, you may land yourself in a whole heap of trouble.

Here on asc we usually advise people be the age of 18 before aquiring their first airsoft gun. Why? Because 18 is the legal age that a person is considered an adult and can be held responsible for their own actions. Hense if you do something stupid, only you can get in trouble and not your parents.
As far as I know there is no law stating that a minor can not have an airsoft gun. However I believe there is one province where there is a law stating one must be 18 to own one. Which province that is I well let someone else elborate. I have not inquired about your age, nor do I wish to know, but I have given you all the information you require and then some for the time being.

Finally, here is a link with information about the how and why of airsoft in Canada. I would suggest you read it to englighten yourself on the situation of airsoft in Canada.

"Its only a little bit on fire"

Last edited by TokyoSeven; February 18th, 2008 at 21:03..
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Old February 18th, 2008, 21:16   #7
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Location: winnipeg, mb
oh... cant you order airsoft guns off the internet, heres a site i was looking at, someone said they ship to canada.
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Old February 18th, 2008, 21:21   #8
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no, canada customs will sieze and destroy any airsoft guns coming from retailers outside canada
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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Old February 18th, 2008, 21:31   #9
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oh that sux, oh well were is the cheapest place online in canada.
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Old February 18th, 2008, 21:43   #10
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I would suggest to get yourself age verified, if you're under the age of 18, you'll unfortunately have to wait till you turn 18 as no retailer nor anyone on this site will sell to anyone under the age of 18. If you got $200 saved, you're pretty much almost half way there to buy a decent AEG. I would recommend you keep saving till you get at about at least $600. If you get age verified, you can browse the For Sale section and buy a good AEG as well some kit from the Gear For Sale section or visit a surplus store and purchase some gear there. Don't consider purchasing from the US as it will be certainly get siezed at customs. There are a few retailers still remaining but I do believe A&A is closing selling AEG's on March 8th, you'll still be able to get parts and accessories but no AEG's/GBB's.

As well, please take the time to read the FAQ section. There is alot of useful info. And...welcome to our beloved sport of Airsoft!
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Old February 18th, 2008, 21:51   #11
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whats weird is that my friend got a almost fully metal ak47 for 150$ then you look at the prices of the ak's that look exactly the same and they're at least 2 times the price, lucky americans, damn customs...
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Old February 18th, 2008, 22:02   #12
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Its not wierd at all. Taking into consideration the replica firearms laws in Canada when applied to airsoft, even though airsoft guns may not exactly be a replica, in most cases they will be considered one. It takes someone with a very special licence to be able to import airsoft guns. Once you factor in the initial cost, plus freight, taxes, tarrifs and import fees, not to mention profit for the seller, its clear why the costs are higher in Canada.

I hope you took the time to atleast read the last link I posted in my previous post.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old February 18th, 2008, 22:02   #13
Captain Sunshine
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sadly thats the way it goes in canada, not much else you can really do. Just don't try to smuggle one in yourself or ask how to do it, as we don't condone illegal acts. Like others have said, your best bet at the moment is places like canadian tire or walmart for the low-end guns. They don't required a lot of commitment, and if you get bored, you didn't spend too much money on it.
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Old February 18th, 2008, 22:04   #14
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Just because they're metal doesn't mean they're good.
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Old February 18th, 2008, 23:54   #15
The Acer
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lol, i dunno how many times people ask this question, PLEASE read FAQS and other posts before putting up a thread
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