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Recommand Battery upgrade for TM P90


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Old January 18th, 2008, 23:35   #1
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Recommand Battery upgrade for TM P90

What is the recommended battery upgrade for P90 without any modification except battery part?
Keep at 8.4V? and how many mAh is the best way to get the most juice out of it? (Longer battery lasting without recharge)
I dont want any FPS/ Speed change yet so what is the better way? (still researching)
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Old January 19th, 2008, 00:10   #2
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I'd just get the biggest mAh you can find. Basicly, more mAh = laster run time.
And 8.4v's should do you fine with a stock gun.
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Old January 19th, 2008, 00:19   #3
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is there a danger zone for mAh? Im not an expert in this section
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Old January 19th, 2008, 00:37   #4
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As far as I know, nope.. mAh just equels how long the battery will run for, and how long it needs to be charged/possibly discharged
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Old January 19th, 2008, 10:17   #5
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The P90 takes mini battery and the best you can get is usually 8.4V 1400mAh.

It can also be slightly modified to take a 9.6V custom battery.

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Old January 19th, 2008, 13:17   #6
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If I recall it will requires an upgrade for the 9.6 Custom one and I dont want to upgrade it. Thanks, I think I get it now. (9.6 needs to have the internal upgrade otherwise the blush will be damage I heard)
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Old January 20th, 2008, 15:10   #7
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You hear shit

What ever the battery you are using, you don't need upgrades (as long as it is under 9.6v)

I ran a 12v Li-Po in my P90 all stock (including bushings). It eventually killed the bushings, but after maybe 2000 bbs???

You can fit a 9.6v 1400mAh without any modifications. You can also ge thte custom battery, but I find that the difference is noth worth it. Better have 2-9.6v... easier to change.

To fit the 9.6v, you can just install the 2 last cells 90° from the others. (on top, of the others... kinda hard to explain...
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Old January 20th, 2008, 15:35   #8
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I finally received my p90 yesterday (after almost a year of waiting) and im looking at these options myself. I spent like 5 hours yesterday on these forums and on google trying to decide what i want. I want to keep this gun looking as STOCK as possible.

I bought a Sanyo 9.6v 1700ma jbatt a while back in anticipation and i looked at the installation procedures for the jbatt mod. After comparing greykin's p90 mod post and arnie's post ive become a bit confused. From what i understand so far, you have to sand off the back of the plate, which is all fine, but theres supposedly a screwdriver with a notch on it to snap off some ridge inside the p90 battery? I dont see this ridge. Also from reading arnies, i only have to replace the gearbox protector with a strip of plastic and 2 holes?

Ive also looked at the other aftermarket options. Ive seen the Hurricane p90 butt extender and the Rubber pad. I was thinking maybe the rubber pad maybe something interesting provided it doesnt add as much as the hurricane extender. but i cant find pics of the rubber pad or the extender ANYWHERE.
Ive gone through google, asc showcase, gallery etc.

Edit : ok after taking the plate off, i can see how the jbatt is supposed to fit in. Im also an avid fan of fuses, so im reluctant to take it out. Does anyone know of any way to keep the fuse (maybe smaller sized fuse?) I can see why most people just cut it off as there is very little space.

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Last edited by DarkAngel; January 20th, 2008 at 15:46..
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Old January 20th, 2008, 18:17   #9
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I use a 20A 20mm x 5mm cylindrical fuse, but that still won't leave much room...

Before upgrading my P90TR i used a 8.4 1500mAh NiMH from (Atlanta Georgia, USA) and it was fine for all day use, I now use 7.4V 2000mAh 10C LiPO packs and get several thousand rounds per pack.

Just save yourself some headache/hassle and get a 8.4V 1400-1500mAh pack and you will be set.

Further headache reduction will be to replace your bearings with metal ones (remember 2 of the 6 with be oval/oblong in shape) and reshim your gears.

Those two modifications will keep your P90 running like a champ for as long as you own it... other upgrades beyond those are purely preference (and they really require the metal bushings and good shim job for reliability sake..)
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Old January 20th, 2008, 20:28   #10
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The butt plate extender is a NO GO if you are anywhere under 5'5" or short arms. I am 6'3" and I found the gun just ok to hold. Basically you take the same lenght as half the current stock (from the buttplate to the mag) and add it at the end (about 2.5-3")

As for the rubber butt plate, it is just a slip-on rubber "tube". does not add a lot and can't be used to store battery.

If you want some pictures, go on and check their "custom" P-90. It has the buttstock along with some other upgrades.

The plastic tab that has to be removed is just a stopper inside the battery space. if you remove it, your pack will be able to slide in a bit further and ease the installation (othewise you have to force the back plate in then slide it. It puts a lot of pressure on the battery)

Last edited by Kos-Mos; January 20th, 2008 at 20:35..
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Old January 20th, 2008, 21:06   #11
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the un company p90 doenst seem to have the extender, rather everything else lol. it has the stock stock.

does the rubber plate add even a little bit to the batt space?

I have the new type p90, i cant see any stopper or blockage inside the gun

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Old January 21st, 2008, 02:03   #12
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the p90 TR has some 100mm or so depth for the battery pack, so most all mini packs side in flush with the deeper part of the mechbox packing plate
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