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Norwegian Identification help


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Old June 8th, 2010, 14:59   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Maryland
Norwegian Identification help

Hey guys, Im really interested in making a Norwegian loadout, specifically one from current operations in Afghanistan.
I found this picture, and I love the loadout. Could anyone help me identify the gear hes wearing? Any help would be great.

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Old August 30th, 2010, 05:01   #2
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Somewhere in England???!!!
IR flag


I'd really like to help you make this Norwegian loadout, this guy is from the Telemark bataljon, currently deployed in Faryab province, Afghanistan.

The "identification" he is wearing is a Norwegian IR flag, I have made a couple myself, but there is nothing compared to the real thing.

I have found a guy in the USA who is selling them, on request from me,

Here is the link:

But these are apparently restricted items in the US, so, if you want to make a Fake one:

Use photoshop to create the design, the actual size is 8cm (long) and 6cm (high), print out the design, use a laminator and get stick backed Velcro, and carefully place the Velcro on the back of the design, and it looks pretty realistic.


Now, onto some of the other gear he is wearing,

The helmet he is wearing is a Tan "Kejo special forces helmet", they cost about 270 bucks, so a good way of making a replica is buying a Replica MICH TC-2001 (search photos of it, it looks almost identical) then go to here to buy the chinstrap:

He is also wearing the helmet with a MICH night vision mount and the strap (don't know the actual name), and the Rhino mount thingy.

I can't tell what make the goggles are, I have no idea, I'd just buy a generic "military tactical" pair of goggles from china or somewhere...


His "BDU", he is wearing a a M/2000 (Lets call it a BDU, because saying "shirt and pants" is too longer phrase ), the uniform is produced by a company called "Cato-Ringstad", but I don't think they'll mail outside of Norway...

But there is hope yet! I found an Ebay listing for a set of "BDUs", here you are:


As for the vest, it is too hard for me to make out the specific type, but I'd just buy a Tan CIRAS, it'd look okay... OR, you could try this place:


I hope I have solved your problems! Get back to me if you'd like to ask something more specific!

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Old February 28th, 2016, 17:19   #3
Join Date: Feb 2016
Norwegian ID TMBN

If you are still wondering about the loadout, the easiest way of knowing what you want is to post the question on the Norwegian forums, they are always helpful. The vest is a NFM M07 body armour With standard pouches. Helmet is Kejo SF. The uniform looks like the M2000, though in the later years combat shirts by NFM has become more common. Goggles are Bollè X800t and the gloves are the standard issue Granqvist desert combat. Pouches on the vest are the Medical pouch, tourniquet pouch Magazine pouches, 3x2 is the standard. For the holster, the Safarilanf 6004 for Glock 17(P80) With surefire light is standard issue.
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Old February 28th, 2016, 22:07   #4
Join Date: Jan 2003
He is also using the HK 416N, almost a normal 416 different roll marks and requisite bayonet mount. has some good insight on how to kit out like a Norge. As to the flag, from my understanding the norwegian flag can only be worn by a serving member on his uniform. NFM and crye make camo uniforms as well. But, the companies that sell them don't ship out of country.
R711 OUT
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