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Semi not working With a twist.


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Old February 25th, 2013, 20:18   #1
▼Stripes▲'s Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Semi not working With a twist.

Okay so I've been working on this problem for about a month and a half now to no avail. The semi automatic setting just refuses to work on my gun. I am running Super Shooter (SHS) 13:1 gears on a 7.4v Lipo battery with a GATE merf 3.2 Mosfet. It's a version 2 gearbox.

I am using a brand new cutoff lever, new trigger sled, and the gears are also new. Every spring is on it's corresponding notch/pin, and I've even done a damned fine shim job. I've been in this thing so many times I should buy it an engagement ring. Can anybody help with this it makes no sense to me.
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Last edited by ▼Stripes▲; February 25th, 2013 at 20:20.. Reason: forgot to mention version
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Old February 25th, 2013, 20:31   #2
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Beaumont, Alberta
I'm no brilliant gun doc, but it sounds like you're either using a new gearbox or have heavily retrofitted your original...have you looked at your selector plate positioning? How about your selector switch? Is it still in the correct position?

Are you sure the mosfet is programmed correctly? Does it function properly in all positions without the 'fet installed? If so, its pretty obvious the issue is your 'fet.

In short, we need more info on what is/is not working.
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Old February 25th, 2013, 20:38   #3
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Trois-Rivières
Varjeal is right, the selector plate is one of the first place to look if your semi ain't working. If your selector plate makes contact with 2 copper tabs that are fixed to the trigger switch, you have to make sure that the selector plate does the contact between both tabs.

When rotating the fire selector, turn it slowly from semi toward auto. Does it fire semi at some point or does it start firing auto as soon as it does fire?
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Old February 25th, 2013, 20:56   #4
▼Stripes▲'s Avatar
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Yeah it's one of the new G&G combat machine boxes where the selector plate doesnt transfer any electricity. Varjeal thank you. Much to my dismay I did both my gears and mosfet upgrade at the same time. I'll have to resolder my contacts when I get home in the morning and isolate the issue.
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If you know your enemy and not yourself, for every victory earned, you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy or yourself, you will succumb, in every battle. -Sun Tzu
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Old February 25th, 2013, 22:32   #5
Mr. Silencer
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Semi auto is controlled by the sector gear cam, cut-off lever, and the trigger sled.

The selector plate plays a role, but its mainly to break the contact between the sector gear cam and the cut-off lever.

As your sector gear rotates, the cam pushes down on the cut-off lever. This would in-turn push the opposite end of the cut-off lever upwards.

When the trigger sled is pushed forward by the pull of the trigger, it is in a position where the upwards motion of the cut-off lever would also push the sled upwards. This knocks it out of contact with the two trigger prongs. The sled spring would then pull the sled back in place.

Take it all apart and simulate it by rotating the sector gear. If your cut-off lever can't properly knock the trigger sled out of place, then you'll never get semi-auto.
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Old February 25th, 2013, 22:33   #6
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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when you move from safe to semi, move slowly, and pull the trigger until you find the spot where the physical safety is off, that's where semi should begin. Try firing with the selector in that position

Also, what he said ^ lol
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Old February 26th, 2013, 01:53   #7
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Are you using the stock trigger assembly? I once had a case where the reinforced plastic of the assembly fit very tightly inside the gearbox and required sanding for the trigger carriage to disengage properly. In the same gun the top of the trigger carriage would also get stuck on the reinforced tappet plate when the cutoff lever tried to disengage the trigger.

In my case I fixed it by sanding the sides and top of the trigger carriage to move freely and clear the tappet plate, and I widened the space between the connectors inside the trigger assembly.

Fairly unlikely that you are experiencing this problem but hey maybe this will help.
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