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Help picking a rifle!


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Old August 20th, 2012, 19:20   #1
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Help picking a rifle!

I have been a lurker here for a while and finally joined for your guys opinions. I have played multiple times with other peoples weapons but it is time to get my own.

I have heard as a first gun gbb is a bad idea but at the price WE l85 A2 is looking like a option for me http://torontoairsoft.3dcartstores.c...le_p_1509.html

My other option is the CA KC-89 enhanced speed tac rifle http://torontoairsoft.3dcartstores.c...le_p_1703.html

anyone have other suggestions i wouldn't like a m4/m16 style rifle and i like the look of bullpulp rifles and scars. Thanks everyone!

(I am not of age yet to get age verified) this gun will be for woodland.

Last edited by MunsonT.; August 20th, 2012 at 19:39..
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Old August 20th, 2012, 19:57   #2
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Like what everyone said, a gas rifle is a bad starter weapon, especially when each mag cost around $50. Get an AEG and get comfortable with the sport before investing more into a GBBR. As for "woodland", please play in fields that are legal for airsoft.
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Old August 20th, 2012, 20:16   #3
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sorry i should have specified better not just "woodland" . I won't be playing any cqb with this gun is what i meant.
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Old August 20th, 2012, 20:19   #4
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If you like the L85 you can look at the ICS L85, it's an AEG. Definitely a gun I recommend handling first -bullpups aren't for everyone.

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Old August 20th, 2012, 21:57   #5
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Imo only GBB guns that can be skirmished effectively are smgs and pistols... the GBBRs are better left for DMR roles or strictly milsim.... in skirmish, you have guys dumping BBs at you from AEGs, you will be severely outgunned and you'll find yourself reloading mags more than you are shooting.

If all you want to play is milsim, then have at it. Problem is, you are not of age, and most game organizers will not allow minors to participate in milsims... so we are back to skirmishing.

In the end, it's your own choice, but the safe play is to go with an AEG.

Also, I encourage you to try before you buy... like kalnaren said... bullpups aren't for everyone, but if you have no prior experience to go with, then bullpups can be for you since you start with a clean slate. lol.

I don't mind either, I've run with an m14, g36 and a p90. Only issue I run into is forgetting how long a traditional rifle is over a bullpup so I usually bump the front into things first few firefights in a game.
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Old August 20th, 2012, 23:43   #6
a.k.a. Greedy
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If you like bullpups I would recommend you look into the Real Sword Type 97/97B. This gun is top quality both inside and out.
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Old August 21st, 2012, 00:30   #7
Zack The Ripper
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As stated above, AEG is your best bet for a first timer. There are many more variables to consider when buying a gas gun (temperature on game days even comes into play), and gas guns with their accessories and consumables are much more expensive to game and maintain. They're also a pain in the ass to repair if something goes internally. Get a G&P M4 or something similar, decent quality and will last you a while without burning holes in your pockets. Toronto Airsoft has a multitude of good AEG's listed for purchase (just an example). Also, WE Tech has an M4 AEG on the market now that is priced very low, but fires like a champ (I own one myself and love it). Just gotta search around and compare, compare, compare.
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Old August 21st, 2012, 00:59   #8
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The CA KC-89 is looking pretty good. I've seen some reviews on it, and they're all pretty positive. Being a full length AK, it will be perfect for outdoor environments. Accessories should be pretty easy to come by, too. However, I've gotta recommend the Real Sword Type 56 series, if your into AK's. Probably the best AK replica on the market, with incredible externals, and extremely good internals to boot.
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Old August 21st, 2012, 01:43   #9
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Like the others have said, an AEG is best to start out with. I would suggest getting a gun that is on sale in the site (Once your age verified if possible) you would save a ton of money and usually people sell guns with a few other items that you need (mags, batteries, maybe some accessories) so you dont have to fork out alot of money on all new gear when you havent seen if you like the sport yet. Before you buy anything I would suggest getting age verified and browsing through the buy/sell forums and see what you can get if you arent pleased then go to town on a website of some sort, but expect to be paying alot more.
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Old August 21st, 2012, 08:19   #10
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For an AEG the king arms full metal M4 is the defacto entry level gun at this point.

I know a few guys with them, myself included, and they are a great starter and a solid platform for future tinkering
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Old August 21st, 2012, 11:15   #11
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Okay, let's put things straight. People who says that GBBRs are a no-go for starters are off the track. It's like saying ''Get a standard gas Honda rather than a Manual TDI Volks''; In the end, you'll end up with problems if you don't do proper maintenance.

Can you have problems out of the box with an AEG ? Yes. With a GBBR ? Yes.

Are broken parts expensive for AEGS ? Yes. For GBBRs ? Yes.

And the list goes on...

The only point that really makes a difference here is if you're a kind of person that like cleaning and doing maintenance on his guns. If not, opt for an AEG. If so, opt for either an AEG or a GBBR because regardless of what type of gun you have, you'll take care of it.

IMO, people that get GBBRs as their first gun will learn to grow with it and understand them much more in the end. Same applies for people that always played with AEGs.

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Old August 21st, 2012, 11:57   #12
"bb bukakke" KING!
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Whatever a player ends up buying, they will get used to using and maintaining, I don't think that is really ever an issue. What's an issue is how much you want to spend initially in proportion to how much it can be used, effectively.

based on a buying new budget, going GBBR will be the more expensive route, from a firefight effectiveness point of view, AEG would be a safer bet, unless everyone you know plays with gbb, then it's an even playing field.

When you aren't constrained by budget limitations.. ie, saving up for a while, lots of disposable income. (single, well employed etc :P) you can do whatever you want really.

But most people tend to make recommendations on the cheap to start... why invest 1000 into a rifle and mags to find out in a year you don't like it or don't have time for it... you turn into one of those guys trying to sell their 'LNIB gun for 50 bucks off of retail after you've gamed it a couple times'

An AEG with 1 highcap can be fielded in a skirmish, much to the chagrin of the highcap nazis, but it's ready to play, if the person likes playing they can buy more low or midcaps.

A GBBR with 1 realcap mag will need several more mags to make you even remotely effective in a firefight. So you pay as much if not more as an AEG for the rifle and then that again that for mags.
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Old August 21st, 2012, 12:37   #13
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I agree that most players out there (95% and up) doesn't play with realcaps, AEG or GBBR, and yes that could be a problem for starters getting a GBBR.

And yes, GBBRs aren't as common as AEGs, making them hard to sell since most players are not into them that much, and are more expensive than stock AEGs.

I learned with time that selling my airsoft guns was useless, because you know that 5-6 years later you'll be playing airsoft again like I did haha !

West Coast EOD Supporter. // Bang One, Bang Em All ! // In war, it's not who's right, but who's left.
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Old August 21st, 2012, 13:00   #14
"bb bukakke" KING!
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it takes so long to liquidate all your stuff from any hobby... and usually by the time you get rid of the last piece.. you get that itch to play again. Always hold onto the bare minimum :P Or once you decide to liquidate all.. there's no turning back.
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