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Old March 18th, 2015, 07:21   #886
Join Date: Nov 2014
Thanks for the quick answer E-Luder and MaybeStopCalling

''the Shooter's Design slides have a looser tolerance than the PGC ones.''

I am not sure to really understand whats better. Looser tolerance?
Are you saying the PGC have a similar but a better/tighter fit?

''THe only thing that i would recommend you changing out the hammer spring. THe rest is "if it's not broke, don't fix it" type deal.''

I am making myself a second slide kit. That why I am buy so much parts.
1) Gaz Dunter Slide
(Original/Not broken parts) slide + external\internal Barrel, Hopup set, Nozzle set, Blow back assembly set

2) Propane or GG
(Stronger & better parts) Alu slide + external\internal Barrel, Nozzle, 150% recool spring
(Everythings other little parts requires to make it a 2 sec swap) Hopup parts,, Blow back assembly parts.

But I guest keeping most Original TM i can should make my life easier and my slide heavier
KISS like they say. Keep It Simple Stupid

The question is, willI I be able to find every little ttiny parts :-\

''On the upgrade/stock list: Nine Ball Hop Bucking, TK Twist Barrel, and Hammer Spring. Else just upgrade it when it breaks. Oh, and the sights. The TM sights suck. SUCK.''

I want to different slide kit I can swap whenever I Use duster or Propane. That why I ''change'' so many things.
But to keep my life simple and my slide heavier Ill buy mostly original parts.

Thanks for the late night answer, I was not expecting to be answer that quickly.

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