Thread: ICS Woes
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Old May 19th, 2009, 16:19   #16
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PM Shinobii. He's either got one in stock or can get one or (if you're really nice and a contributing member of society) he might pull one out of a stock gun in a pinch).

The last one I needed, I picked up...but I'm sure he prefers shipping them out for most cases.

He's bringing in a bunch of complete upper mechboxes as that's a nice option to have in a pinch.

If the nozzle/cylinder head airseal is good...then it could well be the nozzle-rubber fit.

With the rifle fully assembled, I'd do the following in this order (least work to most involved):
1. Pull the barrel, reseat the existing hopup rubber. Reassemble and test.
2. Swap the hopup rubber, reassemble and test
3. Check the piston o-ring/cylinder compression, test
4. Swap upper into another rifle that's working reliably

Best of luck,

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