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Old May 19th, 2009, 16:17   #10
GBB Whisperer
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Interesting to hear, Huang. I'd probably come by the shop to check them out to compare to the real thing when you get them in stock. I'd like to do a review/comparison to the real thing.

I recommend a lot of guys to get your CR Speed replica when they are tight on budget. It is hard to ignore the price point your products come at.

I get real Ghost holsters for around $190 (depending on exchange rate at the time of purchase. The distributor is Canadian based but works in USD).

If this product is viable, I would definitely recommend buyers on a budget to get it. I've chosen the real Ghost holster for my own use, after having owned and used the real CR Speed WSM II holster, Huang's replica, and real Ghost holsters. Huang's CR Speed WSM II replica was very very close to the real thing with good almost comparable build quality at a great price. Hopefully the Ghost holster is similar in build quality.

Originally Posted by Invasian View Post
Available for lefthanders?
Real steel version Ghost holsters are fixed sided. You must indicate the draw side preference at time of purchase and can not be changed afterwards. The CR Speed WSM II, on the other hand, can be configured for left or right handed shooting.

Also, the CR Speed WSM II also allows the user to configure the holster to handle a multitude of frame/trigger platforms, from Beretta to Glock to 1911 to STI/SVI and more as well as various lengths of barrels/compensators, up to a total length of 7" for barrel + compensator

The Ghost holsters, on the other hand, are opposite - you must get it for the specific gun platform and can not be reconfigured. If you shoot Glock, get Glock. If you shoot STI/SV, get STI/SV. You can not switch it at a later time. These limitations result in a very small and light weight holster that has a superior trigger guard locking mechanism compared to the CR Speed option.
On the upside, the lack of a muzzle base allows infinite upper assemblies to attach to the holster with no need to reconfigure a muzzle base. This is good for shooters who may shoot in multiple divisions at a match/tournament, or if their primary pistol fails and has to resort to a secondary pistol that has a different length.

Last edited by ILLusion; May 19th, 2009 at 16:24..
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