Thanks to all the sponsors for their prizes and of course to my fellow admin staff for running it. Bob you did a fantastic job being lead admin my man. You delt with the issues at hand the best way possible for the best possible outcome of the game. Casey how many miles did you end up walking? Al ran a tight ship and for the first time I saw an airsoft event briefing and game start within 15 mins of intended .. and to those PDW and my fellow Wolfpack members for pitching in when 200 people showed up to sign in, and at the chrono etc... You went to play and volunteered your time to work. Shows the community what you are made of!
I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Mark (paranoid) and I had a blast running you around in the trucks. apparently the site operators said "that was great, see you next year" to Al so with any luck we can get back to those canyons and hammer it out!
Mark will be hosing his pictures shortly I am sure. Keep your eye on