The only real laws that the average person needs to know are this, but they fall under common sense and safe practices with any weapon:
Displaying a replica firearm (airsoft gun, regardless of clear body or orange tip) in a public place not designated as a field allowed for the discharge of firearms, is against the law, and the officers of the law will respond in a way relative to your actions (you may be shot, arrested, jailed, fined, etc...).
Buying a replica firearm (airsoft gun, more often than not regardless of clear or coloured) from overseas will get the gun confiscated at the border, and a letter from the CBSA stating so, and possible legal suits to follow.
To everyone else, if I am incorrect about something I've said, correct me.
Ár skal r?*sa, sá er annars vill
fé eða fjör hafa. Sjaldan liggjandi úlfur
lær um getur né sofandi maður sigur.